
Impossible Aliance

This threat is dangerous. Dangerous enough to be in the Demon king's sight. I'm sure I could convince him to help summon some heroes. If we could summon them right now I'd need at most 2 weeks to make them a level 80. If the summoned heroes are like what Aurelius said their limits, level 100, would be easier to reach. Looking from a gaming perspective of course.

"I know this sounds insane but we should join forces with the demons. This will be a threat to them too so maybe a small alliance would help with this situation"

Aurelius made a look of horror "Are you serious? Catching sight of them is hard enough, asking them to not kill us and help us is a whole other level."

Should I tell him the truth? It never really had to be a lie. So can I tell him?

"Is it really that bad?"

"Yes! We only have one demon captured in our history and hell broke loose after that one broke out"

I guess I could tell him the half of it then...

"I have some... connections. I am quite sure we can get a small meeting with the king"

"How exactly would you do that?"

"I have my ways..."

A day after...

"My lord..."

"I see you've proved to be more useful than I thought Ignis"

Rex on the throne-like this is scary...

"My lord I'd like to suggest a... plan"

His eyes were as cold as stone

"You've got me interested. What is it?"

"You have felt the powerful energy coming from the cave of wonder right my lord?"

"Yes... it can prove to be a problem"

"I have planned to use the kingdom of Leon to summon some heroes, but they do not have enough mana to do so"

"So you want us to form an alliance?"

I'm not on any sides, but I do feel bad for Aurelius. One problem after another. I already said I will arrange a meeting with the demon king

"Only in this case of course"

Rex sighed

"Do you know how hard it would be to persuade any of the demons to work with humans? Ugh... I have no bad blood with humans, but only I don't. Most demons think they are 'better' or 'superior' to humans. Even if I'm the king. I can't just command them without them having any interest in what they are doing"


"But if that energy isn't stopped then-"

"We'll stop it when it interrupts our plans. We don't owe anything to humans"

He's not wrong... he's not wrong at all. I hate it but I can't say a single thing to change his mind...

"Does it really hurt us to help them?" Amber walked in

What's she doing here? Should I be glad? She seems to be on my side.

"Crimson. Don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the humans"

Amber raised an eyebrow


She glared at me, her eyes filled with either pity or empathy and I suddenly fell asleep

I'm still conscious ... somehow

"Are you really going to keep him out of an argument that he started?" that's Rex's voice. It's faint, but I can hear it.

"That's a level 60 spell it should keep him unconscious. At least for a while"

I'm level 60 now... maybe that's why the spell worked, but not completely. Anyways what's Amber trying to pull?

"Why do you protect his innocence so?"

"He's been through a lot. I used to be lonely, scared and isolated. Hiroto was the first person to even talked to me. As a kid, mom and dad were never home often. I was alone most of the time after the age of 5. I learned to cook and survive alone.

Mom and dad came every few months. Although they were always just home because their next work was close to the house. I'd get more than enough money when they came every now and then, but I'd rather have their time than anything else back then. So I got to school. Do my work. Keep my grades up and go home as soon as the last bell ring. I was lonely, but I had no courage to talk to anyone and no one talked to me until Hiroto did. I'm thankful... very thankful"

I-I didn't know. I just saw her sitting alone and everyone else was on a sports thingy, I wasn't really good at sports, so I didn't go. I was a bit lonely so I went up to her and introduced myself. That's really all.

"That was a long story"

"Maybe I got a bit off track there"

"So... which Crimson am I talking to?"

Right... her personality switch

"What's the name of the one who remembers every... thing?"

"I don't give names, but I'll say this... you're way easier to read and manipulate than the other one"

His right... if it was the Amber I knew she wouldn't say all of those things. She would probably say something like 'non of your business'.

"I guess I'm more vulnerable"

"No, you're more interesting"

"Really?" I can't see anything, but knowing her she probably made a weird face

She has more emotions than the one that I know. She actually seems like a... a human being even though that doesn't fit her race at all

"I know this doesn't fit the race that you are right now, but the saying would be you seem more human than the other Crimson"

He sees it too

It was a bit silent until Amber cleared her throat "Anyways... we should help the humans. You did use to be one so you should feel at least something right Leonard Astrea the first generation heroe's second in command?"