
Chapter Six 

Human realm

Qiu Yu Dan woke up startled and panting heavily and look around the environment she woke up in. The only thought in Yu Dan's mind is why is the environment she is in so familiar. Yu Dan looks at her hands and saw that it was still her stubby short hands that is still free of the scars that she will have later on in her life. The realization that she had become young again send fireworks of happiness bursting in Yu Dan's heart, but it was to be short lived.

Yu Dan looks at the calendar on her room desk and realized that it was one week after her father which she later knows to be her adoptive father had died from his duties as a drugs enforcement police officer. The sadness of not being reborn at an earlier time almost overwhelm Yu Dan until she could almost literally feel herself suffocating.

Even in Yu Dan's previous life when she realizes how her original family members really treated her when she had reached home after escaping from the slave catchers, she had not felt hate towards heaven. But at the realization that even after being reborn, Yu Dan's still could not escape from losing her loving adoptive father, she really could feel hate towards the heavens overwhelming her.

But a long-cherished memory of her loving adoptive father appears in Yu Dan's mind which had ensured that in her previous life, she had not gone mad from the tribulations that she had gone through. It was the memory of her adoptive father telling Yu Dan how proud he was to be a drug enforcement police officers and the stories of the drug bursts he had gone through. Yu Dan stood up bite her teeth and start sieving through the memories of her life before her birth parents had bring her back in her previous life.

And it was these memories that allow Yu Dan to remember the fact that her adoptive father had an insurance policy cash-out of fifty thousand. Yu Dan sincerely in her heart thanks her adoptive father for his meticulous planning and already had plans for her future. Suddenly Yu Dan remembers something from her previous life that even if she turn to ashes, she will not forget. It was Jing Ling who had ensure that she could escape from the clutches of the slave catchers that will be bringing the women to the army to be army prostitutes.