
Dark Designs: Star Martial God Technique

Oneshot turned into a mini series. Waking up in Star Martial God Technique, surviving is one thing. Not killing people due to their views is another. No profit gained in the creation of this.

Magmatide · アニメ·コミックス
101 Chs

Day 10 Night 10

Liang Yu pushed his body to the limit that night. Already finding a few books to help supplement his body and what he needed to advance more. Mixed with his knowledge as a Plastic Surgeon, a few issues were found out.

Diving into the memories of the original shed light on some matters. While he did that, he ate vegetables and, meat and consumed a lot of milk and water.

Liang Yu was physical abused as well as mentally and emotionally abused by his family. Considering some of the things he did to others on the outside, it was enough to come full circle and barely covered the shit he did. Basically, he was a little shit heel.

Power needed even more so to deal with them when he returned. No matter how Liang Yu looked at it, no matter what he would no go back there. Unless he could find enough resources around the school and snatch some up before others got them

*Shine!* Rich qi shined in his eyes. Doing handstand pushups while circulating his qi rapidly was showing promising results. Especially the Fire Vortex Core qi. It drained quickly into damaged tissue and the cracked bones.

Torn muscles devoured the qi in moments. Less than two hours later, he was completely tapped out of qi. This time he made sure to work in the back room. Every pore of his body screaming as toxins were flushed out.

"Kuff!" Liang Yu coughed up some black residue. Every part of his body was pushing out the unwanted and the damaged. "Kuff! Kuff!" A hard cough had broken bone come out. His qi had already built new bone. "Huff... huff... just enough food to help push it along. Definitely was smart to get all that milk."

Exhausted, Liang Yu picked up the bone and moved to the adjacent room. Having shaken off more of the toxins and crap in the room, he would need a bath soon. But that could wait for later.

Having made a very basic microscope, he placed the bone under it. Flipping the multiple lenses to view further and further for more detail. Definitely not what he used to.

"At least some good news." Lian Yu muttered. Any trace of his recovered energy was used on his eyes. Pulling the information he had on bones was a little difficult it was the least amount of surgery he did before arriving in this place. "Even a small trace of the qi can improve the bones. But if I send it deeper into the bones under the multiple layers it will be a good way to improve my body faster. No signs of cancer at least!"

Pulling away and rubbing his temple, he had a good idea on what better to do now. Just need to pull up the detail more of his knowledge.

Osteoclasts: These are large cells with more than one nucleus. Their job is to break down bone. They release enzymes and acids to dissolve minerals in bone and digest them. This process is called resorption. Osteoclasts help remodel injured bones and create pathways for nerves and blood vessels to travel through.

"With the application of qi, I was able to push this along and actually nudge this process along faster." Liang Yu mumbled to himself. He moved away from the room heading to the bath to soak himself. Picking up a notebook as he wrote the matters out to help for later. " I need ways to accelerate the process of Osteoblasts. Surely the multiple demonic beasts they have will be able to help with that process."

Osteoblasts: These are responsible for making new bone and repairing older bone. Osteoblasts produce a protein mixture called osteoid, which is mineralized and becomes bone. They also manufacture hormones, including prostaglandins.

"If make them richer it would make the process of recovery even better. My knowledge on prostaglandins is extremely limited. Ugh, maybe I should have become something else instead of a Plastic Surgeon." Grumbling, he dipped under the water before resurfacing. "Buah!"

Liang Yu hoped he could find some books later about different ways to improve the body. So far he found it very lacking for his needs after thinking it all over once more. He defintely was missing the internet at this time.

The day passed by pretty quickly. Liang Yu spending that time on recovering. As well as pushing the boundaries of his cultivation. Circulating with low level qi proved to be insightful. Small tricks that would need time to mature for later.


That Night-


Liang Yu was in the study reading over some books on meditation. Strapped to his legs were some weights. He was doing leg curls and flutter kicks to train his body.

"Hmm?" A small breeze entered the room. Alerting to the presence of another. "To think the Vice-Principal had strange customs like this." Liang Yu was not polite considering the man came in unannounced in his room. He didn't get up to greet him either.

"Very perceptive." Old Xu said as he moved in front of Liang Yu. Not minding his behavior. Chalking it up to the late-night as well as the fact he entered unannounced. "Just came to talk my disciple. As well as see how you were doing."

Old Xu looked at what he was doing and took note of the pool of sweat, as well as the dried sweat underneath him. The hard work displayed right now was way more than what he thought the young man was capable of. As well as the reports suggested.

Liang Yu gestured for him to sit down with his off hand. His eyes still reading over the book. The two sat in silence for a few hours. A few hours passed when he finally put the book down. Then relaxed his legs.

" AH!" Liang Yu sighed heavily as he dipped his feet into a tub. Only taking a few seconds for it to heat up from being lukewarm. "I could sleep all day tomorrow and not care about anything."

"Oh, that tired are you?" Old Xu asked. He couldn't place it, but he felt he was in the room with an old colleague in a way. Every moment he found himself liking this disciple more an more. Only downside was the family ties. "Maybe pace yourself more."

"A good idea, but that is how one dies to another hand. Not being prepared or being to weak." Liang Yu was a little upset. One thing he found in the books he read, was that several people died from lackluster efforts and not training enough. And these were just the ones he found, imagine the others that did not make it into books for other reasons. "Being weak is a sin, I want to correct that as soon as possible. Only training and effort can fix that. As well as money in my hands. Which I do not have any of currently."

"THe Dark Moon family did not give you any, I find that hard to believe."

"I am not the heir," Liang Yu shook his head. "..used more as a reminder and an exertion of the family's influence. They have their own matters to attend to. Matters I do not plan on exercising myself. I am my own man, just have to move carefully for now."

"Then the Academy itself?" Old Xu stood up as something on the outside caught his attention. Someone moving along the school grounds when they shouldn't be. Liang Yu figure it was the traitors making moves by the abrupt way the old man stood up. "Something has come up, study this when you have the time."

*Woosh!* A manual was placed on Liang Yu's lap.

"Do yourself and the academy a favor, if you find some people doing something they shouldn't take care of them." Liang Yu's words stopped the vice-principal in his tracks. "Let's just say I heard some rumors about some students and some teachers in the academy. Discontent and jealousy are strong. I am sure you have heard a few things yourself."

Old Xu stood there for a bit then vanished. His strength was just for show really but the words caused him to act a little bolder. Which in turn pushed his cultivation a little more. If the old man kept this up, he would eventually change his Destiny.

Picking up the manual, Liang Yu read over the cover. It was titled Astral Sense. A support technique to help with detecting one's surroundings. Considering the complicated routes needed to learn it, Liang Yu was amazed he passed it over to him.

'Definitely something worthwhile anyway.' Moving to his actual bedroom, Liang Yu started reading it. Imagine his shock when flipping the first few pages were about astrology and astronomy. "Did he mean to give this to that Xinghe brat!"

Annoyed, he almost threw something in frustration. But he thought better of it. AS he read through the book and thought over the different passages the qi needed to go through, his Flame Vortex Core started to circulate inside him.

Looking inward, Liang Yu was suprised it started to slow down immediately afterward. Didn't take much to put 2+2 and find out that it spun because of the manual he currently read over. But now that he was here he took a closer look at the core.

"Very pretty blue fire for one thing." Moving around it, he couldn't help but touch the flames. No pain whatsoever like when he fought against the other Liang Yu. In fact, it was comforting in a way. Having the not so bright idea, he focused on the outside and read the manual again. "Waaah!"

His eyes read over the text on the outside, as his soul was pulled into the center of the flame vortex. It started to spin quickly. Fire spreading inside him at a fast pace.

*Fwish!* The fire actually burned this time. As if his brain was melting as well as his soul getting burned away. The faster it spun the more he burned away. In a matter of seconds, he burned away to a small spec before his body collapsed altogether on the outside.

The process was so fast, Liang Yu didn't have the time to even scream in pain. He woke up hours later on his bed. His clothes, sheets, and the bed burnt up. So sore, he didn't make a single move at first.

"At least the place didn't burn down at all. Confined to just the bed really. Hmm, so weird." Liang Yu finally set up looking his body over. A lot of his hair was burnt away. Circulating his qi, he found it moved much faster and felt more pleasant along his passageways. His Flame Martial Arts close to hitting the 3rd Heavenly Layer. "Nice..." A circulation of his Fire Vortex Core proved to be more of an issue. "Ouch!"

A quick look inward was needed.

The qi was stronger and more plentiful than before. But his body couldn't handle it just yet. At the very cusp of the 3rd Heavenly Layer but held back his core itself. Which had small bits of lighting inside it circling around.

"Of all the things." Liang Yu mumbled looking closer. The Flame Vortex had grown exponentially and took up more room inside him in a way. The physics behind was to much for his now burned brain. "Where did the lighting come from?"

"It is part of me." A voice said from the surroundings. Oddly enough the lighting formed into an image of Shango the man god. "Congrats on finding something that can help you in the dimension already. That manual Astral Sense can defintely let you learn more about the Flame Vortex Core inside you."

"How about you just tell me about it and save me time?" Liang Yu asked slightly stumped.

"Can't against the rules put in place." The lighting image was slightly breaking apart. Almost if something was interfering with it. "But a little small bit of advice, your plan to strengthen your body is a good choice. Once it is strong enough, you can bare more from the Core which will let you learn more."

"I see..." Liang Yu looked at the large fire circle in trepidation. The pain he felt before blacking out was not something he wanted to deal with anytime soon again. "Explain Champions to me since you are here now."

Suprinsgly enough the lighting congealed a little more into Shango more. SOmething Liang Yu took note of.