
Danmachi: Blessings of the Gods

Alexandros was an archaeologist with special interest in mythology. After an accident at an excavation site, he meets an unknown god. He gets blessed with a Falna and thrown in the world of Danmachi. Will he adapt to his new life? How can he succed when he can't join a familia, because of his Falna? Does he reach the top or give up and find another purpose at his second chance at life?

1st_Planewalker · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs


With a letter of introduction, I went to the Hostess after a guild employee copied the symbol of my Falna.

As it was already evening, the tavern has a lot of visitors.

After stepping in a cat-eared girl greets me: "How cute! A table for one? Inside is full, so we only have some tables outside free, nya. But the service and food is always good."

"I'm not here to eat, but came with a letter from the guild.", I explain

"Oh. Then you should get to the counter and give it to Mama Mia.", she says while pointing in the direction.

I already know the owner is the most controversial dwarf in fiction, but now that I see her towering over me with her bulky stature, I couldn't help but be surprised. 

"Can I help you, boy?", she asks and got me out of my stare.

"Sorry, I came here with a letter of introduction from the guild."

She takes the paper and reads it, while giving me a stern glance in between some lines.

" 'Kay lad. We have a lot of guests, so you can start with the dishes immediately. 

In return I let you stay in a room upstairs. Pay your rent and you can stay. If you help out you get some food in return, how does that sound?"

"How much is the rent?" I know her greedy nature and ask first to clarify. 

"50000 valis."

"Then we have a deal, Ma'am."

"Call me Mama Mia like the others and get in the kitchen to the plates."

In the kitchen I meet May and Lunoire and after a brief introduction, I go to the full sink.

After 3 hours she gives me a meal and then brings me upstairs to show me my room in a corner.

"This is yours. The bathroom is the first door on the corridor. As you live with females, I hope you know to knock.", she says and leaves.


Early the next morning, I wash up after making sure to knock a few times.

Walking downstairs I only see Mama Mia. 

"You can get some breakfast here or pack something as provision."

"Thanks, Mia" I am still not used to call her mama and she respects that.

"Are the others still sleeping?"

"We don't have a breakfast option, so most of them sleep in. Ryuu is out shopping ingredients at the market."

"I'm on my way then. Till later.", I say and wave goodbye.

"Stay safe, boy."

My first time to the Dungeon. 

Although it should be harder as dungeon mosters are stronger I am stronger than most rookies who start on the first floor, but unlike the animals and beasts outside the monsters here are more intelligent.

Even the goblins on the first floor know how to wield weapons, hunt in groups and sneak attack, so I keep myself on my toes.

After leaving the 'Beginner Road', which is the wide road that traverses through the first floor, I met my first goblin. Well my first two to be correct.

They are a shorter than me with green skin, pointy ears and faces only their mothers could love.¹

Seems one noticed me and sprints in my direction. The other one follows behind, but was faster because he had no weapon, so they arrive at nearly the same time.

One had a wooden club in his claws, so I first stab him with my spear and used the shaft of my spear to defend against the claws of the second goblin. With a swift movement I slash the spear to the neck of the second one and he falls dead to the ground. At the sight my stomach wants to turn its inside out, so I'm grateful to only packed provisions and not have eaten yet.

It's my first humanoid being I killed, but I try to focus on my surroundings while trying to calm down. I need to remind myself, that they are monsters. Born to kill. 

As my heartbeat calms down, I think if killing is my best purpose here.

But then I remember, why I loved being an archaeologist.

Finding the unfound. Going to places unseen. The deepest part of the Dungeon. How does it look?

And I remind myself, I only kill monsters. If I meet intelligent monsters, I'll need to see again.

Till then I become an adventurer to explore.

The first 9 floors are mapped out and provided by the guild and the way to the town on the 18th floor could be provided with some valis. After that are the first not fully explored parts.

I need to get stronger. To grow. To explore deeper.

The goblins and kobolds, who are dogs on two legs with a longer snout, were bullied with my high stats, so while going parallel to the 'Beginners Road', I hunt some of them to gain combat experience, but reach the staircase to the second floor fairly quick. I make my way down, but the only new monster were some Lizardmen. The name really gives it away, but I wonder why they are here, as in normal fictions they are near watersources to sneak attack from below the water surface. Well this way it's easier for me.

All three species have slightly increased stats the deeper I go, but not worth mentioning in front of my 'Status'.

I came to the end of the fifth floor after around 3 or 4 hours, but resolved to go back up. I know that war shadows and frog shooters are lurking down there. And while I think I could kill both separately, I know war shadows are rookie killers for a reason as they ambush really quick from all kinds of directions.

So with a bag half full of magic stones and a handful of drop items, I return to the surface.

My first expedition in this world was a success. 

I wonder how much valis I get and how my stats will grow after another 'Update' this evening.


1 All monsters are born from the Dungeon, so you get what I mean ;)