

Ignoring my pain I created jets of flame from my hands and feet to propel me even further away while simultaneously flooding the space below me with my fire. The gun labella that had chased me up into the air were washed over with the fire and effectively erased. The green dragons also didn't get away scot free either as my flames spread and consumed the area like an insatiable locust swarm. Grass, weeds, flowers and even the trees unlucky enough to be in it's path were devoured while the dragons being unable to fly also got covered by the flames.-

While they were distracted with that I allowed myself to freefall to the ground and dug through my bag for a potion to replenish my energy that was getting kinda low. I drank it and winced when I hit the ground but didn't sit there admiring the dirt for long before I needed to get up as the dragons decided that killing me was more important than the black flames slowly chewing through them. The battle had switched from long range to close range and I had a bit of a disadvantage here because there was only one of me and six of them.-

One level four monster I could probably handle but six all working together? My shit got rocked. I was like Mahito when he got jumped by Yuji and Nanami. I got hit by one dragon and before I had time to react to that the next dragon hit me. Unlike Mahito though I lost my right arm and left leg before my inspiration hit and I felt the barrier stopping me from using reverse cursed technique shatter.-

"Reversion technique: Heavens judgement!" I spoke hoarsely and in little more than a whisper but the very space shuddered with every syllable.

A white sphere of void manifested around me and the dragons still in mid swing simply burst into smoke. I landed hard in the perfectly smooth round hole that was the dungeons ground and laughed in euphoria. This first experience of reversed cursed technique was like the best drug ever as I couldn't even bring myself to care about my missing limbs or pain. I felt good, no GREAT! I felt as though I could take on the whole world and win. With a rush of positive energy my flesh bubbled and grew out two new limbs near instantly. -

Even in my high as fuck state I recognized that the appearance of these new limbs however were... off. Unlike my normal skin tone and nails these two new limbs were red and had thick black nails on the toe and fingertips like the claws of a beast. Shape wise they were just the same as they had been before but clearly they weren't. I suppose I should mention that my clothes, weapon and bag were all gone as my technique erased anything not biologically a part of me.-

This discordant appearance from my limbs was enough to snap me back to reality and damper the high enough for the logical part of my brain to register how big of a problem this was. I let the positive energy fade and with it the high it brought. Using my normal cursed energy I changed my skin color back to normal on these new limbs but left the nails alone since nobody would see them anyways with gloves and boots on. My gains from the dragons weren't great as far as drops went but smoke wise I gained roughly as much as the goliath had given me which was fair considering that each dragon was also level four like the goliath, just not monster rexes.-

Drop wise there was nothing from the gun labella and I merely got a few scales and a single fang from the dragons.

'As much as I like now having access to reverse cursed techniques that was WAY too fucking close for comfort.' I thought seriously.

I faced death once again and barely got by with a stroke of enlightenment. Thankfully I doubted I would require such a thing for domain expansion as I wasn't planning on having a combat oriented domain but one that boosts my crafting.-

'Still it's interesting to think about the reversion techniques no available to me that I can now add to my domain.' I thought as white frost formed on my fingertips as I reversed my hell flames.

Reverse curse technique did exactly as the name suggested and created the opposite of whatever technique it was used on. The regeneration it granted was more of a side effect of the positive energy than it's intended purpose. My [hell fire] was an excitable dark force that consumed everything it touched so it's reverse was naturally a frost that was stable and froze everything it touched , preserving it. -

My [hell's forge] on the other hand was a close range(I have to touch the thing to use it) force of creation generally speaking. This meant it's opposite was pure destruction, the erasure of everything it affected and could even be used at a distance. Honestly that last bit was the most valuable part of the ability as until recently I had relied on my flames for ranged combat but as a "to whom it may concern" type deal that was dangerous for my surroundings. This new reversion technique however let me attack at range in a precise manner.-

If my flames were a bomb my new thing was a sniper round, that exploded if I wanted it to.

"Now, where's the nearest monster? I need some pants." I mutter finally paying attention to the fact I was totally naked.

Hestia concealed my falna so it wasn't visible on my back and thus didn't need to be covered but walking around with my dick out was both not legal and also not a good idea in general if I liked my reputation.

"Why not use the drops?" you may be asking and the answer was because I turned those into a crude set of cestus(brass knuckles bigger meaner brother). As much as I'd be able to kill monsters with my flames and bare hands I'd rather not if I could help it. Thankfully the dungeon didn't decide to spawn some more monsters on top of me after I killed it's retaliation party and I had time to find some grass and turn it into a green speedo. Comfortable? Nope! Functional? Does it's job.