

John is a very motivated and sincere scientist. His purpose was to connect humans to robotic technologies. However, he was cheated by his buddies out of jealousy and malice. He was sentenced to jail. During that period, a lot of things happened to his family. After being released from jail, he sought vengeance on his adversaries. To exact his wrath, he abandoned his human form and transformed into a robotic entity.

13 Chs

The Transformation

Within 12 years Alex and his friends grew more rich and powerful. They created an organization where they create humanoid robots. Now they are searching for a project that could change the entire humanity. Then they remembered John's project. They figured that they were searching for something like that, John made.

They decided to get their hands on that project and make it theirs. They searched for copies of that project in the laboratory. But they were surprised they couldn't find any documents related to that project. They remembered William working along with John, back in those days. They decided to go to him.

They searched for William. Finally, they meet. They demanded to know everything about the topic. William didn't hesitate to tell everything he knew about. He also provided all the documents they needed. Alex and his friends didn't even apologize for what they had done to them. Instead, they simply want him to forget everything and work with them. 

William agreed to help. They planned to take every last information that they could get from him and kill him and his wife later so that he wouldn't stand in their way. 


John will be released from jail soon. Alex and his friends came to know about it. They planned to kill him since they thought that he would become a hindrance to their development. Then William acted as a spy and came to know how he was going to eliminate John. He sends a warning to John through the superintendent who is another front of his.


Finally, John is released from jail. He couldn't find anyone outside the jail, waiting for him. He started walking aimlessly. Then he noticed a car following him silently. Then some gangsters popped out of the car and started chasing him with weapons in their hands. Thankfully they get into a car which William arranged for him to escape. The gangsters try to chase. But he escaped very fast. 

Alex and his friends came to know that John escaped from those gangsters. They wondered how he knew that he was going to be killed. Then they suspected that William was a spy. William already knew that this would come to this. So he escaped more early than anyone knows. Alex and others were so angry that he fooled them and decided to kill him along with John. They searched for William and John, but none of them could find them. 


William and his wife welcomed John back. Three of them went to a secret location which William arranged for them. It was an advanced mechanical lab. There they discussed the transformation, John is going to accept.

It was a new beginning and the end of the present. John got into the transformation machine. William set the machine ready to go. The thing with this experiment is that it may kill him after the end of the experiment. He said his goodbyes to his uncle and aunt. William with great sorrow, finally pulled the trigger. 

John was shaking when the machine was running. William and his wife prayed to God for the success of the project. At the end of the experiment, the operation was successful but the patient died. All the consciousness, memory, knowledge, morality, human desires, and thoughts, everything transferred into the brain of the robot. 

They covered John's body. John wakes up from a sleep. When he woke up he had a complete robotic body. He can feel, hear, see, and speak just like a normal human being. William and his wife were so happy that their work paid off. William gave John some new human-looking skin and all. 

John carried his dead body into a car. He drove that car and reached the top of a high cliff. He got out of the car. He pushed the car off the cliff. The car went straight to the valley. The car got blasted and destroyed completely when it fell down the cliff.