
Dark Carnage

cherry a high school reporter has gathered a lot of popularity through the school paper and she's set on her next big story, " what's up with Troy Rivers". To successfully write this story she'll need to uncover many secrets, but the secrets are more than she bargained for and she has unknowingly thrown herself into an unavoidable danger and death is the only way to get out.

Oyebanji_Oluwakemi · ファンタジー
10 Chs


"baby your brother's going  to the party now", Cherry's mum called to her from downstairs.

    "I'm not following him mum someone is coming to pick me".

    Those words sent vibrations down Cherry's mum's ears as she ran up stairs and pushed into her room without asking for permission.

   "don't tell me", she said in a shocked tone and Cherry  smiled at her cheerfully.

   "oh I'm telling you"

"oh  my gosh, you've finally got a boyfriend, who is he tell me about him", Cherry's mother screamed like a teenager as she offered to Cherry a helping hand in making her hair, she  had always waited for the time that Cherry would finally grow up and get a boyfriend, she had a pretty one in the middle the school but that didn't count.  It felt like it was just yesterday that she had given birth to Cherry and here she was all grown up having boyfriends.

     She looked out Cherry's window and saw a red convertible parking right in front of the house.

" is that him", she  asked in anticipation.

   "yeah "

"wait here until I call you there needs to be romantic effect", Cherry lightly giggled at the childishness of her mum. The doorbell rung and Cherry's mum walks up to open it and immediately  she opened it, she was met with a stunning figure, he was tall and handsome, from his dirty blonde hair to his sparkling blue eyes, his sexy suits revealed his dazzling figure. "you must be Cherry's mother I see where she gets her beauty from", he said as she kissed the back of her palm lightly, he even brought flowers for Cherry, she had to admit that Cherry had a good eye probably got it from her mum.

"I'll call her for you", "Cherry!!!"  she shouted from downstairs.

       Her dazzling figure emerged from upstairs as she majestically walks down the stairs, anyone looking at her could swear that they had seen an angel she wore a cream colored long gown that swept the floor but revealed her hips as they swayed from left to right, her beautiful nutty brown eyes seemed more pronounced and her cheeks seems more Rosy her hair had been done in a cute bun thanks to her mother.

        Travis could swear that he almost fainted just by gazing in her eyes, he handed her the flowers and she handed it to her mum telling her to keep them safe. They both worked towards the car and her mum couldn't help but to admire the beautiful young couple.

   " don't forget to bring her back by ten"

   " I will Mrs Keller "


    Cherry walked into the party with Travis the party was just getting started but it seemed to already be crazy.

"would you like a drink",  Travis asked and she slowly nodded her head while searching for Troy in the crowd,

"he's the host of the party he can possibly ditch it", she said in her mind when she wasn't finding him but then she noticed a dark figure walking away from the party instead of towards it and she had somehow concluded in her mind that it was Troy.

    She found herself following the figure into darkness but paused when she noticed it suddenly went out of sight she discovered that she had strayed far from the party site and now had to find her way back.

    why did his compound have to be so damn big, she turned around and started walking towards the party when she felt something speed past her she turned around and nothing was there, her heart started pumping as the atmosphere became suddenly tense, she decided she would walk as fast as she could she felt it speed past her back and increased her pace when suddenly a figure pops right in front of her and threw her to the floor so wanted to stand up immediately and run but it gripped her firmly to the floor, she closed her eyes in fear but curiosity made her open it and she was met with a terrifying image of a face. He had bulging purple veins all over his face and his eyes seems darker than that of a normal human being, his dentition seemed similar to that of an animal, he growled at her face and she closed her eyes. Suddenly something pushed off the person from her body. She opened her eyes again and discovered this was Troy who  had already knocked him unconscious.

" what a creep, he wasn't even invited to this party, he is probably some drunk or something", he said as he stretched his hand over and helped Cherry up.

"are you okay yeah", Troy asked as they walked towards the party area. her wrists were already sore due to the grip of that person and she's slowly rubbed it.

Travis had sited Cherry from afar walking with Troy and rushed to her "Cherry where have you been, I went to get you a drink and you were gone, he didn't touch you did he?" he said as he gave Troy a dirty look.

"  I went  look for a bathroom and then I was attacked by some bastard drunkard who wasn't even invited to the party"

"oh  my gosh, did he hurt you", he said he examined her face closely"

"  I'm fine apart from my wrist sore, thanks to Troy", Troy had already left their side and disappeared to God-knows-where again.

     She searched to crowd but couldn't find him, she was determined to get a story on him she so decided to resolve to plan B, sneak into the library.

      Travis sat down and gave her a drink wraps one of his arms around her waist and she rested her head on his chest the state in that position for up to 5 minutes or so then Holland called Travis to talk to him giving Cherry enough time to run for the door to the house.

     She opened the door slowly and quietly crept into the house as though she was a burglar of some sort, she walked down the passageway as she suddenly hit a vase stand and the vase came tumbling down but she managed to hold it before it hit the ground and broke.

  "phew..... that was a close call", she said to herself as she  slowly walked to the library and was relieved that she could remember where it was located to quietly pushed the door open and walked into the library, it was heavily furnished with shelves and books. There was a huge picture of Troy hung in the middle of the wall in the room, a personal study desk and chair was kept close the window, if she was going to get any any then that's where she will start searching. sShe walked over to the desk and on it there was an open book for some reason the page that was opened had Troys picture on it, she flipped over to the first page and noticed something really weird it was a 1936 book, why was Troy in it, she flipped back to the page where I was in just to make sure it wasn't she's look alike father or grandfather but it was definitely him, the name on the book was so different though, Diavro Dos Santos, she took a picture of it and began inspecting the library. It was full of really old books mostly from the 15th,16th and 17th century a lots of the books were from the Renaissance and classical periods. She noticed a big old book that's open on a small table isolated parts of the library and and she crept to it in order to check out what it was about. The first page she saw was the picture of someone who seemed to be screaming, the image was clawing its face with his nails and his eyes were dripping with blood it was quite terrifying. She's stretched her hand to flip the page over but immediately he touched the book her hand got mysteriously cut and blood dripped on it she looked for handkerchief to clean the blood stains but when she glanced at the book again the were gone.

     She suddenly heard the library door opening and footsteps rushing in so she hid. the  footsteps came towards to book it was Troy he was panting and sweat dripped down his forehead, his veins seem to bulge out of his face, he ran his hands through his hair then covered his face as he paced rounds the book.

    " I don't need this today I only need to feed once, I can control myself for this night", he seemed to be scolding himself in order to prevent himself from doing something he didn't want to why am I finding it harder to control myself he said as he opened the book then he noticed something was different his eyes darted towards where Cherry  was hiding as he realised someone had been with him all along. Cherry realised  that he knew she was there ran for the door in hopes that maybe he wouldn't see her face she thought that she has developed a good gap between him and her but he somehow managed to catch up with her immediately.

    His deep as which seemed even deeper  gazed into but for some reason there was a hint of worry in them. he sniffed her as though  he could tell something from her scent.       "Cherry what the hell have you done", he said in frustration as he lets her go and ran his hands through his hair giving Cherry enough time to run out the door.

Once she had left he groaned like he wanted to let something out and he said to himself, "I knew this party was a bad idea" .

    A dark creature appeared on his shoulder and gazed at him with a tilted head

     " I know chomp, she has no idea what terrible thing she has done".