
Danmachi: Bell Cranel adventurer extraordinaire!

Someone suddenly finds himself in Bell Cranel Body. What will he do? Hopefully something fun.

some_random_dude1 · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Ruby's boring first day of adventuring.

"Yes, im going west! Definitely west!" Ruby Rose, now equipped with leather armor, a backpack, and a new scythe said while looking at the compass.

She took two confident steps forward and then stopped.

"Wait, but it shows that west is behind me…" huh, she had a brainfart.

Doing a 180-degree turn, she waited a bit to make sure that she was facing west and then started marching forward. 

She was scared, but also excited! Scared because she is apparently in a world full of magic and honest to Oum GODS, and excited because she had read enough crappy webnovels to realize that this is a dream come true! 

A world of fairy tales! A world full of dangerous monsters, monsters that terrorize the innocent people of this world! But this is also a world of heroes! Brave heroes that fearlessly fight evil monsters! Adventurers!

And right now…isn't she an adventurer herself? God Ares sent her off with a map, compass, food, leather armor, and a new scythe. There was a little bit of money too, but money together with food is bound to run out at some point. And according to the map, there are a lot of settlements that she can stop along the way before reaching Orario. Settlements that will probably have monster problems! 

And when monsters cause problems, a hero is needed!

Ruby happily giggled and bounced at the thought.

She can be a hero! She can be a brave monster slayer!

And who knows? Maybe she will even find a caravan being attacked by monsters on the way to the nearest town or village?


There was no caravan being attacked by monsters on the way to the village, and the entire journey was boring.

Her leg hurt too…

Well, at least she is finally here.

"The village of the dancing giant"! There is probably a story about the name, and she is actually curious to learn it. 

As for the looks of the village…well, it looked normal…

"Umm…e-excuse me?" She stuttered as she grabbed the attention of a woman that was collecting the laundry in front of her house. Curse her poor social skills! "Sorry, I'm new here, and…umm…is there a place where I can buy a place to sleep for tonight?" 

"Hmm, a traveler huh?" The woman hummed to herself. "Well, there is a small Inn ahead that adventurers or traveling merchants from Rakia use when their expedition makes them pass through our village. I think there is no one staying there at the moment."

"Thank you." Ruby quickly said and hastily made her way toward the Inn. What she found was a LONG house with "the sleeping giant Inn'' written above the door. 

Once she opened the door the first thing she saw was lots of tables with simple chairs on all sides. There were very simplistic, she wouldn't be surprised if all of them were made in a single day.

And to be honest, she is kinda scared that she will get a splinter in her butt If she tried to sit on one of those chairs.

There was also a small rock wall that reached up to her knees in the middle of the room in the shape of a square, each side around…2 meters? She isn't sure. Inside it, there was a lot of burning coal, the only thing separating it from the wooden floor of the inn being the previously mentioned stone barrier.

That seems like a fire hazard waiting to happen…

"Welcome!" A boyish voice of a child called out, making Ruby look to her left where she saw the counter, and a child sitting behind it.

She blinked.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come in, don't just stand there!" The boy laughed making her come out of her stupor and causing her cheek to gain a pink color from embarrassment. 

"H-hi, I would like one room for tonight." Ruby said, still feeling a little weird that, apparently, a child was left to manage this place.

"Dinner included?"

Her stomach growled, making Ruby embarrassed.

She had eaten some of the food that she got from Rakia, but beef jerky couldn't compare with a hot meal.

"I'll take that as a yes." The boy nodded and wrote something on a notebook laying on the counter. "That will be 15 copper." He said once he was done.

Ruby took off her backpack and took out a pouch of coins from it. She slowly fished out the money necessary and gave it to the boy.

"Umu" the child said with a nod once he was done counting the coins. Ruby had to admit…that was kinda cute. Reaching under the counter, the boy took out a wooden bowl and spoon. He then handed it to Ruby.

"Uhh…?" Seeing her confusion, the boy gestured toward the burning coal in the middle of the room. Upon closer inspection, Ruby saw a pot around one of the edges of it. "Oh." She realized. 

'Damn, she must have lived in one of those big cities if she never saw an Inn with a hearth' The boy thought as he looked at Ruby staring at the pot of soup dumbly, and then hesitantly scoop the soup with her wooden bowl. 

Since there was no ladle, the only way to get soup into her bowl was to use the bowl itself.

'Pff! city folk.' The boy thought humorously and went back to carving a bird from a small wooden block to pass the time. The same thing he did before Ruby entered the Inn.

Meanwhile Ruby was slowly eating the surprisingly good soup. And as she was eating, her thoughts wandered to her previous plan.

Adventure! Monster slaying! Becoming a hero!

Maybe she should ask the boy behind the counter if there is a monster problem that needs to be dealt with? The Innkeeper is one of the NPCs in video games that give information and quests about the village/town, right? 

She did just that! After having her fill of soup she brought back the bowl to the boy and asked the question.

"Hey, I was wondering…do you guys have work for an adventurer? A monster problem or maybe some bandits?" She asked hopefully.

"No, since we live close to Rakia adventurers of Lord Ares Familia keep the area clear of monsters, and any bandits dumb enough to make their base near Lord Ares territory is quickly taken care of." Her hopes were crushed, thrown on the ground, stepped on, and spit on.

"Anyway, your room is the first one to the right." The boy said and gestured toward an entrance leading to a long hallway where multiple doors were on the right and left sides of the wall.

Ruby let out a quick "thanks" and depressingly strolled to her room.

She grimaced at the fact that the only thing preventing an intruder from walking in is a single bolt, something that could be broken by a solid kick to the door. She sighed and used the bolt anyway.

The adventuress wannabe plopped on the bed. A bunch of hay and animal hides.

'Better than the ground, I guess…' Ruby thought, trying to think positively. 'Don't worry girl! Once you enter an area not protected by big cities like Rakia, I'm sure you will find a good adventure!' The little Rose tried to cheer herself up.

"Yeah." She let out weakly as her eyelids felt heavy. "I'll have my cool adventure soon…" she murmured and let herself fall asleep.

An entire day of near-constant walking was more exhausting than she thought.

—Random scenes that won't leave my head (not canon) —


The Bete, Lefiya, Riveria, Tiona, Tione, Aiz, Finn, and Bell are chilling, walking to the hostess of fertility to have some lil fun at their favorite restaurant/bar

Random Dog: *starts barking*



Bell: hey, Aiz?

Aiz looks at Bell and tilts her head.

Bell: here.

Bell gives Aiz a baseball bat with "no horny" written on it.

Loki: *approaches with lewd intent*

Aiz BONKS Loki on the head so hard that the force cracks the ground.


Bell: okay, hear me out…a spell that makes you feel like on drugs.

Lefiya looked with a half-lidded stare at the boy and reached into her pouch. She took out a small piece of paper and handed it to him, and upon closer inspection, Bell found out that it was a spell formula for the idea he had.

He looked at Lefiya with pure shock on his face.

Lefiya: Nobody will believe you.

She then walked away.


Next chap ruby is gonna kill some monsters, Odin will talk to Loki about the spirit he agreed to make in order to give an excuse for Bell knowing Nordic runes, and Freya being horny.

Next chap tomorrow since I don't have the strength nor the willpower to check my poor grammar for the already written chap.

I'll do it tomorrow 1 thing after getting on my bus to work, and if I don't, I will do it on the bus from work