
DanMachi: Ascension of the White Emperor

Note: To those who hate goody two shoes MCs, better skip this one before you get disappointed. === A soul of a once young normal human who died accidentally wandered in the domain of the strongest Goddess of the Multiverse. Being granted some perks and a system, he was reincarnated to an adventure-filled world. Follow his journey to becoming one of the strongest. Disclaimer: -I don't own the cover -I don't own DanMachi and any related stuff. [Might eventually turn this to Multiverse]

Pie_Daddy · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

The Mesmerized and The Obsessed

Library, Guild Main Building...

In a spacious room filled with nothing but shelves upon shelves of books and documents related to the Guild's affairs,-

devoid of any noise except for the occasional sound of paper flipping and the rough strokes of the quill pen on a paper.

Around the corner was a young lady with shoulder-length brown hair and enchanting emerald-colored eyes. She was sitting on a chair with piles of books on the table in front of her.

Her hand was flipping through the pages of a book steadily and unhurriedly, while the other was with a pen that would occasionally move as if she was writing something,-

but would then suddenly just stop idly hovering on a paper for quite some time. And after a few moments, repeat the cycle.

If any one of her colleagues would pass by and cast a glance on her, they would think that she was doing some work diligently.

However, if one would just stop for a few seconds and carefully look at her, one would find that she was behaving oddly.

It was because although her hands looked busy, she wasn't really looking right at it. As if they were just unconsciously moving on their own.

Her mind seems to be currently occupied with something while her consciousness was lying somewhere else.

And although her face was expressionless, her eyes that were just staring right at the wall for who knows how long seemed to be glittering with emotions.

But her gaze seemed to lie past through it as if she was looking at a beautiful sunset just on the horizon beyond the said wall.

Or perhaps she was just stuck in her own fantasy... only she knows.

While she may look dull at first glance, she would curl the corners of her lips, flashing a beautiful smile on her face from time to time.

Of course, every smile that would appear would be followed by a faint sound of her giggling followed by the turning rosy cheeks shading a blush.

'Uwaaaa~ Eina finally lost it. She's turning crazy...'

'Is this due to the work pressure?... '

'Haa~ I can somehow understand her, as one of the newbies myself.'

The dazing Eina was so lost in her own thought that she didn't notice her pink-haired female colleague just a few distances in front of her.

Originally, she was tasked by her superior by rearranging the books and records on the shelves.

However, in the middle of her work, she noticed Eina's odd behavior and thought that she had finally succumbed to the mental pressure caused by their job.

Truth be told, the pink-haired girl was only exaggerating.

Although the workload in the Guild isn't that much and couldn't be considered a complicated and tiring one, it wasn't easy either.

Especially when they were dealing with information, adventurers, and anything related to the city and the dungeon.

Pinky was just only overreacting since she was the type of person who complains when experiencing a little bit of hardship.

And of course, due to her laziness that she herself knew but refused to acknowledge.

'I have to make her come back to her senses.'

Balling her fists expressing her determination for her friend's sake, she trotted towards where Eina was.

At that same time, Ash's image was repeatedly flashing to Eina's mind. She couldn't help but let her imaginations run wild.

And every time she remembers the scene of them being alone despite the fact that it was just about 'business' to the two of them, she couldn't help but giggle and blush at the same time.

'Kyaaa~ Why is he so handsome...'

'And that... And that smile he gave me when we parted ways... Kyaaa~'

'Oh my, oh my, what's happening to me...'

Eina was so immersed in her own thoughts as if trapped in her own fairytale that she didn't feel someone nudging her.


Babel Tower, Freya's Residence...

At the centermost part of a room, beneath the shade of the thick curtains was a luxurious seat comparable to a royal throne.

On the soft and smooth cushion of that seat was the silver-haired Goddess on her extremely revealing and sensual outfit.

And although she was just sitting there comfortably while enjoying the glass of wine on her hand,-

she was still exuding with the highest level of elegance that her every move would cause anyone's heart to palpitate to the extreme.

She was there, seemingly just being comfortable and still while overlooking the usually bustling city and its inhabitants.

However, she also seemed to be occupied in her own thoughts and would reveal an occasional sensual smile from time to time.


After a few moments of silence, Freya spoke and called out to her most trusted general who never fails to respond to any of her whims.

No matter what, when, and where, Freya's call would never be left unanswered.

And it was indeed the case since not even a second later, at the dark corner of the room was the silhouette of a tall and bulky-looking man with a pair of ears akin to a beast protruding from his head...

"Yes, my lady..."


Freya didn't speak after that and was just playing with the glass of wine in her hand.

And a few moments later, she elegantly lifted her hand and opened her sensual lips savoring its taste while closing her eyes.

An unknown period of time later, Freya unhurriedly turned towards where the giant called Ottar was and spoke...

"Mhhnn~ I coincidentally met a very, very, very interesting person earlier today when I was doing my usual stroll..."


A sensual moan escaped her lips along with her words. Pausing for a bit, she set aside the empty glass of wine in her hand to the beverage table beside her.

She then slowly stretched her long and slender legs and slowly stood up before striding towards the glass window and proceeded...

"A minute after we met, he was able to catch my eyes..."

"A minute after that, he was able to engrave his very image in my mind..."

"Another minute later, he made my body and my heart already long for him..."

"And finally... he stirred my very soul to the extreme... Haaahnn~"

Uttering these words, she couldn't help but relive the scene in her mind where she and that person met.

She couldn't help but recall and feel that extremely deep attraction she felt at that very moment along with every beat of her heart.

And with every word, warm breaths and a slight sound of whimpering would escape her lips. Her breathing was already uneven and ragged as if she panting heavily out of exhaustion.

In the middle of her words, her hands were already sensually moving all across that sensual body of hers while also raising her chin. And just after uttering that last single word, an extremely arousing moan escaped her lips.


The man in the corner didn't speak and didn't dare to interrupt his Goddess's words.

Not even the sound of his breathing was heard from him and was just staying silent while also marveling at her elegance and beauty.

He could already see his Goddess's flushed face, her sensual and warm breaths, and her body that was shivering from the intense pleasure she's currently feeling.

Moments after that small episode of expressing her deep desire, she went back to her seat unsteadily with her legs still shivering.


She caresses her legs with her slender fingers that slowly went to her inner thighs. And just like that, a moan once more escaped her lips.

"Oh dear~"

She was astonished when she brought her fingers in front of her that were previously on her thighs and felt a wet and sticky substance that permeates a strong smell within the room.

Afterward, Freya described the appearance of the person that was occupying her mind and told her trusted general to investigate...

"Remember, Ottar. I want to know everything... EVERY LITTLE THING about him!"

"At once, My Lady!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pie_Daddycreators' thoughts