
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 6- Anonymous


Hako looked at the ground seeing that the broken pieces and holes where suddenly put back perfectly together, "It's just like the buildings from the streets…magically back together?"

"Hm? Did you say something." Shoyo noticed her questionable face.

"No, no its nothing."

"Alright everyone! Its time to show the new fighters!" Erics voice almost seem to just want to give out. On the screen showed the pictures of the two new fighters faces, on the picture of the right was a boy with round blue eyes, and black hair. The other face was hidden with a black hood over their head, "on our right we have ZENTI!! Next on our left we don't have a name for a request to stay Anonymous so there for we have ANNONYMOUUUUS!!"

"Hey isn't that?" Tokume stood up and leaned over to get a closer look.

Hako noticing she asked, "Are you questing how the floor is back together?"

"What no! Just the person down here the one with the hood. I talked to her for a bit when they were saying the rules at the garden thing."

The two came out of the tunnels reveling themselves. Zenti had a blue shirt and some ripped up jeans, while the girl had nothing changed about her but just her hood over her head. Getting a bit closer Zenti started to talk, "Hey mind if you back down, I'm not really a fan of hitting girls."


"Come on cut me some slack and just give up!"


"Fine then have it your way but I'll make this quick."

"IN 3!2!1! BEGAIN!!"

She lifted her head from the ground meeting eye to eye with Zenti, stopping in his tracks he felt a sudden fear inside him. He felt a bloodlust in her, her small dead purple eyes burned in him as they shined underneath her hood.

Zentis legs started to quiver, his teeth started to continuously click against each other, his arms almost seemed to go numb. He wanted to run away and leave but using all of his courage he stayed. The feeling slowly went away, once that moment was gone, he almost dropped to his knees. The girl started to slowly walk towards him then once she got closer a hand reached for her chest.

He fell right on the ground but gave a grin, "Heh you might wanna give up now! I just touched you with my anti-gravity so you…might…as well…" He turned around and saw her still standing, "I-I thought I touched you! You should be-wait why am on the opposite side of where I was?"

He got off the ground and started at her questioning what happened. Slightly turning her head, she started back, in a flash she was gone, without a trace, without a sound she just disappeared. On edge he started to turn in all directions, asking himself where she went, how did she do that, when is she going to strike?

Zenti turned around another time only to meet a heavy foot striking his back, launched

forward she appeared in front of him again then her elbow quickly struck his stomach making him gasp for air. Falling to his knees he wasn't given a break, a swift leg hit him right on the face, making him fly back falling on the ground. He squirmed and rolled as he felt his cold blood run down his nose.

One knee and hand on the ground and the other his nose he looked up to see she was gone again, "give up…I don't want to hurt you anymore." He finally heard her whispering voice, and it came behind him.

Zenti put his head back but only ending up smacking the hard ground, he forgot all about the pain on his noise and put his both of his hands on his head, "fine have it your way."

The girl picked him up by the collar of his shirt and landed her knee on his wounded stomach. He lost all the feeling in his body then became limp. She quickly ended the fight by knocking him out not giving him a chance to even shine.

The crowd was silent for them it was already over when the battle started, but she didn't care, she walked away as people in blue jackets came over and put Zenti on a stretcher carrying him away. Before she entered through the tunnel, she looks up to see Tokume. All Tokume saw was a pair of sad eyes and an expression that seemed like she wasn't alive. Then she disappeared into the tunnel.