
Closing down Casebook 4

I arrived at the Crossroads by the back down with Fire and Erica quickly following close behind inside. My back still ached a bit from the fire burn that dead asshole gave me.

Drake was standing behind the bar but there were only a few others inside all sitting at a table waiting for me. Doc, Angie, Renard and Argan.

I had a moment of pause and I looked at Drake. "What we doing here?" I asked.

"Remember the house rules for the Crossroads. You have to finish the job. They came in looking for a job from a ranger." He said.

I sighed and walked toward the table and sat down in the only empty seat available. I stared straight at Doc. "What's the job?" I asked him.

Doc shook his head. "I'm just here to keep things peaceful in the sanctuary. Renard is the client." He said.

I looked at Renard. He looked the same but for a few scars along his neck and angry look directed toward me. "What's the job?" I asked.