
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 2-Encounter

Her mind was focus with no thoughts of failure. Taking a breath, she ready herself, then she dashed towards the Revenger, with a wave of her hand water flew in the air making several platforms. Her heart rushed as adrenaline filled her veins, jumping in the air her shoes touched the water platform. Tokume's heart felt relieved as she prayed to the GODS for this to work.

The Ravenger ran at her with amazing speed despite its size and weight. Tokume brain was screaming but her body was saying to not stop as she stepped on each water platform. She drew closer to it as her heart was pounding like a sledgehammer. Finally stepping off the last platform the beast right in front of her she was playing on death's doorstep.

Tokume swung her left hand behind her and a blasted a wave of water from her hand straightening her to the spot she wanted to go. Like a missile she blasted through the hollow hole above the Ravenger's head. The chilling air was blowing around her making her hair wave around like a flag in raging wind's, everything looked wrong, the Ravenger looked like it was also in the sky falling with her.

Falling? She soon quickly realized she was upside down falling close and closer to the floor. Her heart started to pound again and again as her head began to rush with thoughts of death. With a quick wave of her hand she smacked her cheek making them bright red to clear her thoughts. Looking around she saw Hako in the bubble from what it seemed she was yelling. An idea came to her head as she squirmed in the air with the remaining amount of time she had left before she splats.

Putting her hand in front of her and bending her knees upward. Taking a deep breath threw her nose, water started to leave a trace from her hand and from her shoes. As soon as she exhaled, she spun her body and as she did water started to form around her making a bubble shape. Opening her eyes, she saw an artic color sky, Tokume's heart kept pounding as she was giving heavy breath's. Although she was not able to have a quick piece of mind even for a second.

The floor trembled and it got worse and worse as it was closing in. Tokume soon noticed that she was on the other side by looking at the fallen down building and the water fountain.

Putting down her bubble with a wave of a hand she picked herself up and ran toward the fountain. Bursting throw the building ruble covered the ground, The Ravenger twitch and shook its head as it was in pain. Tokume was covered in water as rock and concreate bounced and slid off of her like it was oil. Finally, bring it down she was hit with a sudden though.

"So…what now?" She did not think this far ahead and gave a very dumbfounded look. "I got it to an open space. Now what do I do?"

Wiping the sweat off of her head, she just stared at the gigantic beast in front of her. If she ran away it will just chase her back into the enclosed spaces causing more and more damage. Tokume head was rushing with other ways to escape but every idea was immediately turn down.

Taking a breath to calm her down she scratched her head, "Well I guess I'm just gonna have to survive till some hunters' get here."

Tokume zipped up her black and red stripped sweater and put up her hood. Water ran up and down her sleeves. Her white eye shined bright in the darkness of her hood as her black eye was covered in the dark. Without hesitation she ran to the opposite side from the Ravenger, it followed her like a dog chasing a treat. As she kept running a large building in front of her blocked her way, but it didn't stop her as a idea struck her head.

The water that was on her sleeve quickly ran down to her open palm, reaching the building she put her foot on it and the water from her palm's sprayed like a water hose, without hesitation she put her other foot and started to run up the wall.

She started to quiver from being unbalanced, turning her head she saw the Ravenger stopped near the building and seemed to wait. Tokume felt her foot slipping because of her losing concentration, she began to think if it was getting smarter by it not mindlessly smashing the building. She stopped thinking and cleared her head, then the next thing she knew was that she jumped off the building, opening her eye's she saw a beautiful view of the city.

Building filled her vison some small and some so tall that it seems it touches the ocean blue sky, Tokume used the water from her palm to spin her around so she was not upside down again. Falling down she saw the Ravenger just standing still but its tail started moving more than usual, taking a closer look she noticed spikes on the end of the tail.

"I don't remember that thing having spikes. Wasn't hollow?" She felt a quick but heavy breeze past her head. Something caught her eye.

A purple like thing shaped like a cone. Finally realizing she quickly put up a small barrier with the remaining amount of water she had, "THAT THING CAN SHOOT SPIKES!"

The Ravenger spun around then a barrage of spikes flew at her. Clicking her tongue, she raised her hand to her lemon blonde hair where it covered her black eye and raised it. Tokume noticed she was now almost to the ground, she felt a chill down her spine and a cold soft hand touching her shoulder, this was the second time she played on death door today and the Grim Reaper was hanging over her head ready to collect another soul.

Suddenly memorizing pink rose petals filled her vison, it was like time stopped, she gave a soft smile as she knew who it was already. In a second the petals disappeared, and she found herself in the arms of Hako, noticing they were not in the sky anymore but now on the solid ground.

Tokume gave a smug smile and looked at Hako, "Hi, how are ya?"

Hako let out a sigh of relief and dropped Tokume on the floor as she made a OOF sound, " Should you really be making references at a time like this, also what was you're plan there?"

Tokume quickly got up and dust off her clothes, "Well I was gonna make another platform and send water dense enough to pierce it's skin, but I didn't expect that thing to shoot spikes at me. Anyway, how did you get out of the bubble and I see your cuts are gone now."

"I don't know it just kinda deformed out of nowhere, so I used my petals so soften the landing and yeah I didn't know you where able to do that." Hako said as she looked at her arm and legs.

Tokume face went blank as she remembered waving her hand to release her water bubble, "Oh yeah hehe… I wonder why that happened…anyway I'm glad you're okay now."

"So, what now?" Hako turned around and saw that Tokume was gone. She looked around and saw across from her was Tokume running to the opposite direction. She felt a vibration in her back pocket and pulled out her phone. All it said was a three word's "MAIN ADJECTIVE SURVIVE."

"So… this is how it feels." Hako put back her phone and raised her hand in the sky. Pink flower petals came from her sleeves and rained down like it was a day of fall.

The petals spun around her as she became less and less visible, the Ravenger stood and watch as if it was caught in a trans. Petals kept spinning faster and faster as every second passed by, a gust of wind was suddenly blow by the Ravenger waving it's giant tail.

The petals flew everywhere but as soon as they touch the ground, they disappeared in air leaving glitter like sparkles as they float, Hako was suddenly gone, the Ravenger turned its head in confusion, everything was covered with pink petals all around it. It was like a tornado, the petals spun faster and faster and closed in on the Ravenger, it squirmed and quivered as all it saw was pink flashing before it is eye.

"Heads up!" Tokume looked behind her as she saw Hako descending like a angle from the sky.

She landed gracefully on her toe's near Tokume standing still as she looked at the Ravenger.

"Hey… why is it moving around a whole lot?" Tokume stood in confusion as she saw the Ravenger wave its huge body back and forth and swung its tail uncontrollably.

"I never told you?" Hako stared at Tokume confused and slightly terrified face. " well to put it in a way I use enough Light and Dark energy to pull a illusion that only that one person can see, and to anyone outside of the illusion isn't part of it so that is why you see it moving around like its being bothered."

"Anything else you wanna tell me about because that is terrifying." Tokume stared at Hako with a disgusted look.

"Well there's one more thing about it… if you believe in the illusion enough then it drain's you're spiritual energy or as you know other known as Halo Force, and there are only 3 way's to break out of it, 1 is if you run out of Halo Force, 2 if you already know it's a illusion, and finally 3-"


All the petals disappeared in an instant, a gigantic beam of light blasted through a widespread of building and left explosions in its way. The blue sky turned red for a bit, gray smoke filled the air as the Ravenger turned its body towards Hako and Tokume.

"What was the third option…" Tokume looked at Hako with a pale and frozen face.

Hako eyes darkened as her shoulders quivered, "Or overwhelming Halo Force that overpowers the illusion…"

Hako bit her lip as she saw the Ravenger stare into her soul. She wasn't surprised at the fact it had more Halo force than her, she expected it, everything has Halo force but this much! She didn't expect it to be this destructive.

Light ray's swirled around the hollow hole, slowly a small ball of light formed after each second. Hako and Tokume both took a step back, they both knew in their head that there was no way for them to survive that, no way at all. But it did not matter to them if Tokume tries to escape more and more damage will be done, Hako knew this too. All In there minds where "WHEN IN THE HELL ARE THE SLAYERS ARE COMING!!!"

"VVVVVOORRRM" it was charging again. In a second a wave of energy blasted toward both of them. Without a single though they both dodged the other way dividing the road that split them. Tokume thew water in the beam and Hako threw petals as well.

It's beam disappeared and smoke covered where Tokume and Hako stood, simultaneously they both jumped out of the smoke dashing towards the Beast as light started to swirl again. Tokume opened the palm of her hand then water started to spin in her open palm making a spear, petals swarmed out of Hako's long sleeve then stared to spiral around her arm, they both launch their attach straight at the orb of light. They both clashed with the enormous orb, seconds passed by as the water and petals where absorbed, it started to disfigure and get smaller.

"You know that beam of yours is filled with light energy." Tokume gave a slight smile, "so what would happen if we mixed dark energy it… it will dissolve by mixture of both sides. That's why we both threw out our energy to get a feel of how much you use."

"Who are you talking to?" Hako looked at her with slight confusion.

"I'm talking to the Ravenger! Who else would I-ugh never mind my cool moment is gone."

As it got smaller it blew up right in its face. The Ravenger roared in anger and anguish, violet blood dripped down from its head, its left eye was destroyed, leaking out blood it cried in the sky so loud it shook the ground.

Without wasting another second, they both rushed up underneath the Ravenger each going to its back legs. It was pitch black underneath the Ravenger, Tokume gathered her water and swung at the scaly leg using high concentration water. It had absolutely no affect the scales where as tough as diamonds.

Looking at Hako who was on the other side had the same amount of luck, both nodding they dashed towards where the sun shined. The Ravenger stomped and twirled, regretting the decision they tried and escape as fast as they could. Tokume waved her arm to Hako, a small wave of water picked Hako up and as fast as lighting it carried her to escape from the beast.

Reaching her hand out to Tokume she fell on the hard ground but quickly got up. Thinking what she should do. Having a idea come to her head, she started to send crescent shapes of hardened petals right to the hollow eye of the Ravenger. More and more blood squirted out of the eye as it yelled in unbelievable pain, Hako started to run in front of it to lead it away so Tokume can have a way of escaping.

Instantly realizing what she was doing she made a run for it, with a wave of her arm water slipped under her shoes and Tokume slid all where she could finally feel the burning hot sun. Hako kept running and running, the Ravenger chased after her but stopped for a second, lifting up its foot it stomped on the ground so hard that it sent Hako off her foot.

Hitting the ground with her shoulder she looked up and saw the foot of the Ravenger right above her about to make her into a puddle of blood. It was too late there was no escape, this was it. She closed her eyes as she waited for the inevitable doom. Tokume heart dropped as she looked at Hako on the ground, lifting her hair again to reveal her black eye a small amount of back traces left her eye.


Silence was in the air, the Grim Reaper that haunted the air disappeared, opening her eye's Hako saw in front of her someone in shiny silver armor. A shield as tall as a vending machine and as wide as a truck stood in front of the person in armor. He alone held up the foot with the big shield.

"Sorry we are late," He had a deep voice, but it sounded so calm, "we had some technical difficulties!"

"Wait "we"." Hako realized who this person was. In all of the Predator Slayers there are 6 that stand out.

The one in front of her was the Unmovable Shield Ragnar. He is a legend for what he did at the Battle of Exodus. That battle had many lives lost but he kept his entire team alive, he told his partners to fall back and he will stay behind and block the way. He made a huge line and not one Ravenger or Beast passed the line.

"FUBUSHI YOU'RE TURN!!" He screamed into the sky.

Someone ran and jumped over buildings as quick as light, taking a step off of the final building she soared in the sky. Tokume was standing still as she saw the person flew in the air, she flew so far and was in front of the sun, quickly she fell from the sky.

"Moon Phase…Waxing Gibbous," Falling closer to the Ravenger she had a sword and sheath at her waste, "UNWITHERED MOON."

She was an inch away from the Ravenger deadly spikes. She fell to the ground gracefully and smooth as a butterfly flying in the night sky. Tokume stared in awe as she saw one of the six.

The Phasing Moon Fubushi, she had a white kimono with a little black being overrun by the white that split in two at he knees for leg room and long sleeves that stopped at her wrist, the hip ribbon was white with a hit of black around it. White and black boots she wore stooped a little before her knees, her hair was pure snowy white with some pitch black invading the back part of it and some black in the front. Her hair was in a ponytail and the front had strips of hair going down the side of her check along with bangs almost covering her light blue lapis eyes. Fubushi sheath had all the phases of the moon and a certain phase was glowing a bright white. Tokume noticed her swords was still sheathed, but she quickly looked back and The Ravenger stood still. Another second passed and multiple blood splashes in a shape of a crescent flew in the air, she turned around and started to walk towards Tokume who stood in awe.

"Shuka," Fubushi yelled with her eye's closed, "you're turn time for clean up!"

"Yeah, yeah I know," A soft voice came from behind Tokume.

She quickly turned around and saw a girl a little bit taller than her, she had short bright blue hair that stopped at her half way at her neck, some of her hair fell to her left eye while the right was almost silt back. Shuka eyes where a memorizing deep blue color, she was wearing a light blue jacket with the zippers being shaped like a shark's tooth, her hood had white teeth shaped like a shark's tooth going all around.

A blood red stripe hanged off the left side of her jacket, underneath she wore a white shirt with dark blue pant's and blue sneakers. Tokumes eyes sparkled as she saw 3 of the strongest Slayers in front of her very eyes. Shuka put her hand on Tokume's head and patted it as she complimented her saying they did a great job surviving and being so brave. Taking her hands off of Tokume's head she walked closer to the Ravenger, Ragnar gripped his shield and with ease he pushed and launched the Ravenger straight in the air. Shuka stopped walking, her eyes turned into a blood red, a mark shaped of a red shark appeared on her left cheek.

Shuka gave a soft sight of disappointment, "I really wished this didn't end as quick as it did, kinda boring isn't."

She lifts up her arm to her chest and lifted up two fingers in the air. Underneath the Ravenger who was still in the air was a vortex. It was filled with water, then suddenly an enormous shark as big as a space shuttle left the vertex going straight in the air to where the Ravenger was.

It has thick dark blue skin, yellow spikes started from its head to its tail getting smaller with every spike, a huge scar ran down the left side. Where the white part of the eye was black and its eyes where a ruby red, the tail had stiches on the left fin along with a part on the right had huge bit marks.

It opened its wide mouth and like a hot knife with butter it easily chomped down on the Ravenger straight in the middle. With amazing speed, it swung its body and chomped and chewed down on the 2 other pieces of the Ravenger. Then, fell back to the vortex sending water everywhere like it was raining. Shuka turned around and her shark mark was gone along with her red eyes, she put her arms on her hips and gave a huge smile.

Hako got off the ground and like Tokume stared in amazement.

This was it. This is what they wanted to be! This is what they are working to be!

This was the power of 3 of the 6 Strongest Slayers or other known as.