
Dark Devotion

Nolan is a young man living in a world full of magic and dangerous creatures. One day, he and his friend found hidden ruins in a forest they usually hunt at, and decided to explore them. They could never imagine what that old place had to offer.

NunoReis · ファンタジー
6 Chs


They had walked quite a bit to reach that place, so reaching the camp would take some time.

"Master Nathan, tell me the truth... Did we abandon my father and the rest of the group in the ruins? Will we even go back for them?" Nolan asked, sadness could be felt in his words.

"Your father has been a captain of our guild center for quite a few years now, he won't go down that easily. But, to answer your question, I did prioritize saving everyone in the village, even though a few stayed behind."

"I see... I understand."

"Once everyone is safe in the capital, I'll get some people to go back for them."

"Thank you."

Usol had many questions, but the extremely bad atmosphere kept him from asking anything.

"Oh, also, that spell you just used, that made the wolves stay hovering in the air, how hard is it to learn it?" Nolan questioned, surprising the guild master.

"Hahaha, you remind me of your father when it comes to battle related stuff, even though he prefers swords much more than magic. I'd say you can learn it in a few months if you put your heart into it, and since you use wind magic a lot, I think you'll get used to it pretty quick."

"I have the greatest affinity towards water though, won't that make it harder?"

"Not at all. Contrary to what most people think, everyone can use every type of magic if you train it hard enough. But obviously, using the type you have an affinity for will make things easier."

"If you say so... You'll see me flying in no time then!"

"That's the spirit."

The old man was relieved Nolan wasn't too sad because of his father and could keep his spirit up, even in dark times.

I was going to tell him about what will probably happen next, but I think I'll spare him the pain... for now.

The guild master thought to himself, knowing very well that their Heodal Kingdom was most likely about to be at war with the Argo Kingdom.

"Rmmm, I didn't want to interrupt but... is there supposed to be a big campfire at the camp?" Usol said, pointing forward.

"What the-" Nathan dropped his spell and so the goats fell on the ground. He focused all his magic and flew upwards, where the trees would not get in the way of his view. Since it was already a bit dark, he could not see much except for one thing.

"What is happening... Did anyone pick a fight at the camp!?"

He thought to himself after clearly seeing a large flame in the middle of the valley, right where the camp had been set up.

He then flew down, back to Nolan and Usol.

"I'm not sure what's going on over there, we should return as soon as possible. Leave the animals here, for now, we can come back once things are settled at the camp."

The boys dropped the goats next to the other three, and the trio began to run their way back to the camp.


"Paul, are you awake?" Zlodey asked, still locked up in the cell along with his friend.

"What is it?" Paul asked back, disappointment could be felt in his voice. Disappointment in himself, for getting caught so easily.

"I think I can break this chain, the problem is, we have no idea where this place is, so what do you want to do after breaking out?" Zloday said, confident in his strength.

"Don't you go doing anything stupid now. Didn't you see their armor? We're likely somewhere in the Argo Kingdom, and since they used a teleport to get us here it could be anywhere."

"That is true, but do you plan on staying here and rotting to death? We still need to find Theo, Tarou, and Faye!"

"And how do you pla-"

"Hi there."

Another voice interrupted the duo. It was a soft, calm, female voice that came from the other side of the bars.

The place was almost completely dark if not for the moonlight.

The woman then lit up a flame in her hand, and used it to light a set of torches on the wall in front of the cell.

"Much better now." She said, now being able to see inside the cell, and the same for the prisoners.

"Red eyes..." Paul muttered after looking the woman in her eyes.

"Ye I get that a lot. Anyway, my name is Zaya, yours?"

Paul and Zlodey were stunned by the sudden appearance of the mysterious woman.

"..... I am Paul, that one 's Zlodey."

"I can sense you two have a decent amount of power, how the hell did you manage to get captured by that dumbass Enor..."

"And who are you exactly? What do you want from us?" Zlodey questioned, wanting her to go straight to the point.

"Ok, so here's the deal. I want to get out of this kingdom as soon as possible. In fact, I was hoping it would get completely destroyed, but by the look of things, it appears you people from Heodal aren't very interested in that... Either way, I'll help you out of here, and you'll take me with you. That's all."

"And why would we trust you? As far as I'm concerned you can just kill everyone in power as soon as you get close to them in our kingdom."

"I'm trying to help you, you know?... Well, I guess I'll need some more time to convince you. For now, I'll just let you know that your shield user friends are fine in another cell. I'm not sure where Enor took the woman though... He looked very... ummm... interested in her."

"Tsk..." Paul was annoyed, everything was happening so fast and there was little time to process what was happening.

"How do we get back to our home?" Paul asked, not seeing any other options.

"Spies from this kingdom have been setting up teleport runes in yours so they can mobilize the soldiers easier. That's how you ended up here, wasn't it? Once I free you, we'll rush to the same teleport rune and we'll be in your kingdom in the blink of an eye. Easy."

"May I know why you want to run away? It's clear you're just using us to get out of this place."

"It's... complicated. I'll explain everything once we reach your kingdom."

"Of course... So? What are you waiting for? Get us out of here."

"No. Not now. There are too many people outside even at this time of the night, this is the most populated city after all."

"So we're in the capital of Argo huh..."

"That's right. In a few days, a lot of people will be mobilized north to prepare for another invasion, it will be easier to free you then."

There was silence for a few seconds, until Zlodey spoke up.

"This is unbelievable... Are you seriously going to trust her?" He asked Paul, still trying to process everything.

"You just said it yourself, didn't you? You don't want to stay here and rot to death. If we're really in the heart of the enemy kingdom, this is our best option."


"It seems you guys need to talk, I'll be going now, they hate when I disappear. See you in a few days!"

Zaya said and snapped her fingers, making all the flames in the room extinguish, leaving only darkness again. She then left the building and headed back to her room.

I hope this works out... I'm sick and tired of my father and this damned kingdom, I'll just leak every important information I know to the Heodal Kingdom... assuming they don't try killing me as soon as we teleport there...

Lost in her thoughts, she got back to her place, and entered the room.

As she entered, she couldn't help but notice a large man sitting on her bed as if it was his own.

"Father... Were you not at the feast?" She asked, quietly.

"I really can't believe you're still acting like a child. You are going to accept the man I'll bring you, and our kingdoms will be united."

"I want nothing to do with this kingdom's business, you cannot choose for me!" She snapped at her father, angry about everything he wanted her to do.

"YOU are my daughter! I am the king of this damn Kingdom! You'll do as I say and do your job as the Argo Kingdom's princess."

"I refuse! I'm sick of this!"

King Argo frowned as he got up from the bed and approached his daughter.


The strength behind his slap made it feel more like a punch on Zaya's face.

"You're a disgrace. Your mother would be ashamed."

"Too bad you killed her."

"ZAYA!" The King shouted, furious at his daughter's words. He pulled an arm back in a punching position and Zaya closed her eyes accepting what was to come. But it never did.

"You're lucky I can't mess with that pretty face of yours. But I have other ways of making you comply. Next time you go against my word, you'll regret it."

The King said as he lowered his arm. He rushed to the door and left the room at a fast pace.

Mother...What should I do...

She thought to herself while rubbing her cheek, where her father had slapped her.


"Mom? Luzia? Petter? Where are you?"

"Nathan! In here!" Katyl screamed back at her son, happy to see him return along with the guild master and another hunter.

Nolan ran to his mother who was hiding in one of the small rock rooms the adventurers had built, along with Luzia and Petter.

"What happened?!"

"Some strange men attacked the camp, our adventurers are fighting them right up ahead!"

Master Nathan heard her and looked for his men.


Sounds of screaming could be heard in the distance, and so he began running in their direction.

"Usol, come with me. Nolan, stay here and protect them."

"But I can fight too!"

"NO! Do as I say."

The guild master's voice sent shivers down Nolan's spine, he knew he couldn't go against his words.

"Very well..."

And so, Nolan watched as the two ran in the direction of the fight.

"Your leg." Luzia said, noticing a small wound on Nolan's leg.

She extended her arms and cast a simple healing spell.

"Thanks... It was just a scratch."

"Be careful."

Nolan looked around and noticed the rest of the people were also hiding in the rest of the rock buildings, which meant the adventurers did a good job at protecting them and taking the fight away.

"They were red knights. The same as in the ruins." Petter said, and Nolan's eyes widened.

"Those bastards... Uhhh."

Anger grew inside Nolan as his memories of the ruins resurged.

"NOLAN BEHIND YOU!!" Katyl screamed out.

Nolan turned, only to see a fireball rushing towards him. He managed to dodge it, but just barely.

"HEHEHE... Hello again."


Enor slowly approached Nolan, looking at all the small rock buildings.

"You idiots shouldn't have stopped... You even made little houses! Ha ha ha!!"

"My father, where is he?"

"Oh, that's right! You are that man's son... And that guy I cut the arm off is related to the other one... HEHEHE."

"WHERE IS HE?!" Nolan screamed out, furious at Enor.

"Wow, So aggressive! HEHEHE. I wonder... Since I'm here... He could be dead, he could be locked up... I'll let your imagination flow, HA HA HA!"

"BASTARD!" Nolan pointed his open hands towards Enor.

"WIND SLASH!" He cast the same spell Petter had used to kill the squirrels, and if it was to hit, Enor would probably be badly hurt, if not killed. However:

"Null!" Enor said, making the spell Nolan used completely disappear.

"Tsk... What about this! Splash Canon!"

Water burst out at an extreme speed from his hands, but once again, Enor cast the mysterious spell


The water completely vanished mid-air. While they were fighting Katyl turned to Luzia and Petter:

"You two should run, go now!"

"What about you?!" Luzia asked.

"I'll stay and look for an opportunity to attack. It may not look like it but I'm also capable of quite a few offensive spells. Now go!"

Luzia helped Petter up and both made a run for it. Unfortunately for them, Enor noticed.

"Oh no, you don't!" He said, and rushed past Nolan, towards them. His speed reminded him of master Nathan and how fast he got to the wolves.

"CAREFUL!" Nolan screamed to his friends.

Enor grabbed Petter by his neck as soon as he got there, not leaving any chance for the one armed boy to evade.

"How did you not die last time..."

"Let him go! Luzia said, and cast one of the few attack spells she knew.

"Light Arrow!"


Enor's spell seemed to dominate all others, making them disappear as if they never existed at all.

"Splash Canon!" Nolan tried his water spell again.

"You guys are annoying... Null Dome!"

Enor's spell created some sort of barrier around him, Petter and Luzia. Nolan's attack did no damage to it.

"It must have a weak point." Katyl said, trying to maintain her posture.

Nolan and Katyl tried every spell at their disposal but nothing seemed to work.

Enor grabbed Luzia's neck with his other hand, and only then realized something.

"You... Your eyes... So precious..." He looked her in the eyes and Luzia felt like passing out, just like he did with Faye back in the ruins.

What spell is this... I can't move... Oh Goddess Vianna... Please hel-...

Luzia fainted.

"Now, what do I do with you..." Enor said while squeezing Petter's neck harder. "Oh, I know! He grabbed a dagger he had at his waist and in a flash:

"AHHHH!" Petter screamed out in pain. His other arm is now gone as well.

"PETTER!!!!" Nolan screamed from outside the barrier, punching and kicking it, but to no avail.

"HA HA HA! Look at him trying to save his friend! So cute... It almost makes me cry..."


"AHHHHHH!!!!" Petter's screams could be heard once again, his left leg fully detached from the body.

His voice cracked from all the screaming, and his eyes and face were completely covered in tears.

Enor let go of his neck and grabbed him by the hair instead, pulling him up to match his height.

"P-Please...." Petter cried.

"Still awake huh... Not for long."

"STOP!!!!" Nolan shouted from outside the barrier, feeling powerless and hopeless while he watched his best friend get mutilated.


Enor cut Petter's throat, making blood burst out of it like a fountain.