
Tartarus (Part 3)

"H-Hi. Thank you for saving us."

Cludio said.

"It was nothing. You were in trouble, yes? So if it's in my capabilities to help, I shall."

The masked man in black clothing said. It sounded like he really meant it.

"I know this might be rude to our savior, buy may ask who you are?"

Cludio asked, the reason was that even though they were saved by them, he couldn't fully trust them, especially with the fact that they were hiding their faces. Knowing their name might relinquish some of his doubt. Also, they looked strong, so perhaps they were famous and Cludio might know them if he knows their names.

Well, there was also the other reason that they might be bandits who pretended to save them, and in the end, robbing them. One can't be too trusting when one travels, especially a merchant. However, based on what the were wearing, it was unlikely that they would be bandits, so Cludio did not give a lot of thought that they were bandits. However, that doesn't mean they would easily trust the two strangers.

"Ah, we are travelers, my name is –"

The man cut his words halfway when he turned his head to the forest, where the demi-humans emerged from. Confused, Cludio asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Something big is coming. Criswell, get ready."


The warrior held her sword with both hands and pointed it at the forest. The masked man on the other hand merely nonchalantly stood straight behind the warrior. It seemed it was a serious situation. Well, looking at the masked man, he appeared like he wasn't worried whatsoever, so Cludio could not fully decipher if this was indeed truly a serious situation.

If it was something big like he heard from the masked man. Then it might be more dangerous than the demi-humans. Therefore, Cludio regarded the situation as something serious and went in front of his children in order to protect them.

Shortly after, Cludio heard bushes being shoved. Then he began to feel like the ground was shaking a bit. At that moment, Cludio braced himself for whatever monster which may come out of the forest. Whatever it was, it was certainly not like those demi-humans.

Then a creature emerged.

The moment he came to see it, Cludio's mouth gaped open in shock. It was big.

"T-That's… a big wolf."

The masked man said as though he himself was in shock.

It was a big creature. It was like three and a half meters tall. Its fur was in the color of black, its eyes were also black and fierce. Looking at his eyes could potentially make a person tremble in fear in addition to its size.

A wolf? Was it called like that? No, it's not, wolves are a lot smaller than that.

Cludio pondered what that creature was called. He had heard of a beast like that, an oversized wolf. Hence, he tried to remember.

What was that again… wolf.

With the word wolf, he finally remembered. The name was somewhat close to that word.

"It's a Worvest!"

"What!? That!?" Cel cried when his father said what it was. Of course, he would be shocked and frightened, he had heard about such creatures.

"Oh no…" Ela quietly said.

"Oh, so that's what it is called. Interesting, it's my first time seeing one."

The masked man said, however, his tone was out of place. He sounded calm like he had no worries whatsoever. On the contrary, he sounded like he was fascinated instead.

Then the Worvest howled so loud.

"It even howls huh. It really is an oversized wolf."

The masked man quietly said.

After howling, the Worvest looked down and set its sights to the warrior in white armor. It growled exposing it large sharp teeth. It began to open its mouth and a little light seemed to be glowing inside.

Cludio began to feel something bad was going to happen. This beast was strong so if it attacks it would mean certain death to normal people. No, even adventurers or trained personnel would find it difficult to deal with one of them, some would even die.

He tried to remember what he heard about the creature. As he stared at the creature as it opened its mouth, Cludio's eyes went wide as he remembered.

He quickly looked at the warrior and shouted.


He warned them, but it was too late.

A bluish-white stroke of lightning came out of the creature's mouth. As it hit, a strong impact followed, blowing off the voluminous amount of dust, and a strong wind enough to push Cludio and his children back a little.


He said in his mind with regret. With a direct hit like that, there's no way one would be able to survive that. Not even armor alone would be able to save someone from such a powerful attack.

Shortly, as the scene gradually cleared from the dust in the air, Cludio looked over at the spot where the warrior once stood. He saw white, gleaming, and shining. His eyes went wide in surprise.

The warrior in white still stood, however now, lowered her sword like there was no threat before her at all. The masked man behind her still stood nonchalantly like nothing life threatening just happened.

"Did it hurt? Did it damage you in some way?"

The masked man asked.

"No, not at all."

The warrior replied.

"Is that so? Then, what it only got is its size huh. Stand aside, I will handle this."

"As you wish."

The warrior in white moved aside and let the masked man walk forward.

"Now then, you want to play lightning? I'll play with you."

The masked man theatrically extended his hand forward as he spoke.

"[Dazzling Thunderstroke]."

A large stoke of lightning came forth from the masked man's hand. For a second, as Cludio and the children gazed, for some reason, the lightning looked beautiful, from its movement to its bright bluish light, unlike the white lightning typically seen from the sky.

As the large stroke of lightning hit the Worvest, the Worvest wailed for only a second until sound can longer heard from it. The large lightning appeared like it swallowed the creature whole – no, it was definitely the case.

With the great lightning hit the creature, it was burned until it turned to ash. At a glance, it would take no effort to realize that the lightning which hit it was no ordinary lightning, it was definitely far more powerful than a normal strike of lightning.

When Cludio, Ela and Cel saw the Worvest's ashes fell to the ground, their eyes went wide with their jaw dropped as they dumbfoundedly stared at the creature's ashes.

Just who are these two?

"Too much, I see."

The masked man quietly said. Then he turned around to face Cludio and the others again.

"Pardon for the interruption. As I said, we are travelers. My name is Xyn Draven Nightfall," He slightly bowed his head. "And this right here is my companion, Criswell."

The warrior also slightly bowed her head.

"And what are your names?"

The man asked them.

"Ah, I, I'm Cludio Breminu. And they're my children, Ela and Cel." He said as he pointed those two.

"I see. Nice to meet you."

"Ah nice to meet you too. Again, you saved my life and my children. We are deeply grateful!"

"Your welcome. How unlucky of you to get attacked out of nowhere."

"Yeah you're right, Sir N-Nightfall. Demi-humans don't usually come here, so it's quite strange."

Cludio said.

"Hoh, is that so? Well, in my observation, it seemed like they were running away."

"Running away? From what?"

"What else but that what you called Worvest." He said as he pointed his finger. "Well, it's but a pile of ash now."

"You think so? I guess you're right, the goblins did seem like they were avoiding us. Also, it's odd for a Worvest to end up here. Normally they would be deep within the forest."

"Is that so? I see. Anyway, the danger had been taken care of, so I guess there's nothing to worry about."

"Y-Yeah I guess so too."

"So, I see you're going in that direction. Would you mind if we tag along with you? We are also going in that direction."

"No, I don't mind at all."

"I appreciate it. Now then, shall we get going?"

Cludio looked at his children to see if they're all fine. But it seemed it was already the case.


Cludio climbed up the carriage and sat. As he was about to move, Ela, on the other hand, was looking behind them, all uneasy. The masked man, Nightfall, noticed her and therefore he asked.

"Is something wrong? Ela, was it?"

"Y-Yeah, that's right."

"So? What's wrong? You seemed uneasy."

"What's wrong Ela?" Cel asked.

"It, it's just about those frozen ogres and goblins over there."

"Hm? What about them?" Nightfall asked.

"They're frozen, don't you think they might escape?"

The masked man turned his head to look at the frozen demi-humans then back to face Ela.

"They were frozen in an instant, no living being could survive that cold."

"I, I see. You're right."

"Hmm, still, if a living being is powerful enough, they can survive in such a state. As I don't know how powerful exactly these creatures are, I think it's best to properly eliminate them. Besides, if they manage to escape, they will surely harm more people, so the best option is to properly kill them, am I right?"

With those words, Ela's face lightened up and a smile formed on her face.


Without anyone hearing, the masked man muttered to himself along the line "mixing science with magic and power level is a bother."

"Then please give me a moment. [Shockwave]."

Immediately, the frozen demi-humans crumbled into pieces along with the ice which encased them.

"Wow! You're amazing!" Ela said.

"A-Amazing indeed." Cel quietly said.

"Now then, shall we set off now?"

"Y-Yeah." Cludio said.