
Dark phoenix ~ Reborn as a Dark Fey

After Lisa died of a heart failure at the age of 22 she got reborn as a Dark Fey! Not knowing what to do and what to accept she decides to do everything to get a peaceful life that she couldn’t have when she was an human. However her peace gets disturbed when the humans decide to go into war with her and the other Dark Fey, she must fight to get her freedom back and for that she will need to pay a heavy price.. maybe even heavier than she could ever imagine. Enjoy Madilim on her journey where she slays her enemy's all in order for her freedom.

Tenessia_ · ファンタジー
13 Chs



Welcome to my novel :) Yes I'm new, I made this story for fun and I do hope that some more people here would like to read it.

Ok, no, I'm not English! My grammer might be horrible at times, but please leave those faults in the commends so that I can edit them...

Yes, I got this idea after watching the film Maleficent so please don't bug me about that :")

I'm trying my best to keep it original.

I got the picture from Google so it's NOT mine!

I will leave information here, so keep a eye on this "Notes page"

~ I will update whenever I have the time.. I do hope to do 3 to 4 chapters a week but I'm not sure if I can keep up with that.. :")

Information on the characters.

MC; My female lead ain't a weak girl, also not weakminded. She has no need of a prince on a horse, she can do everything herself. She is against marrige because she believes it will only cause distruction. She is blunt when it comes to facts and people, she just speaks her mind.

*cough* she has no shame either *cough*

She has NO intrest in romance, all she cares about is living a life that she couldn't in her past life.

ML; There ain't a male lead in this story at the moment.. and I wanna keep it that way.

Well let's leave it like that for now :)

~ Tenessia