

She was used as a product of bargaining and she had to marry a very brutal man who had six mates already and they were all dead. Phoebe was so scared for her life, yet she was bound to this mysterious hybrid. She knew surviving under a man that fed on blood was going to be hard. Will she be able to escape his grip or find a way to control him?

Oladimeji_Adewale · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Phoebe's POV 

"Why?" He growled.

I touched his chest, patting it gently. "I pity you. You should be a free animal," I said sincerely.

I wondered how many people the Alpha King wants to take captive. This big wolf must have been taken from his family. 

"I don't need your pity and I am not an animal," he said in anger and I found myself pinned to the wall.

I was quite scared of him. The closer he got the more I was scared. I've never been so scared in my life. It was as if he was going to hurt me.

"I… i… i… didn't mean it wrongly," I stuttered.

I didn't know what he was planning to do to me. He must have been hurt that he doesn't care about other people's emotions. 

"You smell nice," he said sniffing me.

"You can't eat me. I'm on your side here," I snapped at him.

I was angry, feeling that he is so ungrateful. I was planning to help him yet he was thinking of eating me.

"If you don't know, I can hear your thoughts," he said and I shrinked at that unexpected news.

If he could read my thoughts he must have known who I am. Maybe that's the reason he wants to eat me. I hate my ancestors for making that stupid bargain with the Alpha King. He should also reincarnate to become the bride of that devil. 

"I might be planning to eat you but not the way you think," he said.

I was ready to fight to death. I might have trespassed but he doesn't have the right to have me as his meal. Just as I was ready to fight, he pulled me closer and slammed his lips on mine. I was so shocked to see that it tasted like the human lips and the one I've been talking to all the while wasn't a monster but a human.

I was so shocked that I didn't react. His soft lips were just sucking mine and it made my whole body paralyzed. It was as if I've been drugged, I couldn't even move and by the time I did, I opened my mouth and received his lips.

I was crazy and I knew that. I was kissing someone just a few hours after my arrival, not to even talk of me being the bride of the Alpha Prince. Yet I didn't stop kissing him.

Slowly I could feel his claws dipped into my neck.


Opening my eyes, I saw myself on a big bed and I jumped up but the state of my body sent me back. 

I was naked.

I knew if I got caught that I slept with another man just a day after my arrival, I would definitely die. The last thing I remembered was that strange man kissing me and he dipped his claws in my neck. Did he do that to make me pass out? Was I being set up? I was so angry at my own stupidity. I wasn't this cheap. How could I have let such a thing happen.

They must have been searching for me. I looked around for my clothes and luckily, I found them.

I didn't know how I got into this room but I didn't have the luxury of time to think about it. Looking outside, it was quite dark. Because I wasn't conversant with the palace, I lost my way. I didn't even know where I was heading and being that I was hiding and didn't want people to see me, I couldn't ask for help.

"Here you are!" I heard an angry voice behind me.

I jumped terrified that I almost fell to the ground. Turning, I saw that it was the woman that attended to me earlier. I quickly adjusted myself.

"I told you not to leave but you didn't listen to me. Do you think I have the time to start babysitting?" She scolded me. 

"No one told you to," I grumbled.

Knowing I already messed up, I didn't say much. The old woman glared at me before she walked away. I then followed her immediately.

"You will see the king tomorrow," she said.

Soon we arrived at my room and I almost had a heart attack when I saw it. It was just like the coven of witches. Nothing in the room was any other colour aside black. Well, except for the wall that was painted white. She even put a big scary looking black teddy.

"This is so terrifying!" Angel squealed.

I sat in the room depressed. I knew I had messed up and if news got out that I already cheated even before my marriage, I would definitely die. So I decided to escape.

"Escaping will be hard, Phoebe," Angel told me.

"I know, but we have to try," I said to her.

It was already dark and I'm sure everyone would retire back to their room soon. That would be the best time for me to make a run.

I didn't take a pin from my father's house so I won't leave with anything. 

But I was hungry.

I haven't had anything in days and no one is even offering me food. Just as I was thinking, the old woman entered.

"Can't you knock?" I frowned.

She didn't say anything. It was as if we were both having a competition of grudges. She placed the tray on my bed and left. Looking at the mouth watering dishes, I was happy that I forgot about the old woman's manners. I dug into the food and finished it in minutes.

No one came to my room and I was glad. I waited till it was midnight before stepping outside. Everywhere was silent and I tiptoed out. The guards I saw didn't notice me until I got to the palace gate. The gate was so high but then years of training vigorously taught me a lot. I slowly climbed through the tall wall and even though it was quite strenuous I got to the other side.

I jumped down and my legs shouted in pain that I groaned but the thought of me escaping was just so good. I stood up and ran away. That was how I escaped from the palace.

Jayson's POV 

I couldn't believe myself. I had gone to the isolation room when my attack started. Playing my music as usual to offset the pain I was feeling but then someone decided to interrupt me. My isolation room was out of bound and no one dared to come in but then this unknown woman came in.

She wasn't even afraid for her life. I at first wanted to deal with her but her smell was so tantalising. She smells delicious. No woman has smelt quite delicious, not even my dead three mates.

Yes, I have been mated thrice and yet they all died on me. Although I never lived with them, I was going to respect the moon goddess and be with them but they all kept dying. My great grandfather had even given me three additional females but yet they all died so I knew I was cursed.

I was so angry when he wouldn't relent and still kept bringing females to me. I wasn't destined to have a woman and I already accepted my fate but my great grandfather was just too stubborn to accept that fact. He had gone to a far away pack and brought me another bride. 

I didn't know her but the moment that woman walked into my isolation room, I knew she was the one. The way she smelt was different and when I grabbed her, I saw the tattoo on her neck. She's the bride.

I was supposed to be angry that she's been found after years of being declared missing but something in her was calling me. I lost myself and kissed her. I knew I shocked her and I expected her to fight but she didn't. In fact she let me touch her.

I was so angry at myself because none has been able to make me lose control. I would have thought it was a set up but she didn't know who I was. The worst part was I even took her to my room. I never allowed any female in there, not even my three dead mates.

I knew she would soon die just like the rest of the females. She should have at least run away from me.

By the time I got back to my room, she wasn't there. It was only her hairpin that she left. Looking at the hairpin, I took it, placed it on my hair and I smiled.


The next morning, it was the message of the guard that woke me. It's been a while since I've had such blissful sleep and I was so vexed that I woke up.

"Your bride is missing," the guard said.

"Get out!" I growled at him.

Even if she's dead, I don't care. All I wanted was to return to sleep. The guard, afraid of what I could do, ran out but my Beta came in.

"Your Highness, we need to find your bride. Your wedding is today!" He said firmly.

I have two Betas. A male and a female. Luis is the male while Anabella is the female. I prefer Anabella over Luis. Luis is quite audacious and of all the people, has the one who doesn't get terrified by me but he doesn't criss his lane.

Anabella, does take care of me like a mother even though she's more like a daughter to me. Both had stayed with me during thick and thorns but I always want Anabella around.

"I don't bloody care!" I shouted at him.

"Your Highness, the elders are out there. You have to find your bride." 

Luis won't leave even if I beat him to pulp. Several times, I've beaten him but he won't relent. He's such an annoying Beta. 

I grumbled and stood up. After I refreshed myself, I headed to the throne room. Indeed those elders were already there.

"Your Highness, we have to find your bride," the chief elders said.

"Isn't it good that she ran away? At least she won't die," I replied bluntly.

The elders didn't like the way I spoke but then knew better than to say anything to provoke me.

"Your Highness, it is not your fault that all those females ended like that. You shouldn't give up because of that," he said.

"Why not give me your daughter?" I snapped.

He didn't expect me to say that. He looked at me shocked and adjusted before he continued speaking.

"Your Highness…" He cleared his throat. "You don't need to find her, just tell us her location and we will do the finding," he said, ignoring what I said.

"Not interested," I said and stood up.

This was what I was going to tell them. I just wanted to have my peace. My great grandfather died all of a sudden and now I'm assuming his post. It was so annoying that I couldn't even give my great grandfather a befitting burial because he wanted his death to be announced only when I found a Luna Queen.

A lot of people thought I assumed the post of the Alpha King because my great grandfather was tired of ruling. They didn't know he's dead.

"Your Highness, why not let's look for her. You can ignore her after crowning," my Beta Luis told me.

"Have you ever seen any of the females that lived to be crowned Queen?" Anabella asked.

She seems to be the only one to be on my side and that's why she's my favourite.

"I have a feeling that she's different. After all she spent the night...."

I couldn't let Luis finish his words. I didn't even know he knew about that woman staying in my room.

"Shut up!" I growled at him.

Anabella looked at me curiously. "What is he trying to say?" 

"Nothing," I said and walked away quickly.

But I didn't take more than a few steps before pain hit me hard. I stopped and held my face. It was burning as if fire was set on it.

"Your Highness…" Lius and Ana called with concern.

The burning got to a stage that I groaned. Looking up at the two people beside me, then retreated with an horrified look. This Made me wonder what was happening. Seeing that their eyes were fixed on my face, I ran to where a mirror was and I saw my face. Even I myself was terrified. My handsome face had the mark of burning. At first I didn't know what was happening. All the elders were looking at me. No one dared to say a word.

"Get me the priestess!" I roared.

By the time the priestess came, I had already returned to my room. The burning was still there and I was scared at what it was.

"Did you go into anyone during your attack?" She asked.

I knew I was guilty as charged so I sheepishly nodded my head. She sighed and I wondered what my burning face had to do with the woman I went in with.

"I don't know if I'm right but you have to find her. If we see her, then we would know what is next," she said.

Knowing the priestess for a while now, I knew the old woman would never lie to me. 

"Okay," I said before I mind linked Luis to come to my room. "You have to find that woman for me," I ordered.

"Your Highness, we've been searching for her all morning but she's nowhere to be found," he said.

Remembering that she left her hairpin, I took it and held it tight. Then she appeared in front of me. She was eating like a hungry cat and I chuckled.

"She's at Dumli Village," I said.

Luis didn't even allow me to finish before he ran out. This made me wonder if there's more to looking for this woman.