

"Gwyns beard that was awful!" I say as I put my sunlight straight sword on my hip and my lothric great sword on my back. There I stood above the ashes of the lord of cinders beside the first flame. I have no intention of continuing this age of fire for this world is tired and need to continue. But I will not plunge this world into dark. I have thought it over for years and have decided to call upon the fire keeper to do the job she was to do since the beginning and care for the flame.

As I start to travel to her summoning sight I feel a slight pull and then my vision turns bright as if I was staring at the sun. I have to blink a few times for my eyes to go back to normal and when they do I was shocked. I don't see the first kiln nor the dark sign in the sky but instead I appear to be in a normal town. With people roaming the streets around me some humans others with animal features all going about there day to day business. If one where to see this they might have noticed a certain person wheeling a complete set of armor with unusual depictions engraved on to the armor (think of the faraam armor) with a grate sword a long as it's weirder on there back along with a ordinary looking straight sword attached to their left hip.

'Where in isolith am I!?' I question as I look around me, panic slowly starting to seep in.

'Ok, calm there is nothing to worry about, just find a bond fire and go from there. That should be easy enough, right?'

I began to wander around the city seeing things that I have not scene before. Weird lizard and bird animals drawing carts and everything being in a language that I don't recognize. I continue walking and eventually end up in front of a stand of someone selling some kind of fruit called an appa.

"Excuse me but can I ask a question?" I said worried that they might find it rude. After all I need to know where I am so I can really only ask him.

The man stares at me with a face of confusion before saying "sure but you need to buy something or I won't say anything." The man said in a rough voice.

"Ok how much for an appa then?"

"It's one bronze coin for an appa." The man said as he held his hand out waiting for me to give him money.

"Ok. One second" I replied 'please tell me that this will work.' I put my hand into my bottomless box and pull out an ancient bronze coin and hand it over to the man. He looks at for a few second before saying "what is this, I have never seen a coin like this, and why does it look so old?" 'This was what I was worried about' but before I could come up with an excuse about the coin he put it in his pocket and said "well whatever I guess you aren't from lugunica. So what are you a foreigner or something?" The man asked "yeah I am a bit lost and I just need help with directions. Tell me do you know how to get to lothric?" I asked thankful that he actually took the bronze coin.

"I've never head of it, sorry but you should try asking a cartographer they might have a map that could take you there. Well if that's it could you get moving I still need to run a business you know." The man said "sure, and thank you." I replied as I got moving further down the road and away from the shop 'ok so I Need to find a cartographer and ask them for help, but where to find one? Dame I should have asked him, well no point in asking now.' I keep walking Until I see a blond blurry figure go past me into an alleyway not to far from me and chasing the blurry figure is a woman with silver hair yelling "stop give it back" her eyes where closed so she ended up running into me and hit her head hard on my armor. "Oww" the woman complained while rubbing her head.

"are you ok?" I ask while giving her a hand up. "Mm, yeah I'm fine thanks, wait did you see a blond haired girl run past here!" She's asked with panic in her voice.

"Yeah I saw here run through that alley way but why are you chasing her?" I asked since you don't just run offer someone for no reason.

"Er, well she stole something important to me and I need to get it back."

"Oh? Do you want me to help you find her?" I asked since I am a warrior of sunlight and we almost always try to help another when given a chance.

"Thanks, if it won't be to Much trouble" she replied with a thankful expression.

" oh by the way my name is Alister, of lothric But just call me al, that's what everyone would call me. So what's your name?" I asked since it was only proper if you are going to help someone to tell them your name.

"My name is… satella." She said with a face that looked almost scared. 'That is definitely not her name but what ever, I'm in no place to judge since I don't actually remember my real name, but I wonder why does she look scared when she said that name?'

"Ok satella, do you know where whe should look first?" I asked even though I could probably have a good idea as to where she is going.

"I think we should ask around the shops and see if anyone knows her Since she seemed to know what she was doing." She said and so we where asking all of the shop keepers and owners and eventually found out that she was a infamous thief that would steel a number of things then sell them in the slums during an auction so that was our next destination.