
dark souls: the human

what was he supposed to do... he was a soldier of gwyn for as long he could remember... but his lord had sacrificed himself to keep the first flame lit... now follow this banished black knight on his journey through lordran to follow his late kings wish. (a/n this is an idea I've had for a while. so here I am)

Scathach_ · ゲーム
4 Chs

chapter 1

It was an honor to be a part of gwyns knight, an honor most people couldn't accomplish.

Either because racism, self doubt, or because of arrogance.

As soon as you were a knight, you were thrown into the world of anor londo and the gods.

Now our main protagonist was the first human knight in years, most were in the form of demigods, and very few gods.

Jack was hope that humanity could strive for change, because while he could be in anor londo like the rest of the knights, he wasn't.

Instead, he traveled the lands of undead burg doing his part for the poor humans down below who were all but forgotten by the gods.

The rest of the black knights and some of the silver knights have looked down on him for helping the "weak people" of their kingdom.

Now, while Jack was strong, he certainly wasn't strong like artorias, or even ornstein. Smough he could definitely beat, even if smough had the superior strength.

Jack did have one thing going for him though. The sole reason he wasn't picked apart and thrown from lordran yet.

Velka's influence.

Now Jack has never met the woman personally, but SHE heard of him, and that was enough.

Whether that was good or bad depended on Jack's future actions.

The war with the dragons was greatly exaggerated. We did win, yes, but not to the degree they portrayed it.

There were still lots of dragons, maybe hundreds still left over. The drakes meanwhile were nearly wiped out with only ten remaining.

The gods treated death as something common, like one would treat a cockroach. We were disposable, but the others either didn't care, or didn't bother.

They simply fought for honor. Jack had done so because it was the highest paid job at the time.

Jack didn't have a family either, and he really cared about his people. He gave the people in undead burg food, or any supplies he could.

He knew what it was like to starve in the back alleys, with only yourself to rely on.

Jack's main choice of attack was with his helberg, or sometimes when he had it, his sword. He could use the great sword however it didn't suit his fighting style.

Not that he would anyways, as that thing was impractically slow. It was better to use the quicker options, as that led to more damage being done.

Though that didn't mean he wasn't knowledgeable about sorcery and miracles. He used many of them. Mostly healing miracles to help his fellow soldiers, and sorcery to keep enemies from breaking their defense.

His healing miracles were in vein, as the black knights and silver looked at him with hatred. They believed that dying for in Lord gwyns name was something to be proud of.

*Sigh* people in this place are super fucking stupid.

The only thing that Jack did have going for him was the bar in anor londo. They served the finest alcohol, and since he was a knight of gwyns, he either got a major discount, or free. Depends on who was the one dealing the drinks.

He met his only friend there too. She called herself V , and she could hold her liquor.

Now Jack wasn't stupid, but V was feared and he didn't know why? She was honestly such a lovely woman.

Though when she was drunk, she had a habit of talking about people's sins. Huh, didn't know she was a follower of velka.

They weren't as rare nowadays, they used to be. But as velka's influence spread, so did her followage.

Jack had seen gwyndolin and gwynevere on multiple occasions, as did many of his fellow knights.

That was his duty, to protect those from harm. There was also a third child of gwyn... But nobody knows what happened to him.

The ONLY people besides the peasants that Jack liked to be around were the people of catarina. They were always lovely people.

Oh, there was also a blacksmith named Andre that he visited often. He was regarded as the worst blacksmith in anor londo, but to Jack? He was amazing.

See the reason for this? Most of the people in anor londo preferred magic equipment over good old sturdy equipment.

He could go to Andre and have his equipment repaired, upgraded, and even enhanced, and it'll be good for a long while.

Meanwhile with other blacksmiths, their magic equipment was more flimsy and more prone to break.

Seath, much to Jack's displeasure was given his own part in anor londo, the library. Honestly, Jack wished someone would kill him. But no.

He was a great "help" in the dragon war, so he got to live. Ugh. Sure he did kill some of his own kind, but that was out of greed.

Jack had met the Witch of Izalith multiple times.even some of her daughters.

Quelaag, the eldest. She had a favorable opinion of jack. Though Jack didn't like the way she looked at him with those eyes.

(We don't know her name).

The fair lady, she was cute, in a little sister kind of way. She had the squishiest cheeks you could pinch.

The brother meanwhile, was the third oldest, and he looked up to Jack thinking he was the coolest person around.

The other 4 children were still on the younger side, they appeared to be around 9-14, though Jack just smiled and introduced himself.

Of course, Jack didn't have the heart to break it to him that he wasn't all that cool as he appeared to be.

The Witch of Izalith meanwhile, gave Jack a very bad feeling. Not The "I'm going to kill you" feeling.

But the "I'm doing something I'm not supposed to" vibe.

It wasn't like he could accuse her really, since that would be suicide. Literally and diplomatically.

He could accuse her, and all the good credit he earned so far would be ruined. Sure some would trust him, but where would be his proof?

In the end, Jack left it alone. Deciding that at the moment it wasn't his problem. Because rumors of a dragon were present in the streets near the depths.

So Jack went down, passing all the lovely people and waved hi to the lunch ladies. And went to where the dragon was said to be.

And low and behold there was one. It was growing teeth on its neck area, not quite all the way to its stomach.

(Instead of the game one, imagine it a little earlier on. Less horrific, but still bad)

Jack had seen many things, and there was honestly worse than this. The smell was horrific though.

The dragon was fast, with a swipe of its tail, it was able to fling columns at Jack. But with a quick roll, he managed to dodge most of it.

Jack held up his shield and blocked the rest of the debris and back quickly from the dragon.

While this wasn't as strong as the other dragons Jack had faced, a dragon was still a dragon.

With a swing of his helberg, a part of the dragon's foot was sliced off, causing it to lose balance. With that, Jack grabbed its tail and climbed onto the dragon's back.

With quick agile steps, Jack ran up its back impaling the back of the dragon's head, and with more more push the dragon brain was pierced.

The body of the dragon laid on the floor and its acidic blood was already corroding the stone floor.

Though Jack let out a groan as he saw his helberg already being a bit corroded. Though he knew his homie Andre would hook him up.

Jack soon climbed out of the depths, and back into undead burg. Where civilization was .. and away from the depths that smelled of butchered meat, and a dead dragon. 

(end of chapter)