
Dark Magus Returns

Raze Cromwell was one who had suffered his entire life. A cruel upbringing that had forced his nature to turn sour. In order to survive, he did everything and anything he could, eventually giving him the name Dark Magus. A title that was only given to the very best of mages. “Everything in this world was taken from me, So I shall take everything from the world.” The five Supreme Magus had gathered to eliminate the great Raze, on his last legs, the Dark Magus had one more trick up his sleeve. Activating a forbidden spell, he finds himself living in another world, a world full of martial artists. A world where one could destroy mountain tops with their fist, but Magic still exists in the new world, and he’s the only one that knows about it. **** Note: Raze Cromwell is a character who briefly appears in My vampire system. (For 2 Chapters) There is no need to read My vampire system. Since this story is based on Raze before he became what he was in vampire system. Instagram: JKSManga Discord: jksmanga https://discord.gg/jksmanga

JKSManga · ファンタジー
865 Chs

A Warm up

The timing of Raze standing up was a bit odd to everyone watching. For one, there should have been still two more matches to go for the Blue headband wearers. Simyon, along with one of the other students, had yet to compete.

After that, the selected Yellow headband users would fight next against pretty much the rest of the headband users. That was the main event, while everything else was the warm-up.

However, Raze wasn't going to let this momentum shift. Right now, the miracles that had been achieved by the Blue headband group were fresh in all of their minds, and they were more inclined to listen.

"I...have a proposal," Raze said out loud as he walked forward past the teacher and onto the platform. For those watching, it felt like quite a shock to see a student acting this way.

The way he had stepped onto the platform, it was as if he owned it, but Raze carefully turned away from the students and faced the crowd as he gave a small, polite bow.