
Dark Queen Tamara Original Sequel

She was told that she can never rule the world above her, and she was told to keep her legs close because only man can rule the upcoming world but the king who makes everyone his enemy and continuously tortures the innocent princess that he had snatched or even bought from, little does he know about what will happen next towards her desires to cease everyone as a team of her own and ruled over all celestial beings. _______________________________________ Hello dear readers I hope that every one of you does enjoy this book as it is my first time writing an actual story because I am so used to writing only poems and not literal stories but I was pushed out of my comfort zone by my friends and others who appreciate my work and last but not least this book did borrow the idea of one of those British queens during the ancient time where she hunts for young girls for their virgin blood

Rinasekhon · 若者
18 Chs

Chapter 5

The darkling tries to seduce her void of darkness away while she sways to the music of Beethoven of the dark age, diplomats were scattered across the ballroom of the castle that once used to be decorated with lively colors and the huts of lights but all changed since the throne was taken over of Tamara herself where all the diplomats and the villagers see is the essence of dark aura where it hunts peoples eyesight of how unforgettable her power is and there shall be no escape for those who attempt to flee because the border was indeed protected by celestials being as the guards of nights.

10 hours before the beginning of the new era and celebration

Seizing the opportunity of the sudden crowning despite the death of her poor husband doesn't upset her one bit as she was contained with the plans because she wanted to kill him so long ago before he had said a thing about it, she wanted to remind her father that the man her father sold her to is now dead and she made sure the news will travel far abroad. The swim of countless letters came as a warning from her father, but she was not bothered because she knows the army, she had built within the castle to keep herself secure.

Just when her mind drifted towards old memories started arising when the servants were getting her ready for her after party made her wonder why she was like that. Tamara's childhood can be proven with hard evidence, this is the period of her life where she speculated about the origins of her evil is centered. One favorite conspiracy is that her seizures were treated by rubbing the blood of a non-sufferer onto her lips or using a piece of their skull, thus igniting her insatiable bloodthirst. Another theory posited that she was trained by her family to be cruel, taught witchcraft, and exposed to Satanic worship. There is no evidence to support any of this. What we do know is that she was raised in luxury and a level of privilege denied to many Hungarian citizens.

She was so young and naïve did not know about the world outside of her old home where it was in Hemsworth Hungarian. Her father betrothed Ferenc Nádasdy before he finally gives her away to the abductor, a nobility and heir to one of the wealthiest dynasties in the region, although he was technically of lower social standing than his wife-to-be. They married when she was 15 and he was 19, and Ferenc took the surname Tamara. Nádasdy's wedding gift to Tamara was his household, Castle of Csejte, located on the lower end of the Carpathian Mountains. Only a few years after the wedding, Ferenc was promoted to the chief commander of Hungarian troops and sent to war against the Ottoman Empire. Despite how much she craved for her real love which was her husband that was brutally killed by her abductor because her father subjected and promised this abductor that he can take his daughter as she was worthless, her father was unaware if Tamara is capable to kill her abductor, then let alone her cruel father. Her train of thought was cut short when one of her servants was combing her hair and accidentally tugged on her hair, The countess erupted in anger, jumping up and striking the girl with the back of her hand.

The strike was so hard that it made the girl bleed and some of that blood was left on Tamara's hand. Later that evening before her crowning party, Tamara noticed that the skin on her hand where the blood had been looked more youthful than she had seen it in many years. This gave her the idea that if such a small amount of blood could make her hand look so young, then more could restore youthfulness to her whole body. It is said that in the celestial worlds of blood and feud of the old war, this is when the madness began alongside the erupted mixture of old witchcraft that made her so hungry for blood and just like that Tamara started to bathe in the blood of virgin girls.

she heard a knock at her door, and she asked her celestial army to find her the best virgin girl in town who is a rebel so she can drain the blood out of that girl's body and have her blood bath that is known to make young and beautiful. An hour later, it was one of her servants told her that her blood bath was ready for her usage because she had plans to look young and alluring to the eyes of lust and hunger that was defined by the oracle of the after-crown party where she knows for the diplomats or Vikings to sacrifice their kingdom she needs to forged such contract that will enable her to have what she wants but in return, she will give her body away to them who wants and craves for it.

She was bathed with blood and cared with tender care by her attendance that time to make sure she looks alluring as always because she needs to project herself as someone extremely powerful and lustful in the eyes of dangerous thoughts, she knew she couldn't show any sign of weakness but to project her coldness to all her diplomats, Tamara decided on wearing her dark red dress that has a strap across her hourglass figure, it was so beautiful as the sleeves were made of gold net and the back was backless that allows her figure to be shown through just like a deep v cut from the back and slowly runs down her spine, while the dress had a certain demeanor to it that allures people but it was more so the spine tattoo that was imprinted with the mixture of the red blue color of dotted ink that craft and curved beautiful around her spine. As for her hair, she decided on going for a simple low messy bun with a few strains of hair around her cheekbone. Her makeup was done in detail as it signifies the death of a naïve girl to someone cold and distant, and no one would be able to take her out of her now state.

Time passed and soon guests start to fill up the ballroom, people and celestial beings were fascinated by such art in the ballroom, and villagers were terrified of a room that used to be lively but suddenly had won dark entities touch it. Just before Tamara made her grand entrance, soft music was played devilish yet angelicas it made people wonder what pained such a soul with the swift of music Tamara appeared with her dark drape that soon lit up on fire and the sudden scene made her diplomat worried for a second but was soon taken back by her aura as it was so magnetic and no one could deny how beautiful she was, she had the scent of lavender mixed with dark wood which made the men in the room to grow desire for her when she makes her way down to the aisle. All the crowd could see was someone who was so enchanted with her red dress that had a deep v cut from her back that capture her tattoos so well like it was specially crafted for her, but they had no idea it was her sign of strength, and it was a sign of holding a bond with the celestial beings.

Just when assumed she was enjoying her party, someone from her palace attempted to sell her off again, Tamara's reaction was extremely priceless as she knew it was Richard and his wife Leila. She, donning her trademark crown and black robes, stands before Richard and Leila grinning sinisterly. Tamara looks at the guests, laughs sinisterly again and she tell: "I must say I felt that you Richard and Leila assumed can sell me off to my enemies is just you are making the wrong move against me and yes, you will see me taking them down like a wind once I am done with them and then I will think what punishment will be best suited for you and your worthless name of a husband ." Richard tells her that she is never going to beat him in this war. Mahsuri does a mock offended look, then laughs and says: "Oh, dear. What an awkward situation." Tamara was asked by one of her head armies if she was offended or not, with that note Tamara said with a disgusted and enraged look that she will show who is the real queen.

her soon-to-be-protected fortress was being raided by the monsters while they were out promised by something vicious. Soon enough once a peaceful place of the heavens was soon a ground of peer murders and conviction of a crime, the hunter of bloody power was eagerly searching for the tales of legends, Tamara decided upon slashing her sword at the monster's body with the beat of heart she killed half a dozen of her enemy's army while her armies of man attack the other half of the bloody human. Celestials were working from the fifth dimension to create such reviving the curse that can never outlaw anymore more wars.

Richard and their wife attempt to find the blue orchid flower but sadly they could not find the flower, slowly their hopes were in vain, and they could not help but be afraid. The outburst of promise soon came to end as Tamara and her armies took each one down with such ease, everyone was afraid in the village so including Richard because wolves shapeshift back to humans after the explosion of war that just happened.

Everyone saw how Tamara transformed and become more dangerous as she was wicked and vicious, Tamara was so angry she decided to drag Richard and his wife by their hair to the torture room, where she hung them with chains, slowly she started to use her knife to extract their blood and it was oozing like pouring rain from both bodies while they were screaming and agony of pain. Tamara made it clear to them that no one can ever overpower her, they agreed and begged for forgiveness, but Tamara does not do forgiveness in her dictionary just like she slices her enemies' skin slowly so she can make sure they were in tragic pain and the whole village will learn their lesson after this sudden incident.

Tamara summoned her army to feed their corpse to the wolf and she demanded they capture all virgins girls from the different towns that she had a war with to bring them and forced them to either mate with the wolves or vampires because she knows seeing the pitiful human in pain made her feel at complete ease but to those who don't abide her rules will have to sacrifice their bodily blood for Tamara. They left abruptly right after getting their orders, being the new carrier of her throne Tamara could ensure them much power and higher monarch of status that she always wanted started to come to fruition.

After the end of a dreadful war, she was called to her quarters where she had taken off her dress so that she could have her shower and take rest after killing and torturing people, while one of her servants was getting her undressed Tamara felt a tingle around her body. She came to realize that the shower she took with a virgin girl's blood had led her to have a more youthful complexion with that she was granted more power and wealth which was something she was in denial of earlier. Tamara called upon an urgent meeting with her celestial being and they told her about a few clauses within the agreement with them because the agreement can only be discussed after her crowning party.

Appendix 1: Law of agreement with celestials such as hybrids, wolfs, vampires, and witches

This agreement that is signed upon the death of the abductor leads Queen Tamara to take over the queendom, while she is on the throne, she will not fall in love with anyone and to those she does, she needs to kill them with the potion of blue orchid created with her practice. If Queen Tamara happens to have any kind of relations with the diplomats, they will fully act upon her desires for man and her craving for virgin blood will strive for her to be extremely powerful and high in monarch and status. While she ceases the power of an alpha wolf, the craft of a witch, the wittiness of a vampire, and the bloodline of a hybrid make her the most powerful being of all because she possesses all the bonds.

Appendix 2: Child

Due to her relations with the diplomats, if Tamara happens to carry one of the diplomat's offspring, she can never abort the child as the child will be more powerful than the mother because the possession of higher spiritual power, Tamara will have to give her life away even if it means for her to protect them and their well-being.

After the dismissal of her meetings with the celestial beings, Tamara noticed that the skin on her hand where the blood had been started to tingle and had caused an uneasy sensation to set upon her body. It felt like her body was on fire and the pain of the sudden shift hurt her like hell, she did not know why her body was acting up so weirdly. The scent that she had earlier during the party started to change which made her even more confused, then she came to realize upon having all those powers her scent will change when it comes to having her desire for men as this will be her secret No.1 rule on how to get them stuck within her trap of the night.

Wolves were howling in the night of full crescent; Tamara's body was fully changed from her sent to the aura that she had portrayed within her. According to the beliefs of celestials, the Aura of Tamara was like using the sexual energy and excitement generated in the pelvic region to raise psychic energy through the Chakras to the very crown of the head, where one enters union with the cosmic orgasm which is eternally generated (as Hinduism suggests) by the sexual play of Shakti and Shiva. Within Tantrism, there are the right-hand and the left-hand paths. The right-hand path seeks to achieve this elevation of psychic energy through meditation and spiritual discipline, rather than actual sexual practice; the left-hand path requires sexual expression and - very often - terrifying and unpleasant rituals, for Shakti is also Kali, the destroyer and hideous agent of time. Moving further west, into the Middle East, we enter one of the great cradles of fertility religion which frequently involved sacred prostitution. At first, it may have been a King and a High Priestess who consummated the cosmic union of heaven and earth.

Later, ordinary people would enact the sacred marriage, as they sought to ensure the fertility of their cattle or their crops. In Sumerian, for example, (modern-day Iraq), according to the Greek historian Herodotus who wrote in the 5th century BCE, every woman once in her life used to play the part of a sacred prostitute in the temple of Ishtar, offering her fee on the altar of the Goddess. To the celestials, this was something intense and it was only stated in history but never in ages.

Despite Tamara being the most alluring Queen of the 22nd century, she had attracted a lot of diplomats and Vikings to sleep the night with her. Many of the male counterparts may think that this is vicious or even assumed they were going to be in luck, but little do they know this is the start of their destruction. The madness in Tamara begins as at night she would desire a man's body and during the day she will crave to shower in the blood of many virgins.

Young women began to disappear from villages near and far, as well as children. Unhappy girls were lured to the castle with the prospect that they would find work there but were never seen again. When they arrived, they were locked up in a cellar as they awaited torture. Tamara conducted much of the torture herself, often beating the girls to death. Sometimes she would sew a girl's mouth shut, force her to eat her flesh, or burn her genitals. When she was too sick to get out of bed to beat them, Tamara would order her servants to bring up a girl to her quarters where she would bite their faces and shoulders. In other instances, she would stick needles underneath the girl's fingertips before cutting off the fingers of those who tried to take them out. Tamara was the outmost strongest woman of all beings on her throne.

Dark Entities

The secret was concealed in the timbers of floating past

Withdrawals as you fling close to the shady whirl of the storm that grants the spirit

But the olden saying goes as only the one with damaged souls can cross into the timbers without having the pieces of ashes shattered in the glistening fathom of passion

Miles as the runner escapes but the outcome of the delicate flesh of Tamara herself was the intolerant discerning of late night

She wasn't hiding within her demons nor she was escaping them

The taunt of the surging army stands against her all she did was glare into their soul in the belief of the holster

The view was splendid as everyone was preparing for the war of the cold kingdom that has it's no bounds

Silently one by one was taken aback by the state of her essence as all wouldn't be alive

Until one sadden by being snatched by the eyes of the devil

Summoned as she shall

He shall obey and step forward

One step either he can lose his life or be the delicacy of her hidden animal feast

Curiosity hits the waves of cloud and the exhibition of thunder spews through the dark theories of dusk

The despair of her being known to be a serial killer

She was assessed in ways where there is no clash of the tenderness of sovereignty

Vivid dreams of a knight as she was born who combat through the battle

Pouring of wine as she baths the blood of her young women

Have you wondered why she was this vicious

No, I guess not

Once upon a time, she was left isolated in the world where she had to seek the earth by the eye rather than by the neck

Because she had no one to host her up

Some nights she wonders in the bed of passion while her head wonders why would the person she loves leaves her like that

Why the sudden act of degrading the realm of the family

Significantly she was heartless of numbing pain

Agape in the biblical tunnel sounds of friction creatures were her inky comfort during the night when the moon coded on the AI power of gush fluid that salted away from projecting her beauty

She wonders and thumped hard seeking the one man but he also left her just when hope was a verb

Slowly everything faded

She had to be strong and dispute within the none extended connection

She needed to prove his word of such slut that he determines she was

That was launched within the depth of her muscle as the blood and conjoined into a component

As the strange society winder, where is her heart now

It had turned black before anyone had the chance to love it

She had become numb

Less excited

Less passionate

More broken

Parts that don't fit the puzzle anymore

Weight on her shoulder while she carries her black entity

Afraid of what the army will do?

Uneventful the flame was gushing through the tree of dark endure leash

Releasing her dark entities

Slabs by hunks it burns in the fire

This time she didn't want to save it anymore the consulate of her love, trust, and soulmate slowly burn

While her eyes just looked like a lost child with no emotion

over countries, scorched witches - I would have been a hero

That is it, you're nothing but a myth

Now we have formulated you to appease and feed our fears and ignorance

I have used you in prayers to forgive myself for my horrors and sins. Proper burial of feeding the wolves is the same thing. Holy water is just dirty water. Why am I so scared to die? Because I do not believe in you or the eternity of the soul. When I die I shall rot and nothing will be left of me. Love is the blade that stabbed me in the back. If you are not a myth, absolve me of my sins and give me blood to keep me young. I thank you, my Lord.