
Dark Guild Acts!

Traveling with Sophie on her shoulder, Kelly was taking her usual path to the world below. The path involved a series of twists and turns, and even her entering a few convenience stores to buy a few items.

These were instructions set by Harvey. He had told her to do this just in case anyone was following her and had even given her pointers to track if anyone was tailing her or not.

Some might think it was overcautious, but they were living in a world of Alterian where if one was caught knowing Dark Magic, they were to be executed on the spot.

Not just the person, but nearly everyone related to them as well. It was the one saving grace for Kelly and many others who delved into Dark Magic that they had no one to begin with.

"You didn't see anyone, did you?" Kelly asked as she pulled out a large brick from the wall and saw the black hooded uniform.

"Mewow, meow," Sophie said as she continued to use her sharp eyes, scanning the area.