
Dark Marvel (Hiatus)

This is a Marvel and DC crossover with mutants as well. It’s going to be Dark like DC but some characters are going to be more willing to kill then others. This will be based on Marvel movies and DC comic and television. The OC will have his own group that will butt heads with the Justice League SHIELD, the mutants on both sides and even world Governments. The story will start when the first iron man movie starts. So characters will already be established and with their groups. However there will be some characters who for some reason didn’t seem to appear in their suppose to be groups. Also the only thing that will happen from the Marvel movies is the timeline. Events will be drastically different and I have some special surprises lined up for instance Loki will not be the only one helping Thanos in the first avenger movie. Also all main characters will be of college age or older. For instance Spider-Man and Robin will be 18 then Tony Stark and Batman will be 28. Anyways hope everyone gives this a chance as I think this multiverse event will be a lot of fun. Also if you read my DC Male Amazon fic my writing and characters will be better in this one for sure. So enjoy the start.

JokerHighJack · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

The Winner

So I let the poll go for a day. The winner was a rewrite for DC the Male Amazon.

The new title will be DC First Male Amazon. I will release it this Sunday so look out for it. I plan to write those other ideas at some point. I will have another poll at the end of DC First Male Amazon that will decide the next fanfic I write.

New Title: DC: First Male Amazon

Look out for it on Sunday people.