
Darkest desire_devil reincarnation(r18)

[Warning: sexual content,dual cultivation(R-18) and MC prefers milfs] [Warning: cold MC who has the back of devil himself hence he don't give a second thought before things he like] [ Further warning : this story has frequently repeated incest relationship. avoid reading if it harms your thoughts.} [note - the story has quest and reward system.] __________________________ Sam suicide after the constant betrayal from his loved one. had an encounter with the yama and the devil (fallen god). sam made an agreement with the devil himself - born again but with a twist of having 2 souls (sam and devil both) sam reborn in the world of gods. join the journey as sam and devil clears there obstacle and and become the true god.

Rthe_alphabet · ファンタジー
30 Chs

chapter 1: Sam, yama and devil

Chapter 1: Sam, yama and the Devil

Sam stood in the office, his heart was heavy as he had just been called by his boss, Sarah.

He knew his journey had come to an end. This is his final day. He has lost everything his name, reputation everything. All because of her.

They had both joined the company together in its infancy, once friends bound by shared dreams of success.

He Remembers during the start of their work they both worked together and eventually fell in love and hence they dated for a long time, but who knows what got into her that she decided to cheat him. But she didn't stop there. Her schemes were just the start.

Soon as the years passed, Sarah had become a constant obstacle in Sam's path to advancement, always one step ahead in the race for promotions.

She has taken everything from her constant schemes to remove him from work making the life of Sam worse.

But Sam still wondered why she had done all this she could have just asked him and he would have left. Why do all this?

Finally, the day he had always predicted would come, Her words hit Sam like a sledgehammer. He was being fired, and accused of a sexual scandal he had no part in.

The betrayal cut deep, leaving Sam reeling with disbelief and anger. He had given everything to this company, sacrificing his personal life and relationships on the altar of ambition, only to be cast aside as he had just joined yesterday.

One last time he looked at Sarah and said " This is all you're doing right? what do you get from all this? what I ever done to you?"

Sarah replied " I hate you Samm... I hated you since the moment I saw you. You had everything sam to make it big skills, mind everything. I knew till you were here I couldn't make it big. Hence I just wanted to destroy you, I like it when I see you in pain and frustrated, I just wish I could kill you. Now fuck off."

Sam seeing the anger and hate in Sarah's eyes, thought about how a person had changed so much what had happened to that fun-loving person whom he at met earlier in her life, was this all her scheme from the beginning, has she planned all this from the start?

Sam said, " Sarah was all this your plan from the start?"

Sarah laughed and said "Of course so much fun to love and then cheat you and finally ah... Destroy you. Fuck off now I have to focus on the new target."

Sam said Why so much hate Sarah? Why? I have even loved you all my life. Don't you understand it? Why scheme so much? I wished we hadn't crossed paths otherwise all this wouldn't have happened. Goodbye, Sarah. I hope you regret your actions."

As he walked away from the office building, Sam's mind was full of regrets.

He had always been a solitary figure, estranged from his family and consumed by his drive for success. Now, faced with the consequences of his choices, he couldn't help but wonder if it had all been worth it.

Regrets gnawed at his soul as he trudged along the empty street. If only he had taken a different path, and prioritised love and connection over career advancement, maybe he wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe he would have a family, a wife, and children to come home to at the end of the day.

With each step, the weight of his mistakes bore down on him. Maybe death was the only way out, he thought bitterly. He glanced at the approaching car, its headlights slicing through the darkness like a beacon of escape. Without hesitation, Sam stepped into its path, welcoming the oblivion it promised.




The impact was swift and brutal. Pain exploded through Sam's body as he was flung to the ground, his world spinning into darkness. He knew that this was the end, that death had finally come to claim him.

But as he lay there, broken and bleeding, Sam heard voices nearby.

Two figures emerged from the wrecked car, their imposing forms casting long shadows over him.

Sam has never seen such type of car a black sedan with a red devil tattoo on the front of the car.'

They approached with an air of solemnity, their faces obscured by the night.

"We're sorry," one of them said, his voice tinged with regret. "It seems we've ended your life prematurely."

As Samm lays there, the voice made him come back to his senses. The voice sounded too sam like very cold, it sounded regretful but very calm.

Sam struggled to make sense of their words, his mind clouded with pain and confusion. Who were these people, and why were they apologizing for his death?

Sam told them "It is okay, it wasn't your fault I jumped in front of the car."

Before he could form a coherent thought, one of the figures stepped forward, his features finally coming into focus. He introduced himself as Yama, the god of death, and the other as the Devil, the fallen god. Sam's heart pounded in his chest as he realised that he was standing before beings from the afterlife. And he was certain this was the moment and he didn't want his new life like this one.

Yama explained their role in Sam's demise, and then posed a question that sent a chill down his spine: "What is your deepest desire?"

In that moment of clarity, Sam knew exactly what he wanted. "I wish... I wish I could be reborn," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the din of the night.

Yama and the Devil exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions unreadable. But before Sam could answer them further his conscious left and he lost his sense any moment he could die.

Yama told the devil "he could be perfect for your plans. Think about it nobody would know about his soul and he is the exception that he died because of me."


request to readers - hello readers, if you are reading this story and enjoying it or not please post a review regarding how you feel the story. it will get better and better i promise you that. do comment with suggestion so that i can improve. your comments can help a lot. so dont forget to share how you feel about.


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