
KAILEX (the goddess of kings)

(gasps) as they all turned around to see what was behind them " KAILEX the goddess of will" Hasmel said in Amazement "but you died along with king Harold and the people of barbendel" kaliat said she was floating in the air as she surround them " you remember the story of how we ended but you don't remember our history" they all got confused " you've all forgotten that I serve all kings I left because my king died but now that this Sweet hearts sat on the throne he became my king and the king of BARBENDEL so I came to do my duty" Di'on smiled " it's an honor to see you in person " he said " me too and thank God my king is a warrior cause people will come looking for ur head " " why" Hasmel asked " do you really think Harold was a bad king and that the sword is evil" she replied then they got confused " but the history of barbendel" " what they told you and all those history books were all lies" she cut him of " it was preplanned to erase barbendel from the surface of the earth" Hasmel spoke in a low tune " you are very wise your highness i am happy serve you " kailex spoke " so what now " he asked " there are many secret about barbendel that no one knows about, you have to live a normal life and find out about the secret of barbendel I could take you home right now if you want but first let me show you something" then she brought a mirror for him to see his face he touched his face multiple times " what's the meaning of this" he asked in anger " calm down my king it is reversible if you find favour in the eyes of the people of barbendel you will be free and back to your normal self " she calmed him down " but that's impossible all the people of barbendel are dead " kaliat said " oh that's a rumors some of them ran away before the war the people of barbendel were given special skills to blend in it was the kings. last wish so the gods gave it to him so barbendel will not be lost forever " she explained then Hasmel let out a long sign " take me home" he spoke " yes ur highness " for now Asmendan needs a king since father is no we're to be seen my people needs me " he said finally kaliat has been waiting for those words for so long he taught he'll never here then finally today is not his day he already know to much already he'll act like today is a dream if he sees tomorrow then kailex took them away ......