
A. things to know; a note from the author

Hello WebNovel Reader!

Before I get started, I want to establish a few things.

My pen name is TwoHandedWarClub and while I have written stories before -- mostly unofficial -- this is (technically) my first work ever.

But you probably don't really care about that, so now I'll tell you something that you will care for (hopefully o_o), which is how YOU, the reader, can impact the story.

There is really only one thing to keep in mind at this time, which is contribution. While I would be greatly appreciative should you choose to use your power stones on this story, I do not mandate it. Instead, I highly urge you to comment, or if you still cannot, at least vote in the frequent polls I will run.

These 24-hour polls help me decide how to move the story forward, what developments to include/skip, as well as what projects I will move on to next. This includes things like HAREM/NOHAREM, the development of UNIQUE POWERS, and whether I work on another fanfic or new novel (usually named). I still will make final decisions, but ultimately I do this so that I can know that there will be an audience interested in reading the content.

Well, that is all I can think of for now, but I may choose to return at a later time if I decide to update later audiences.

See you!! @w@/