
Dante in DXD

I do not own anything that is copywrited that is included in this fan-fiction. I will try to either update somewhere between once a day and twice a week. Please for you critics out there don't hate post just because you don't like my writing. I am writing because I want to better myself not because I am a masochist that wants to beratted because his writing quality is subpar. For the rest of you I hope you enjoy the novel, please keep in mind that my descriptive writing isn't the best so bear with me, also if you cant quite picture what I am writing about then you can probobly find some kind of picture of the caracter online. Also I ask that the readers know at least some of the Devil May Cry story along with some of Highschool DxD. Other than that I hope you can enjoy my story. There will be a harem, some willing, some not so much. But there will be one.

Scarlet_Slayer · その他
39 Chs

Chapter 29:

While Akeno was undergoing her trial, Dante is talking to Irene.

Irene: "So what do you think they are doing to her?"

Dante: "Knowing Luna she is making her go through some sort of trial to prove her worth because Luna is convinced that I am on the verge of a mental collapse."

Irene: "Is she wrong? You have been through so much it is a miracle that you haven't had a mental breakdown already."

Dante: "Ugh, you sound just like Luna, I appreciate that you guys are looking out for me, but I am really fine, if Akeno breaks up with me then I will just let her do as she pleases. I will still care about her and not let her die, and just move on. If I truly need to get a soulmate then I can just accept Kuroka."

Irene: "Hmm, while you may be right it isn't much better, but it isn't my place to judge you. So anyways, why are you here?"

Dante: "I need to know if there are any backlashes from when I used the Juggernaut drive. I know it is a bit late but if there is a problem knowing late is better than never."

Irene: "Shakes head* I told you before, you are at the strength that if you wanted to live as a dragon using the drive forever you could. The worst backlash you got was from your demon blood because your body wasn't ready for your Nephilim trigger, that is much later down the line as you definitely need more time to do that. Even your Sin trigger will probably come first, your Nephilim trigger is the perfect balance between your demon and angel bloodlines in their fullest form. Since you have stronger demon blood you will unlock your devil trigger forms before you unlock a single angel trigger, only you fully master both will you be able to even think about using a Nephilim trigger, but I do have to admit, that form you took has some serious power. Even I when I was alive would have been disturbed by the aura you were letting off, but that was only while it was half-assed and incomplete, imagine what it will be capable of when mastered."

Dante nods his head and continues to talk to Irene for a while before deciding it is time to go get Akeno. Saying his goodbyes, he heads back to the throne room where he finds Akeno, Luna, Ebony, Ivory, and Nevan having a civil conversation. Luna noticed him first,

Luna: "Hey Dante, we were just talking about you. Also. she has my approval, you can pop her cherry whenever you want now with my permission, but I doubt you want any kids soon so control your energy okay." Giving him a light tap on the shoulder she goes off to do her own thing.

Dante: "Just what the hell happened when I was gone? It has only been 3 hours!"

The three girls giggle at his confusion. Nevan recovers first,

Nevan: "Don't worry about it, we just put dear Akeno through a small test and she passed with flying colors. Anyways did your talk with Irene go well?" she asks.

Dante just facepalms because he realizes they have no intentions of telling him what they did, giving up he says, "Just some small talk to kill time. Anyways, Akeno it is time to go, even though it doesn't seem like it , it has been a few hours since we entered, so let's go, I need to get you home unless you plan to stay the night, also the others have probably tried to break into my room by now." Akeno nods and says her goodbyes as they both wake up.

Once they were both awake Dante walks over to his closet and pulls out a necklace. It wasn't anything special, a simple silver necklace with a crimson dragon on it that is holding a sword that looks just like Rebellion. "Here you go, my gift to you. It was something special I made, the dragon is carved out of demon blood, because when demon blood is exposed to human air for too long it crystalizes, this will let me know when you are ever in danger so I can save you, also a bonus is that if a man tries to touch you without my or your permission, lets just say he'll get a little jolt as payback." Akeno takes the necklace like it is super fragile and gently holds it in her hands, seeing that she likes the gift Dante helps to put it on her neck, remembering what Dante said she looks at him, "You said made from demon blood? Does that mean you killed a demon?"

Dante shakes his head, "No, it is forged from my own blood. That is why it has the abilities it does, also it marks you as mine, because if another man tried to take you by force and could resist the jolts the magic enhanced into it will incinerate his member before can even touch you." He gives her a comforting smile and a peck on the cheek before getting up and walking out of the room leaving Akeno to her thoughts.

When Dante made his way to the training room, he finds his phone on a bench with a message from Kiba that they left early as he and Akeno hadn't finished up yet. "Veronica, has there been any work calls?"

[Yes, there have but none worth your time or the pay wasn't good enough.]

"Okay. Just let me know when one comes in, I am starting to get bored."

[If that is the case why don't you ask Azazel to sign you up for the junior devils meet. While it is mostly peerage vs peerage fight there are still a few one vs one fights that you could participate in. Also, you have proved that you can win a fight against a peerage by yourself, and this is without going berserk.]

"Great idea, thanks Veronica."

[Sure, thing Dante.]

After talking to Veronica, he calls his uncle,

*Ring!* *Ring!* *Ring!*

Azazel: "Yes, how can I help you my dear nephew?"

Dante: "Hey Uncle Azazel, can you talk to Sirzechs to allow me to participate in the junior devils meeting? I am getting bored and mercenary business has been slow recently. Do you think you can do it?"

Azazel: "Sure, I was actually going to ask you about it as a means to measure your strength, I was also thinking about having you work with the Devil King Ajuka Beelzebub about making your own set of evil pieces that wont turn you into a devil."

Dante: "Sweet! Thanks Uncle Z, you're the best!"

Azazel: "And don't you ever forget it! Hahaha! Talk to you later, I have some work to do and I need to call the devil kings about your participation."

Dante: "Okay, talk to you later Uncle Z."

With that Dante hung up the phone and went back to his room with a pep in his step.