
Dark Carnage

cherry a high school reporter has gathered a lot of popularity through the school paper and she's set on her next big story, " what's up with Troy Rivers". To successfully write this story she'll need to uncover many secrets, but the secrets are more than she bargained for and she has unknowingly thrown herself into an unavoidable danger and death is the only way to get out.

Oyebanji_Oluwakemi · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Cherry stared at her note as she scribbled something down, she took a look at what she had scribbled down.

"Troy Diavro", she tore the paper out as if she didn't mean to write it down in the first place. What had gotten over her? Maybe she thought about him so much that she found herself unconsciously writing his name. She finally picked up the paper she had written at the school's library and stared at it, the heading was: THE TRUTHS ABOUT TROY .

Maybe she couldn't say them but she could definitely write them down. She remembered that earlier this morning out of pure curiosity she wanted to see what would happen if she told her brother, she ended up telling him how she felt that his food sucks, this got him angry. She left an apology note in his bag afterwards but she felt like it would take a little more than that so fix his broken heart. Maybe she was going to make his favourite pastry when they got back home, chocolate fudge cake.

She stared heading of the paper, the paper was actually a perfect one, if she published it then it would be one of her biggest hits, but she knew she wasn't going to, she just wrote it to see how it was going to look, infact without anyone telling her she took her scissors and cut it into little bits.

Marcy entered the class and stood in front of Cherry's desk as she watched her violently caught a paper.

" tell me Travis didn't ask you to attend the match"

" he did", the expression on Marcy's face showed that she didn't like the idea and she was worried.

" tell me you're not planning on going"

"I am, you know he'll be angry if I don't attend", Cherry said.

" You seem to care about him a lot, for someone who doesn't like him", Marcy said with an eye roll.

" shhhh..... don't let anyone hear you", she said as she put one finger and Marcy's lips. "Cherry, you do know your situation, you can't be careless"

"so what do you expect me to do"

" Ditch him", Marcy couldn't tell cherry something that she wouldn't do, she knew that if she were in Cherry's situation she would have ditched everyone in her life and cuddled up in the hole as she shivered in fear.

Honestly, Marcy felt that the safest place for her best friend was the manor. She had put most of her energy into creating a permanent spell which made sure that the only beings of Terror who could enter were just Troy and her. She remembered how she couldn't cast any other spell for a whole year after she casted that protection spell.

" that's it, I'm helping you break up with him"

' fine by me," Cherry said as she followed Marcy out of the class, it was already closing time and the school's Hall was empty.

Holland had previously told Cherry that he would be leaving school early because grade 12 students had a program to attend and she should find her way back home, in other words Cherry and Marcy had to walk home. For some reason Cherry's heart thumped as she crossed the road, why was she this scared? It was like she was so paranoid about everything, she felt like everywhere she stepped was it death trap. She had Marcy by her side, right? Nothing could happen to her, right? Wrong. They entered a quiet street when she felt something push her side and she flew into the air, she was in the air when she noticed she was going to hit the other side of the street and was probably going to be dead once she hit the sidewalk because the height at which she was thrown was great. A red veil covered her and she landed safely, she looked at her front and noticed Marcy standing as she faced a guy he looked at her with eyes that said "I want to kill you".

He had dark eyes and dark brown hair which fell over his shoulder he was about 6 feet tall or more, his eyes were red and his nails seemed to have grown about 3 inches he had thick full beards and brows which told Cherry that he was a really hairy guy.

Mercy turned towards Cherry just to make sure she was alright.

" he's one of the pure-bloods", she said as she turned to face him again.

"it's been a while Diane", he said as he growled at her.

"pleasure meeting you again Everon, how are the rest of the dark Knights doing", Marcy's voice sounded as playful as ever.

" most of them are dead, thanks to Diavro..... hand the girl over"

" ha... you crack me up not a chance, go back to the other knights"

"you are a dark knight and you are meant to be loyal to the King, this is a chance to finally put an end to the terrors of Diavro once and for all and you are trying to prevent it"

"I am loyal to who I choose to be loyal to"

"if you wouldn't give her up willingly then you would give her up by force", Everon said as he charged towards Marcy as though he was prepared to kill her. Marcy didn't show on her face but she was quite worried. she wasn't sure if she could protect Cherry, yes, she was a really strong witch Maybe the strongest but she hadn't come back to her full power yet and she wasn't trained In combat, she really wasn't sure how she was going to protect herself and Cherry at the same time. Cherry had no idea how to protect Cherry against him, how the hell was she supposed to do this she wasn't trained to protect people.

Just before Everon got to Marcy, a figure pushed him and he landed on the other side of the street, the figure followed him.

" get her out of her", he said to Marcy as he looked in her direction.

"come on, let's go", she said as she dragged Cherry up to her feet and they disappeared and re-appeared in her room.

"why didn't you just do that spell before", Cherry said as she sat on her bed.

"that spell takes a lot of energy and I wanted to walk, it makes me feel like a normal girl"

Cherry face palmed, sometimes she wondered who was more careless between Marcy and her, no wonder leaving them both alone for more than three hours spelt disaster.

"who was that"

" that was Everon, the fifth ware wolf son of the King"

" and who's the first"

" Diavro"


Everon laid on the floor he couldn't even move, even if he tried to and if he managed to move his blood loss would probably kill him, his only hope was so wait there for someone probably another knight to help him out. Blood was dripping from every part of his body, he coughed out a little blood from his mouth as he gazed at Troy and chuckled a little.

" you've become weaker Diavro, usually I would have been dead since about 5 minutes ago"

Troy gazed at him with no form of pity or remorse in his eyes.

"do not mistake pity for weakness ....tell the other three, come close to her and die", he said as he walked away.

" why don't you just feed on her and become the monster that you used to be, you had power then, you must have enjoyed it"

Troy didn't want to look back at him but the sentence he just made have caught his attention and he stopped walking and sighed.

" Trust me if I went back to my old days it wouldn't be just to you that would be hurt". "So you rather die for someone you don't know much about, you're just a coward Diavro, a big old Coward"

Troy smiled to himself and pretended not to hear him as he walked away.


Troy opened the last written page of his Ecryplis. The words that Everon said hit him a bit, he was trying to change the future but for some reason he felt that the future was already set in stone. He stared at the last few words written the Ecryplis.

" And once his full strength has been restored, he'll rampage the earth and bring it to it's knees", he groaned as he read it.

"stupid book, change your wordings, I'm not planning on feeding on her, the world has changed, I didn't have any form of emotion then, now I do, I can't kill us all of them and I can't let him kill all of them either", he said in frustration as he sat down on his chair and got lost in his thoughts as he slowly tapped his fingers on the desk. Suddenly the room became darker and a figure appeared in the shadows.

" I see you've been watching me", Troy said

" the inevitable can only be delayed Troy" "I'm not planning on doing anything, you're not getting out"

the figure laughed like what Troy had said was funny.

"Everything had been set in stone ever since you made that deal"

" I did this but I'm going to fix it"

" nothing can be fixed at this point", the dark figures said as he disappeared away from room leaving Troy who kept on staring at nothing wondering if he could change anything.

" I did this, it's all my fault".

He picked up his phone after minutes of thinking to text Cherry.

" hey, are you okay I'm sorry about this"

" it's fine, it's my fault anyway"

"you need to move in with me"

" wouldn't that be dangerous too...plus, my brother and my mother"

"your brother and your mother wouldn't be a problem, I'll be the problem, maybe I'll just move into the other side of the mansion"

" uhmmm ...", a raised eyebrow emoji was attached to the end of that message, she was not sure if that was a good idea

"you're probably right, I'll just ask Marcy to teach you how to protect yourself".

"At least it will keep her a little safe", Troy said to the dark creature on his shoulder.

" Chomp, you do know teaching her how to fight back wouldn't be enough, terror beings are way stronger than humans"

The dark creature tilted his head as if he was asking Troy what he wanted to do to reassure her protection.

" I know you won't like it but if things get out of hand I'll have to make you bond with her"

The creature simply rubbed his head on Troys neck.

" don't worry I'm not making you do it now and it won't be forever".

Troy put his head on his desk and slept off, he was really exhausted.

He me woke up at 10 p.m. The moon was glowing red and he was in his full vampire form, he tried stopping himself from standing up from his desk, he clawed and scratched the desk as he groaned, just then a knock was heard on the door.

" sir is everything alright", she paused for a moment and put her ear on the door but she couldn't hear anything.

"sir it's 10 p.m. you need to move to your room", she tried listening for a response but she didn't hear any so she decided to let herself in, she was surprised to find nobody in the room, she walked towards Troys study table and looked around to see if she'll find him but there was no one there, she decided to walk out but as she reached the front of the door she heard a growl and turned around to look if there was an animal in the room, she felt something dripping on her neck so she looked up and found a figure hanging from the roof, his mouth was wide open and his eyes glared at her in deep hunger, the figure pounced upon her and she fell as she gave out a loud shriek.