
Chapter 1 ~ hold my dreams

As I lay here looking up at the empty dark sky, I realise that I'm alone and that's okay because at least I can't hurt myself right? Even when I'm all alone I somehow feel comforted and safe. Strange I know but when you've been to hell and back more than once, you start to fade so far way from that person you once knew. The person that would have an exquisite laugh, beautiful honey deep eyes. Are now a depressing sadness, anger and despair.

The autumn breeze quickly whipping me in the face pulling me out off a day dream from the past. I'm glad it did..I-I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER!

But I can feel it seeping in the darkness is taking over. I can feel the man I so badly want to forget snake his disgusting arms round the back of my neck, until I feel his fingers enclosing on my throat and..I-I can't b-breath He's actually going to kill me this time and i c-can't stop him!

With the last breath barely escaping my mouth all i can see is blackness, and him saying my name over and over in my ear in a whispering tone but almost hissing it out off his mouth... Freya.., Freya.., F-Fr-e-y—a...

Then nothing...