
Danmachi: The Last One

Hi. Welcome to my Danmachi story. This story will have random events and what not throughout the story. My story might not follow the canon events but i will still try to keep it within the setting of Danmachi. That being said, I hope you enjoy. Synopsis: What will happen when a young boy is pushed to far. How will he react to his surroundings. Will he be able to overcome his struggles or will he fall into despair. This is a story about a young elf who happens to be the last of his race "The Moon Elves". Watch his story unfold before your very eyes.

Fgs_Chrome · アニメ·コミックス
24 Chs

Chapter 12


fter resting for an hour, he got up and stretched his body. He counted his potions and he still has plenty but definitely used a bit. He went towards the stairs after looking at the map to the tenth floor. As soon as he stepped onto it, the whole floor was covered in a dense fog. As he was about to move an arrow came out of the fog heading towards him. He ducked underneath the arrow and pulled his sword out, ready for a fight.

Though nothing happened even after a few minutes had passed. He thought it might have been a stray arrow but it was unlikely. That was too convenient heading for his head. He walked through the fog slowly not dropping his guard. He heard a few monsters in the distance but ignored them. He secretly grabbed a dagger and held it stealthily. He heard a twig snap and immediately threw his dagger in that direction. He heard a grunt but that was it. He immediately ran towards the sound and saw a man holding his shoulder with a bow in the other hand.

"So you were the one who shot that arrow" Akino said. That was as far as he managed to say before he was surrounded by a group of people in dark hoods. He looked and saw something that made him snap. The whole area was suddenly covered in killing intent and bloodlust so strong they thought a powerful monster had spawned. Akino was covered completely in Darkness Embrace and his eyes are now completely black with red veins in them. (Think Tokyo Ghoul).


He was completely over taken by his immense anger once he saw the Evilus badge on their chests. The darkness has finally taken over. He grinned such a sinister grin that not even the Evilus people could withstand that nasty grin and shuddered. Though they steeled themselves and prepared to capture the moon elf once more. They all rushed in and what happened next was the worst slaughter that anyone has seen. Organs were pulled out and thrown around. Heads and limbs were tossed here and there. Guys were flying as bodies were bisected and grounded into bloody paste. Spikes made of darkness were impaled in almost every inch of their bodies like a porcupine. Though the slaughter did not end. A few brave adventurers tried to step in thinking a new monster had risen and wanted to take the glory of killing it but were sadly killed quite quickly.

Akino continued to kill and torture the enemies all the while smiling. No this thing can't be called Akino let's call it Darkness. Darkness gouge out several people's eyes and ripped out their spines and used them poles with skulls on them. Darkness stuck his hand into one of the Evilus stomach and ripped his intestines out. He held onto and choke the man with it. Then he ripped out his ribcage and threw it like a disc and decapitated another member. This was too much for them to handle and tried to escape until a wall of darkness emerged and trapped them inside where the torturous fight continued.

All the blood and noise got the attention of the Loki Familia and they headed towards the noise. They were just coming back from a small quest when they heard cries for help. When they arrived they saw that Evilus was there and when they got ready to fight. There was a dark dome until it suddenly disappeared. Evilus members that were seen outside it were ripped apart by a shadow covered in darkness. The shadow roared and the fog dispersed showing everyone what had just taken place. Many people vomited while the higher rank people looked away slightly. The Loki Familia were much the same. The shadowy figure was covered in blood and surrounded by chucks of meat and blood. The Loki Familia surrounded the shadowy figure and demanded answers.


The shadowy figure sent out a wave of darkness that covered everything. Once the darkness dissipated there was no shadowy figure there, just a bloody mess. The Loki Familia was confused but sobered up quickly and had to report this to the guild of a potential new threat. Also to get someone to investigate what happened here and they began asking the surrounding people if they saw anything.


In an empty area in the dungeon we see a shadowy black figure laying down and was writhing in pain. Akino was trying to take back his body but the darkness was willing. It took a long time before he was successful. Though the price was his body. He was too injured and since he was reckless most of his potions were destroyed during the rampage. So he had to call it quits early. Not to mention he hasn't stopped shivering since he got back in control. He was petrified of what he had done. He knew he had a lot of anger but witnessing everything he did without being able to do anything scared him. He was afraid of losing control like that again and this incident caused him to develop PTSD. He wasn't afraid of the Darkness Embrace no, he was afraid of losing control again. He needed help but there's no one he trusts enough. He is also scared of what his god might do to him. Will he report him once he finds out. Will he be once again hunted down and used as a toy and experiment.

Just thinking of these different scenarios causes him to panic more and he starts to slowly close himself off again. He vowed to keep to himself and not let what happen, happen again. He needs to learn how to control his inner monster.

(What did you guys think about this Chapter. Very Dark I know but I wanted to show you guys how bad his darkness is. The darkness is an entity that lives inside him. It was this entity that allowed him to live for as long as he did. Now they are at war with each other and the winner gets the body. Who will win in the end.)

Word Count 1068