
Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha

Vishwa found himself reborn in an anime world known as "The Rising of the Shield Hero" as a Morsan. At the tender age of six, he was bestowed with a cursed weapon called the Great Sword Tizona, a weapon of legendary status crafted by unknown beings. Due to his deep-rooted mistrust in others and the fear of meeting the same fate as his father, who was betrayed by his supposed friends, Vishwa chose to live as a lone wolf. As he grew stronger, he formed a team of slaves to accompany him and together they embarked on a journey to slay ferocious beasts. Along the way, he even lent a helping hand to the shield hero. *** Author's Note: I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my initial Fanfic with all of you, as it marks the beginning of my journey towards becoming a proficient writer. Crafting an engaging story is no easy task, but with your support and encouragement, I am determined to improve and create something truly captivating. I would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Andew, who generously sponsored this fanfic through his Patreon ID: Sir_dood134. Your belief in my writing abilities means the world to me, and I am honored to have your support. Once again, thank you to people with Patreon ID: Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. For those who are interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page under the name of Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, will go a long way in helping me improve my skills and continue creating content that you all enjoy. Please note that my profile picture would be same as the pic of MC's first slave similar to the girl in this fanfic's profile. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generosity and support. Your belief in my abilities as a writer means more to me than words can express. I am truly humbled by your kindness, and I promise to work tirelessly to deliver stories that captivate and entertain you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Thot_Slaughterer · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs


"Yes... a few moments ago I absorbed her blood when she coughed up blood and tried to analyze it. this girl actually has two distinct types of unstable bloodlines within her. I think that's what causes her 'immunity system' or whatever you want to call that thing to self-destruct."

'Just like that? Are you willing to cure her? You said she was a young girl so don't make her my slave just a moment ago... I am confused why have you changed your mind suddenly.'

Tizona fell silent for a while before answering as Morsan asked the reason for suddenly changing its stance.

"She had a unique bloodline... and immense potential to be stronger. She will be accommodating if we train her properly."

Morsan's pupil shook a little.

'Unique bloodline?!... Lelin mentioned she was born to a werewolf and a girl from a dog demi-human though... they were not that rare though..'

"It is indeed true that she possessed the bloodline of a werewolf, but she did not inherit the bloodline of dog demi-humans. Instead, she possesses a rare and exceptional bloodline that sets her apart from other dog demi-humans. According to my guess, her mother's bloodline does not belong to the dog race; it is a powerful wolf bloodline with even greater growth potential. By stabilizing and merging her unstable bloodline, her potential will skyrocket. Moreover, she exhibits a remarkable affinity for [Spiritual Magic], [Wind Magic], and [Dark Magic]."

Morsan released Lupiney's hand and gazed intently into her eyes, filled with astonishment.

As per Tizona's revelation, the young lady standing before him was not a mere halfling born from the union of a werewolf and a dog-demihuman.

Instead, her lineage is traced back to a werewolf father and a mother hailing from a distinctive bloodline known for its remarkable growth potential. What baffled him even further was his unfamiliarity with wolf-demi humans, leaving him clueless about the origins of Lupiney's mother.

Lupiney cast a questioning glance towards Morsan, observing as he abruptly ceased emanating the comforting feeling through her hand and fixed his gaze upon her with great intensity.

Her elongated ears twitched anxiously in response. 

Not only Lupiney, Morsan could feel Lelin's intense stare at his back.

"Tsk, who would have thought it would end up as you wished? are you happy now?"

He didn't answer Tizona. His lips were curved up and formed a gentle smile at Lupiney. 

"Hey Morsan! Can you let me know if you have the ability to heal her or not...?"

Morsan felt an enormous hand on his shoulder accompanied by the deep and worried voice of Lelin.

"Yes, I can save her."

A smile bloomed on both Lelin and Lupiney's faces at the same time. Glimmer's hope in Lupiney's eyes was gotten stronger after she heard Morsan.

"She needs to become my slave if I want to save her."

But when they heard Morsan, the smile on Lelin's face froze. With a deep frown, Lelin looked at Morsan with a threatening gaze. His arm on Morsan's shoulder was suddenly getting bigger and his claws were getting longer and sharper.

Lelin inadvertently assumed his partial Therianthrope Form.

In this world, only a handful of demi-humans possess the ability to metamorphose into a 'therianthrope form'.

In this state, the demi-human acquires heightened abilities and takes on characteristics resembling their namesake animal. The capacity for such a transformation is scarce and typically necessitates arduous and extensive training. However, Lelin and his offspring possess the capability to assume this form at will. Presently, Lelin harbors no intentions of causing harm to Mosan, yet he unconsciously assumes that form. That shows how skillful he is in Therianthrope's transformation.

He and his offspring possessed an innate capability to assume this form at will, a gift passed down through generations. It was a legacy that had been carefully guarded and protected, a secret known only to a few trusted individuals.

"Morsan, quite joking around. Heal her right now and right here."

Morsan slapped away Lelin's arm from his shoulder and looked directly at his eyes. His eyes were calm as if he didn't see any change in the surrounding atmosphere.

"Lelin, I'm being completely serious here, no jokes. I'm wondering why you're getting upset at this moment. If I want to rescue her, I have to utilize a particular type of magic that's similar to my blood magic. However, it only works on me and those who have a connection with me through the slave crest. Honestly, I don't see any issue with that. Right now, she's a slave, anyone with enough money can buy her, alright? You're aiming to help her overcome her illness, while I'm looking to acquire a new slave for my team. I don't see any reason for you to get angry. What's the big deal?"

"...What's the big deal, huh?... So you were pretending to be a good guy, all this time?!"

Morsan looked bewildered as he heard Lelin. His mind went blank for a moment.

"What?!.. when did I pretend to be a good guy? I am always been honest and said my intentions clearly. I don't know what you saying, Lenin."

Morsan and Lelin lock eyes, causing a hush to fall over the entire area. The tension in the atmosphere intensifies, as though a confrontation between them is imminent.

The already somber and quiet surroundings grow even more ominous as if the very air holds its breath in anticipation of what is to come. The once gentle breeze now feels like a chilling gust, sending shivers down the spines of onlookers.

Morsan was taken aback when he felt a gentle tug on the hem of his lengthy coat. As he turned around, he caught sight of Lupiney's delicate hand, and her eyes were filled with a newfound sense of optimism.

"Is it true, You can cure me if I become your slave?"

Her weak voice filled with some expectation as she asked. 

"...Yes, I can..."

"Can you make all of my pain go away?"

"...I can..."


Greetings everyone,

I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. I am thrilled to share an incredible update with you all that has left me in awe and filled with gratitude. Yesterday, our fanfic project received a momentous boost with the addition of our sixth subscriber, none other than the generous individual with the Patreon ID: Tempest1618.

What makes this news even more extraordinary is the fact that Tempest1618 not only joined our community but also made a remarkable contribution of 10 Euros towards our project in a single transaction. This act of kindness and support has left me speechless and overwhelmed with gratitude.

To put the significance of this contribution into perspective, the value of 10 Euros in Indian rupees exceeds 900 rupees. This amount may seem small to some, but for me, it holds immense value and impact. It is a testament to the dedication and belief that Tempest1618 has in our project.

The impact of this contribution goes beyond just the monetary value. It has allowed me to cover my electricity bill, ensuring that I can continue working on our fanfic project without any interruptions. Additionally, it has allowed me to present a heartfelt gift to my brother on his upcoming birthday this month. This gesture of support has truly made a difference in my life, and I am forever grateful to Tempest1618 for their generosity.

I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude to Tempest1618 for their unwavering support. Your contribution has not only provided financial assistance but has also given me the motivation and inspiration to continue pouring my heart and soul into our fanfic project. Your belief in our work means the world to me, and I am committed to delivering the best possible content for you and our entire community.

To all our subscribers and supporters, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for being a part of this incredible journey. Your encouragement and enthusiasm have been instrumental in shaping our project and pushing us to new heights. Together, we are creating something truly special, and I am honored to have every one of you by my side.

Now this fanfic is sponsored by Mr. Andrew our first sponsor and the members with Patreon ID: GigaChad, David Aderoju, WonderingAbyss, Manuel Chavez, and Tempest1618.

For those who are interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page under the name of Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer. It would be greatly appreciated if your profile picture aligns with the image of our MC's first slave. Your support means the world to me.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to every one of you for your understanding and unwavering support. Thank you all.