
Dante in DXD

I do not own anything that is copywrited that is included in this fan-fiction. I will try to either update somewhere between once a day and twice a week. Please for you critics out there don't hate post just because you don't like my writing. I am writing because I want to better myself not because I am a masochist that wants to beratted because his writing quality is subpar. For the rest of you I hope you enjoy the novel, please keep in mind that my descriptive writing isn't the best so bear with me, also if you cant quite picture what I am writing about then you can probobly find some kind of picture of the caracter online. Also I ask that the readers know at least some of the Devil May Cry story along with some of Highschool DxD. Other than that I hope you can enjoy my story. There will be a harem, some willing, some not so much. But there will be one.

Scarlet_Slayer · その他
39 Chs

Chapter 13:

The next morning Dante woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee. Coming out of his room he was somewhat surprised to see a voluptuous woman making breakfast for him. "And just what do you think you are doing, Nevan?" Yes, the woman Dante was looking at was his Devil Arm the vampire Nevan. "Oh! It's good to see you awake Dante. I figured since you probably didn't want to cook on your first morning here I decided to come out and make it for you seeing as I have nothing else to do. Is that a problem?" Giving him an innocent face all Dante could do is sigh. "No, it isn't a problem I just wasn't expecting you to come out. Next thing I know I'm going to come home to Ebony and Ivory doing my laundry. So, what is for breakfast?" Perking up at his question Nevan quickly replies, "I decided something simple and light would be best, so I made bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee. Also, your caretaker Azazel is on his way down, do you want me to disperse or is it fine?" Dante shook his head. "You're fine. I planned to show him one of you guys anyway so this works in my favor. Can you make sure to add two sugars one creamer to my coffee? I'll wait it the table." Giving a happy nod Nevan continued what she was doing. When Azazel came to the kitchen he was surprised to see a woman cooking in his kitchen, "Hello, Dante is waiting for you at the table. Would you like for me to add any creamer or sugar to your coffee?" Azazel was weary of the woman but since Dante was already down and he wasn't fighting her Azazel figured that he knew her. "One creamer, no sugar if you would." Nevan gave a smile and a nod before continuing her work.

Once Azazel got to the table he gave Dante a questioning look. Dante just gave a sigh, "that look means you must have met Nevan huh." Azazel's look didn't change. "Sigh* Her name is Nevan a vampire and one of my Devil Arms. As I may or may not have told you all of my devil Arms are actually souls turned into weapons. Nevan is one of the few I have, and she decided to make breakfast since she thought I wouldn't want to, and she was right. Anyways, it should be done in a few minutes so just sit down and don't overthink it." Azazel's gave still held many questions, but he still sat down.

After around five minutes later Nevan came in using her powers to hold the two plates as she held their coffee. After giving out plates and coffee she sat to the left of Dante and waited for him to instruct her.

After drinking his coffee in one go Azazel looked at Dante then he slowly started drifting his gaze in between the two. "Sigh* it will be better to show you then old man." Dante was going to will Nevan back into a guitar, but she suddenly kissed him and then transformed in a small flash of lightening. To say was surprised would be putting it mildly, "Now I knew that Nevan was a tease, but I was not prepared for that." Dante recovered from his surprise and inspected the guitar in his hands. "Naughty, naughty Nevan. I will have to punish you later. Now then, I believe this should prove my point Azazel." Azazel woke from his surprise when Dante addressed him. "I believe so. I will admit that I was surprised when you said she was a weapon. Do you mind telling me what that guitar in your hands can do?" Dante gave a shrug before slowly playing the strings, as he did lightening coiled around the guitar and him, along with the lightening a few bats started to fly around Dante. This show surprised Azazel and he started to take mental notes on how Dante was slowly changing. As Dante continued to play the more lightening and bats that revolved around him, slowly calming down the lightening and bats slowly disappeared as the song slowed down. When he finished Dante looked at Azazel waiting for him to speak. "So? What do you think?" Dante asked. "I think you are going to be a broken bastard in the future. I could tell that the lightening you were giving off could even hurt me and those bats of yours could black anything I threw at you. Also, can all of your weapons take a humanoid form?" Dante gave a casual smirk and nodded at his question. "They all have a humanoid form, but some chose not to use it or that use a form from my memories whether it's something I thought up or saw. You will most likely see Nevan, Ebony, and Ivory the most as they are the ones closest to me. I don't know if Irene plans to manifest herself or not, but she may pop up every now and then." Azazel just nods and gives an exasperated sigh. "Kid do you realize just how much power you possess?" Dante gives a calm nod. Satisfied with his answer Azazel stands up, "Follow me I have something to show you." Not waiting for an answer Azazel starts walking towards the back of the house. Dante follows close behind and was surprised when Azazel used a small magic circle to open up a secret door that opened up into a large room that was split in half. One side was a laboratory and the other seemed to be a training/testing area. "Welcome to my lab! Here you can do whatever you want, build whatever you want, test whatever you want. All that I ask is that you don't destroy the entire place." Giving a smile he showed Dante around. To Dante's surprise he found bits and pieces of sacred gears. With a smile Dante went directly to the bench and started tinkering. He knew that he was going to have a fun time living with Azazel.