

Fate is a capricious companion, and in an instant, it tore the cocoon of safety and innocence of Ashley asunder. Her perfect world falls apart firstly by a cruel accident, a tragic twist of destiny that stole the two people who had filled her world with warmth and love. Her parents, the pillars of her existence, were gone. As she tried to live on for her only brother, the girl's world crumbled, fate decided it wasn't done yet. She was thrust into a new reality, one where tears flowed like rivers and the night brought not dreams, but nightmares. The world she once knew, a haven of laughter and simplicity, had transformed into a merciless landscape of pain and crime. In the days and months that followed, she would learn to navigate the treacherous waters of this new existence as she now belonged to a family she never wanted- The Mafia.

_RealEsperanza · 若者
30 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three - Mission

Most people dreamt of their wedding day, of how big or small it was going to be, of how their happiness would know no bounds after it but this was nothing like those kind of weddings.

The wedding was weird and hurriedly done, no vows, no love declarations, probably because there was none, just an exchange of rings and signing of some papers.

As Rosa laid on her bed crying her eyes out all I could do was watch, I was told she had to be out in ten minutes for the reception party but I really didn't know how to approach her so I left so as not to aggravate the whole thing.

From the way she cried I knew she'd been trying to act strong and pretend to be okay with everything even though she wasn't and as much as I wanted to comfort her, I couldn't have her lashing out at me again.

I didn't want to go back into the hall but if I wanted to get back to my room I had to go through it, I stood by the door inspecting the hall, the guests had somehow reduced in number and Madame Aurora, Antonio's and Rosa's mother were busy attending to the remaining guests.

All I had to do was move from this exit to the other and I could leave,

''What are you doing?'' a voice cooed in my ear, but before I could turn around to see who it was, I felt a sharp pinch in my neck,

"Ahh!!" I shrieked as I was pierced with a syringe and in a matter of seconds everything went black.


Alessio's POV

"Happy Married Life Brother, we should throw a real party when we get back." I teased putting on my bulletproof vest.

"Why don't you go join the party right now so I'll know you're truly excited for me" he countered,

"..and miss this one, no damn way." I replied seriously, I couldn't miss this 'party' for anything in the world,

"Well then, go put on your dancing shoes and let's go party, just don't party too hard.." He teased,

"Understood." I replied and Antonio left to go make sure everyone was ready.

Antonio might be blinded by his quest for revenge but he was sensible enough not to put the people he loved in danger.

I knew what this meant to him, if we get Montenegro tonight then we finally be able to avenge out family.

Blood for blood, even if it doesn't take away the pain of losing them, at least he won't be walking a free man.

Everyone worked as fast as they could, they all knew the urgency and relevance of today's mission. After months of searching, we finally had Montenegro where we wanted him,so all that's left is to make sure he dies and stays dead this time around.

I notice how cautious Antonio was regarding my involvement in this mission, he's giving me a chance to back out but I don't take it because the man in question hurt me too. His blood flowing through my veins is more reason why I want him dead, I may not be the one to pull the trigger but at least Antonio will, satisfying both our quests for revenge.

As the cars starts to move I peek through the windscreen to see the party in full swing, although most of the men were going with us, a few were left back so as not to raise any suspicions.

The plan was perfect, today of all days Montenegro will never expect what's coming to him. We know without a doubt he would have heard of Antonio's wedding because we believe he has eyes on us just as we do on him. So while he thinks we're back at the mansion celebrating, he won't be prepared for the attack that will end his pathetic life.

As soon as the cars comes to a halt, the men jumped out and stationed themselves in their various position, as was planned, making sure all possible exists is covered.

I stare at the mansion in front of me, The Montenegro Palace; hidden away from the city, I expected him to at least keep a low profile but his stupid side always gets the best of him.

After weeks of watching the mansion, we were sure Montenegro was hiding here, Antonio gave the command and the mission was in full swing.

Gunshots rang throughout the area as his men were taken out one after the other, Antonio led his group into the mansion through the front door while my group took the back.

The inside of the mansion was dark and oddly quiet, we searched through the lower floor but not a soul was found. I heard the sound of shuffling upstairs and everyone stood alert ready to attack.

"FUCK THIS!!!!" I heard my brother yell from upstairs,

What happened now?!,

I ran up the stairs to find Antonio smashing everything he could lay his hands upon while his men stood there dumbfounded,

"THAT MOTHERFUCKING SCUM BAG TRICKED US!!" he yelled again as he flipped a table over in rage.

"Calm down Antonio and tell me what the fuck is happening?!" I asked,

"He tricked us, that scum bag knew everything, he knew we were coming." He replied trying to calm himself,

"What?, How?!"

He handed me an envelope as he paced the length of the room cursing in frustration.

The envelope was already open so I just took out the paper, From the handwriting I already knew who wrote this;

To my beloved Son Alessio, the bastard Antonio or whoever the fuck finds this,

It must be very heartbreaking for you to once again fail, I know how much work you must have put into trying to end my life but that won't be happening anytime soon , for my life cannot come to an end yet, there is still so much to accomplish and a lot of people to kill.

As much as you want me in your grasp right now Antonio, I must once again elude it.

To my dearest and beloved son Alessio, I wish with all my heart that you and your whore of a mother; who I'm willing to give a second chance, realize that your place is by my side. I have a lot to teach and share with you, so you can one day be the greatest Montenegro that ever lived.

How I wish to see you again my son, but until then remember that I will be there when you need me.

Wish your step-brother a happy married life, I would have graced his wedding with my presence, but who knows maybe I did....

Yours Truly

Don. Montenegro

"We need to go!" I quickly folded the letter and stuffed it in my pocket,

"Why?!" Antonio asked,

"Did you finish the damn letter?!" I asked running down the stairs with Antonio hot on my heel,


Of course, you didn't.

"I think he went to the mansion, I'm not sure but knowing how demented he is, there's no telling what he can do." I replied,

Antonio nodded in understanding and everyone rushed back to their cars as we sped back to the mansion.

I tried calling Mom, but she wasn't picking up. Antonio also tried calling Dom who he'd left in charge but his line wasn't going through.

I called Aurora and luckily for us she picked up,

"Please tell me he's dead so I can truly celebrate because this wedding was such a bore" she said as soon she picked up.

"Aurora, what's the state of the house presently?" I asked purposely ignoring her request,

"Well...., nothing's wrong here, the party ended a few minutes ago, the guests already left and the place is being tidied up, Mom went to put Ariel to bed and our dearest bride has locked herself in her room." She replied a tired yawn

I sighed in relief and I could see Antonio visibly relax,

"Okay, we'll be home soon." I replied,

"Well, aren't you going to tell me what happened there?" She asked,

"We'll explain everything when we get there." I stated heavily defeated,

"I don't like the sound of that, where's Antonio?!, why the fuck isn't he saying anythi-"

I ended the call and switched off my phone, I didn't need Aurora making matters worse.

I turned to Antonio but he had his face away from me,

"Anto-" I began but he cut me off,

"I failed him," he mumbled, "I once again proved how much of a failure I am. I couldn't save him and I still couldn't avenge him, how the fuck am I supposed to run this empire if I'm this incapable of getting things done?!!" He lamented loudly,

I took out a bottle of wine from the cooler and two glasses, I had no idea how to go about the situation, I hated seeing my brother so defeated despite the fact he worked tirelessly to ensure our attack was a success, so I just poured us both a drink and silently handed him his.

From the little I knew, Antonio needed space and I wasn't going to force anything on him right now.

We quietly rode home sipping our wine and lost in our various worlds.

As the car came to a halt in front of the mansion, we all knew that something was definitely wrong.

He was here....!


Another chapter

Short but interesting,

This one isn't exactly edited

Next chapter soon

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