
A Freezing Situation

A constant chattering sound was going off, like a beetle making a type of mating call. However, the sound wasn't due to any beetle; it was all because of three young students who couldn't help but clatter their teeth together.

They were all huddled up close to one another as they moved through the snow, slowly one step at a time.

"Come on, it isn't that bad, will you guys stop exaggerating?" Gunther asked.

"Wha-wha- what type of teacher are you?" Simyon eventually said, stuttering a few times due to the cold. "You forced us in here, you practically pushed us, and now you don't look after us."

"My balls!" Liam shouted out. "I think they're going inside my stomach... it's too cold, I want to have kids! Don't do this to me!"

Unlike the other two boys, Safa wasn't complaining about the situation. Not that she could vocally if she wanted to. Instead, she was taking deep breaths and trying to focus her Qi.