
Darkest day descends

He just wanted to be happy but was betrayed by humanity he was framed by the princess of his country and his family disowned him not wanting to get on the bad side of the Royal family His mother was also assassinated As a trash in the academy white Silvera could only endure the pain and humiliation Until he decided to commit suicide his attempt led him to gain a system with gave him power giving rise to DARKDAY the terror of humans and demons

Filthythree · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Villain Rising

I walked back to my room , I was exhausted from the fight in the dungeon though I have skills that made the the most powerful person on the planet currently I don't have the mana capacity to use the skills 

The skills I can use now and not be really exhausted is telekinesis, heat vision , ice creation and flight the rest crazily consume mana especially absolute zero a ice skill that freezes space and time 

I laid down on my bed then got up and i looked at myself in the mirror my body shape has changed I am not 1 inch taller than the last time I measured my height

I looked at my white hair and pale skin I sighed out loud though I have the characteristics the children of Silvera household have I can't be a child of the house hold since my father already disowned me 

I didn't plan on revealing my powers sonner I wanted to upgrade my mana capacity to enable me to use my skills without suffering from mana exhaustion 

I laid back on my bed my eyes heavy as they closed themself I fell asleep quickly 


In a beautifully decorated room princess phonia sat on the sofa placed in the sitting room of the mansion in the school though the school treats students as equals they still give respect to people from the Royal families and other powerful families 

She was deeply in thought she was obviously thinking of a boy 

"White Silvera" she said calling his name out 

"Did you need anything your highness" her attendant asked 

"Yes , I want you to find me everything about the boy named white Silvera" the princess responded 

"You mean the denounced son of the Silvera family, the fallen noble" The attendant asked confused as to why her master wanted to know about a fallen noble 

"Just do as I say and do t question my authority" the princess replied 

The first time she knew white he was a skirt chaser wanting to date all the beautiful ladies in the academy 

He got into her blacklist , the blacklist contained names of people in which she would act against 

After a month of adding white's name to the list she reported to her father the king of all the atrocities white has committed in the academy and also framing him of trying to peek into her bathroom 

king Luther princess Phonia's father was angry and declared that white should be punished exposing the letter the princess send to everyone 

The whole academy condemned him that day and that was the day his family also disowned him turning him to a fallen noble 

He was suspended for 1 months and after he came back he was complaining different 

He doesn't react to the provocation directed at him he just keeps heading to the direction he's going 

He doesn't even bother to make friends and just live his life in solitude and don't even accept duels except the time she forced him to fight and he lost to just one attack

She knew something must have happened that short period of time but she will never find out because he won't tell her 

Afterall she's the cause of his predicament as she framed him for what he didn't do

No one defended him and no one questioned her just because she's the princess 

If she wanted him dead that day they would have killed him instead of taking him to the abandoned dungeon and locking him there for one month 

She felt scared 

"What if I have created a villain that will hunt everyone of us" she said 

"Pfft" she laughed 

"Villain a guy that can't even grow beyond f-rank" she said to herself her laugh filled the room 


I was running in the darkness as I was been chased by a six legged wolf my heart was slamming against my chest since the day I've thrown into this dungeon I have not rested neither did I eat or drink 

All have been doing is running , ruling from my death because I know if the monster chasing after me gets me I'll die a horrible death 

I ran until I was exhausted having no strength I fell down waiting for death but nothing happened 

I opened my eyes and saw myself back in my room the run has not risen and the academy was quiet 

The nightmare I had was about what I experienced in the abandoned dungeon after princess phonia framed me of peeking into her bathroom 

Though the abandoned dungeon is made up of illusions the mental damage I received of dying over and over again almost mad me go crazy 

I remembered the time I walked to the top of the cliff wanting to kill myself and the white light that pieces my neck which turns out to be the copy system 

After the princess incident I knew I have nobody to trust except myself 

My sister could only do a little for me , she won't want to be disowned by the family because of interacting with me so she kept her distance in public places 

I'm alone in this world I knew that I'm alone and all I have is myself to take care of 

I felt betrayed by all of humanity they didn't want to question the world of their princess because they are all trying to gain her favour 

As a fallen noble there's nothing I can do I'm no different from a commoner 

I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection 

My reflection stated moving stepping out of the glass and started walking around me 

"So what will you do now white?" He asked 

"I don't know" I replied him my gaze on the floor I felt my heart break at the thought of been alone in this world 

'Didn't I have the right to also be happy' I thought 

I thought power will bring me happiness but. Ow that I've gained power I didn't have enough mana to wield it 

I'm trying my best to improve to prove to everyone that they are wrong about me but they just don't care about me 

They all hail the princess and other students with powerful background

At first I thought I could escape from the depression by getting a girlfriend I chased after ladies like a mad man looking for the one that can make me happy 

I make friends with funny people but never laughed even as I tell jokes in class I just wanted to feel normal 

But at the end of every thing I'm back at square one

"Don't you want to be happy" my reflection said 

"You know what I want " I replied him he was my reflection and he should also feel how I feel 

"You know I'm not your reflection" he said as he stood beside me 

I looked at the mirror I could see my reflection and his reflection standing side by side

"You have to control your emotions, I'm your darkness and I'll take over your body when ever your emotions gets I to the negative side" he said 

"You remember what happened in the dungeon during the last test?" He asked 

I nodded looking at the ground looking at my fingers 

"I can be much more worst than that" he said nodding to himself has his face showed a devious smile 

"See you later " he said disappearing from my view 

I let out a short but deep sigh and turned away from the mirror 

Revenge yes I want revenge on the Royal family , on my family , the humans in this world I'll never forgive them 

They killed my mother , my happiness and took everything away from me 

I'm just an empty shell walking through the streets 

'i'll destroy everything and everyone ' I said a devilish smile forming on my face as the other guy has taken over 

But who cares I don't give a fuck about what happens to anyone 

I smiled as I activated the skill clone creation the clone's body drew out of the dark , he resembles me perfectly 

"Act like my usual self and follow my daily routine I wat to get some fresh hair" I said 

The clone moved and went into the bathroom and started washing 

I don't know what happened but my mana capacity has shot to the EX rank a rank rivaling the gods 

I could not think clearly but I didn't try to think as my body moved on its own 

I jumped out of the window and activated flight I moved through the sky 3 times after than the speed of sound 

Creating telekinetic barrier to reduce the wind resistance I arrived in the country named Kezz the country where the assassins that killed my mother came from 

As assassins or mercenaries the Less town is a safe zone as the government won't touch and criminal in Kezz town 

I floated in the air myt black coat fluttered in the air the wind blew my white hair I already

covered my face with a mask 

"Citizens of the city of Kezz today is the day you die" my voice was loud reaching everyone in the city they all looked up