
Dark phoenix ~ Reborn as a Dark Fey

After Lisa died of a heart failure at the age of 22 she got reborn as a Dark Fey! Not knowing what to do and what to accept she decides to do everything to get a peaceful life that she couldn’t have when she was an human. However her peace gets disturbed when the humans decide to go into war with her and the other Dark Fey, she must fight to get her freedom back and for that she will need to pay a heavy price.. maybe even heavier than she could ever imagine. Enjoy Madilim on her journey where she slays her enemy's all in order for her freedom.

Tenessia_ · ファンタジー
13 Chs

A fateful encounter? ~ Part 2


It was getting dark and I watched how the sun was going down behind my book, I looked carefully if my teacher saw it however he was busy with other things. I sneaked a glance again behind my book and saw how the sun was getting smaller and smaller.

' I wish I could disappear like that..' I looked again towards my teacher however he still didn't look my way which was a good thing.

The room was getting darker and darker and before I knew it did I need a lamp to read my book… I looked back at my teacher and this time did he indeed look at me, his dark eyes looked firm, together with his whole face could I only see disgust.

I looked back at my book, this book was about "Fairy people" and how to kill them, I noticed from the very beginning that everyone here really really hated things that weren't human. Especially Fairies.

"Your done with this book now, right Crown Prince?"

"But of course teacher" It was too obvious to hear my boredom in my answer that it surprised me.

I tried to ad a smile on my face however that failed the moment I thought about it.. I wasn't allowed to smile, my mom and dad we're very strict with me and even now they are. They told me from the very moment that I was born how "special" I was.

I didn't like it, I hated every person I have met in my last 19 years… I don't even "love" my parents and in all honesty did I not even know what love is.

I didn't bother with my teacher anymore and putted the books back on a small table in the corner of my massive room. I looked back at my teacher and told my teacher that he could go, he only looked back at me and let out a big sight.

And finally was my room empty, I collapsed half on my bed with only my feet still on the ground, I faced the ceiling who had this boring white colour.

'Why does everything feel so boring?' I looked back at my huge balcony and saw the forest in the dark, maybe should I go there?

I looked at my clock and I saw that it was already really late! How did the time go so fast suddenly?!

I walked quietly to my door and heard nothing. The guards were gone, so that meant there was a break at the moment and that also meant that this was his one and only chance to get his body out of here!

I didn't waste a second of it and before I knew it was I indeed outside… well, I was in the garden. I sneaked around and when I finally saw the ports of freedom did I start to run.

I was running as hard as I could and with all my power in my arms did I climb over the huge wall.

When I saw the forest before me did I not bother anymore and I started to run again towards my very short freedom however… I promised myself that I would enjoy every damn second of it!


I'm so sorry that this chapter took so long!

I was a bit buzier than I thought with school :")

However here is it!

Next chapter will be here this week... so please try to keep up with it.

~Stay safe everyone!

Tenessia_creators' thoughts