
Dark Carnage

cherry a high school reporter has gathered a lot of popularity through the school paper and she's set on her next big story, " what's up with Troy Rivers". To successfully write this story she'll need to uncover many secrets, but the secrets are more than she bargained for and she has unknowingly thrown herself into an unavoidable danger and death is the only way to get out.

Oyebanji_Oluwakemi · ファンタジー
10 Chs


   Cherry woke up and blinked her eyes, she shook her head wondering if what had just happened was a dream or if it was reality she checked her watch and noticed it was 7 p.m. She walked out of her room and checked the corridor for any broken walls she couldn't find any, she went downstairs to the kitchen and found out that the window wasn't broken and the plates back was still intact, she checked the kitchen slab for a box of doughnuts and couldn't find it then went to the dining table where she and Troy were supposed to study and noticed that there was a plate full of crumbs and a textbook laying on the table, she checked the name on the text book and noticed it was Troys.

   A message popped up on her phone and she opened it to check.

" I got your number from your brother thanks for doughnuts see you tomorrow", a winky face was added at the end of the message.

"so Troy was here ", she  said to herself as she picked up the plate and the textbook at this point she couldn't tell difference between dreams and reality she dropped the plate in the sink and then went to her bedroom and dropped the textbook in her bag so she could return it to Troy next day. "I noticed you forgot your textbook I'll return it tomorrow"

"oh clumsy me, thanks", the message had a heart attached to it which made her blush a little.

     She took a glimpse of of the window and discovered that her brother had returned.

   " Cherry mum said she's not coming home today"

"  typical mum", she said to herself as she indicated to her brother that she had gotten the message.

         Her mum was a real hard worker, she managed a small hospital on the other side of the city so any time she was on night calls she didn't come home and she was mostly on night calls.


        " Hello",  Cherry shouted but it seemed like nobody was there, she was in the dark empty space that seemed to have no end and her voice seems to echo loudly back to her.

   " I'm scared is there anyone there", she was replied with nothing but echoes.

      Suddenly she heard the scream of a man which seems to be getting louder by the second the man was in obvious pain, the scream of a woman followed, then that's of a girl child, then a boy child the screams seemed to add more and more people each second, they got louder and closer each second and it began to pierce her ears to and it felt like a hole was being drilled into her ear drums. She used her palms to cover her ears but the screams were still sharp, suddenly something pounced on her and she woke up from a sleep immediately.

     When she woke up the first thing she noticed was Troy, who was right in front of her, she wanted to ask what he was doing in her room but other things bothered her, like the dream she just had or the reason why her family white walls seemed to be covered in a red coating.

    " I know you may be confused and I promise I'll tell you everything just swear an oath of secrecy to me"

    "if  I  scream now my brother would know and call the cops"

   "  this coat stops any communication  with the outside world, in other words nobody would hear or see what we are saying or doing neither can we, even your phone can't call the cops", he replied with a smirk on his face.

     "  fine I swear an oath of secrecy", Cherry said.

     " it doesn't work that way", he said as he handed her a tiny.

  "  bottle spit in it",  he said

    " what?!!!!"

    "do  you want me to explain everything or not including the creepy dream you had"

      Cherry was shocked at how he knew that she had a creepy dream without her saying a word about it. "what happens if I spit in the bottle"

  " then you wouldn't be able to say anything about what I'm about to tell you to any mortal, even if you tried"  

        Cherry cursed herself for being too curious because she found herself splitting in the bottle after less than five minutes of contemplation

" I've done it, now tell me everything   I need to know".

     "My   real name is Diavro and I'm an ancient being of terror"

     "ancient being of terror?" Cherry asked in confusion.

   "A vampire".

     The expression on Cherry's face was priceless she didn't know whether to laugh or whether to put on her serious face because she couldn't tell if Troy was joking or being serious. She searched his face to find anything that told her he was joking but found nothing.

    " I understand if you don't believe me,  that doesn't change a thing",he said in a voice that sounded so cold you could think he didn't care if she believed him or not.

       A very long time about 7 centuries  humans and beings of terror lived together as one, at that point we were not known as beings of terror and were like any other human being.  Apparently we were growing more rapidly than them because we survived Longer than them, this instilled fear into dear hearts of the humans and they began killing us. It's frustrating to be so strong yet, so weak. The humans found our weaknesses and began killed us one by one, they started the great dark war. 

     The king of the newly dubbed beings of terror became fearful and he hid all his subjects, he created a new world for them the dark world. No terror being was supposed to leave that place. After Many years of living there many beings became tired and started a rebellion they were called to the breachers, all 70 of them managed to escape into the world of the humans. The King then sent ten knights into the world to bring them back they were called The dark Knights

" let me guess you're one of the dark Knights"

  " no I'm a breacher", he said with a dark expression on his face.

   " how come all this wasn't written in the history books"

   "humans  had to bury their dark history"

     Cherry found this hard to believe because this huge chunk of history couldn't have gotten lost without any explanation.

    "how old are you exactly?"

    Troy put his hand on his chin as though he had forgotten his age and now her to remember, let me see I was born at the end of the 15th century so that should make me about 652 years old.

   " so why you telling me all this"  "because Cherry your life is now in danger", he said as he gazed into her eyes and saw many atoms of doubt he discovered that he might not be able to get her to believe him while they were still in her house, he needed to get her to his Mansion.

  " Marcy get us to the mansion"

    within a blink of an eye Cherry found herself sitting in Troys library and guess who was in front of her, it was Marcy.

  "Marcy what are you doing here?"  "don't worry I'll explain everything soon enough"

    "she's my little sister"

"  what? Does a that mean she's a vampire too"

   "no, she's a witch"

    "yep, one of the King's children"  Marcy said in pride.

   "  how is that even possible"

" looks like Troy missed a couple of things, Troy?" She wanted him to explain things.

     "As she said we are the kings children, the title of a King's child is honorary  and isn't giving by birth, only the strongest of us can be called the kings child, it is an honour to have the title of a King's child bestowed upon you and to be brought into the royal family"

     " wow, Marcy must be strong"

" You have no idea how strong she is, she was the one the king used to hide us and wipe our history from the world of humans, it almost killed her, left her in a coma for two centuries, took her another century to regain all her lost power and even up till now she's not the same"

       Cherry gazed into Troys eyes, she could see pain in them like he regretted allowing her do it, he obviously cared for Marcy.

" so you betrayed the King by coming here"

    "not  exactly the history books recorded seventy breachers nobody knew that there was 71th person, who was me. Apparently, the king thought I found being royalty overwhelming and ditched it then went into hiding"

    "  so how is my life in danger"

    "Marcy  explain"

   Marcy took a deep breath as though she was going to be talking for hours. "the body is divided into three, the flesh, soul and spirit. Vampires don't have spirits, instead their spirit is manifested in form of a spirits book and these books are called Ecryplis, they are books that record everything that happens in a vampire's life and decides a lot of things that happens to them...."  

   Troy took over from there.

"mortals  aren't supposed to touch it and when they do their blood isn't meant to be taken, but if that happens then they are bonded to the vampire who owns the Ecryplis" 

"  bonded?" Cherry said in confusion. "it means I either take your blood or a die"

"  so are you..."

"don't  worry I'm not planning on taking your blood, I'll rather die than introduce you to my dark world, I've spent enough years living anyway. The problem is you"

    Cherry had never heard somebody sound so enthusiastic about dying. "they know you're the only way of getting to me because right now if you die I die, they want you dead"

"  well, if you're so bent on not drinking my blood won't it be better if you just....you know died"

"well  yeah, I could commit suicide if that is what you're implying but if I die something bigger will come I'm just trying to stop what's coming and they don't understand that I'm the only one keeping it at Bay, because I'm the only one who could challenge it"

  "  who are they, the dark knights?" 

    " both the breachers and the dark Knight, except Marcy of course"

   "Marcy is a dark knight isn't she supposed to send you back to your world"

   "she  can't do that to her favourite brother"

   "  why do they hate you"

"due  to my days of destroying"

   At that point Marcy shushed both of them like she had something very important to say.

"Don't tell her, I love explaining this part is my favourite ", Marcy said as she grabbed  the Ecryplis and opens it to   a page with picture of dead bodies in pit was shown, she then coughed in order to settle her voice.

Nightfall's and the parents of the children settle them down to tell them the story of Diavro The Great destroyer

Diavro the destroyer he killed 10,000 men.

Diavro the destroyer he had four nobleman.

One for the east west north and south they served him and loved him with their might, but they turned on Diavro and that's what ended them.

He rampaged on the east north South and West.

He took all their lives, hope,love and breath.

The terror he stroke in people's hearts caused them to fear him and his might.

Diavro the destroyer he saw the terrors done and  Diavro the destroyer saw that there was no point so Diavro the destroyer decided it was time to rest.

but Diavro the destroyer will soon rise again.

" Marcy you didn't have to use an opera voice",  cherry said as she face palmed even though she was impressed

"what? I wanted the dramatic effects"

            "you're over dramatic cherry said as she rolled her eyes.

   "just to explain what Marcy said, I killed everyone who tried to  kill me or send me back.  After a long killing spree I decided that I would just be better off if I made a truce with them, they wouldn't come close to me and I wouldn't come close to them.

    "how many breachers and dark knights are left"

    " about 20 and 5 but of course they have children now"

   "  I have so many questions, is it everyone that turns into a vampire, when you suck they're blood"

   "no, just the ones who are bonded to me, the rest of them die I haven't had anyone bothered to me in like two centuries now I guess that's why my animal urges are stronger now, because I'm finally bounded"

   " what happened to those previously bonded to you"

     " they died or rather I killed them"

      " I thought if your bond dies then you die"

     " that's true if I haven't fed on them, I had already fed on them so keeping them alive was of no use to me"

     " why did you kill them"

   "a  bond is in slavery of their master except they. kill him, I simply killed them before they got the initiative to kill me".

    " So I'll turn and become your slave if you drink my blood"

      "  yeah, I'll Control everything you do, I'll rather have you died than to introduce you to my dark world, right now and you being close to me is futile and you being away from me is also futile two things can happen, either I feed on you or they kill you if. If I feed  then and I go back to my destroyer days, if you die without me feeding on you then I die, if I don't feed on you then I die if I die then everyone dies always leads to the death of someone."

       " why am I finding it really hard to believe, I thought you guys can't come out in the sun"

   "  that's just a myth, the Sun just hurts our eyes and we aren't able to see properly in the sun, that's why I use sunglasses, face caps and shades.

    " what about the dream I had"

   "Those  were the screams of  all the people that I killed before"

    "  and what pounced on me"

    "  that was.... that was me"

"  this is just so..."

        Troy shushed her, he knew that she was going to talk and how much she doubted him.

      Cherry was standing but she didn't know when she hit the floor and Troy was right on top of her, he gazed into her eyes with seriousness.

"tell me how else can you explain to me my inhumane speed or the way I stopped that bus"

     Cherry was about to say something but Troy stopped her and kept on talking.

   " or how I have fascinating good looks even with my pale skin or the fact that I can do this".  His eyeball suddenly narrowed as though it was that of an animal, more like a cat, he  suddenly opened his mouth and it seemed like his canines had grown an inch or two inches longer his, fingernails  grew long and sharp within seconds and it look like it's could tear anything and two veins on his face popped out. This rendered Cherry speechless.

" fine I believe you", Cherry was expecting Troy to get off her, but he didn't, he started staring at her and his eyes seemed to turn even darker, his veins bulging out bigger than ever, he made animalistic sounds which told Cherry that he probably lost his fight against his animal urges, she struggled to get away from him but she couldn't, his head went into her neck as he sniffed it and opened his mouth ready to bite.

" Diavro challato",  Marcy's voice echoed in his head and he quickly stood up from the ground and held his head as though he was in pain he covered his ears as though she was hearing the irritating sound of a large bell ring over and over again, he groaned and hit his head on the table.

          Mercy had used the ancient witch word  to stop him, it had been created during the time when the witches were afraid of vampires and they needed a way to escape they're clutches.  It wasn't going to hold him back for long she quickly grabbed Cherry's hand and disappeared away from Troy reappearing back in Cherry's room.

   "Mary how could this be happening, I watched you grow, we grew up together, I saw your parents and now you're telling me you're 600 and something years old?"

   "  632 to be precise and stopped aging when I was 19 years old"

   " I saw you as a five-year-old"

    "  I can shape-shift into different forms", she said as she showed Cherry all her forms, she had an old hag form and an animal form.

   "shape shifted into a four-year-old to get my parents to adopt me then slowly shape-shifted into my present age"

    "but  why?"

   "  I guess I wanted to have a normal modern child life"

    " was it you who fixed my house?"

                   " yeah"

     Cherry sighed, she didn't have anything to say anymore, she Low-key hoped that this was a dream and she would wake up pretty soon or maybe it was a prank that Troy had pulled on her and tomorrow morning he would laugh at her face and tell her it was all a joke, but she knew that this was probably real even though it seemed fake.

   " I have to put a spell on your house to prevent terror beings who aren't  Troy or I from getting in, it's a temporary spell but it would last you for tonight, it's the same one I put on the mansion but that one is permanent, took a lot out of me to cast that spell"

     " but on the night of the party another terror being attacked me"

     " on blood moons the spell gets weakened and creates little places that can easily be breached"

    "  and how would I get to school safely" 

   "I'll  come over to your house so your brother could drive us both to school, Troy can't help right now so you have to stick with me", Marcy disappeared from her room and Cherry knew she had probably gone back to her home.

     Cherry couldn't help to wonder if this is how she would have to live her whole life, in fear of the unknown.