
Danmachi: Accompanied by a System

Tooru arrived in a new world after being pulled through a dimensional rift. He emerged in a place called Orario, a bustling city known for its adventurers who brave the depths of the Dungeon in search of fame and fortune. Without any money or equipment, Tooru found himself in a difficult situation. However, his fortunes took a turn when he encountered a compassionate goddess who extended her hospitality and invited him to join her Familia. To his astonishment, Tooru discovered that he had acquired a system that bestowed upon him new abilities. * In my pa treon you can find up to 20 advanced chapters. patreon.com/YoseiShiro * Hello everyone! I'm Elipsyon, a newbie writer. I would really appreciate it if you would show your support for this fanfic by adding it to your library and interacting with me through comments. This way, I will know my mistakes and correct them. Although what I said, the story might not live up to your expectations—Yes, I am a person with low self-esteem. This is a rewrite. I didn't like the route it took previously, so I decided to rewrite it. * This is a Danmachi fanfiction, so none of the characters are mine, other than my own main character. Likewise, the cover image doesn't belong to me either.

Elipsyon · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 02

The discovery of abilities by adventurers used to be uncommon.

However, they could appear at any level, unlike "Development Abilities".

Many were branches of existing ones, creating similar effects. However, there were also never-before-seen abilities that no one else had. Those were known as "Rare Abilities".


When I finished reading my Status, I couldn't believe it. Not only did I have one, but three unlocked abilities! And as I read their descriptions, I realized that they were completely strange and unusual. No adventurer I knew in the anime had mentioned them before.

My eyes widened, and my jaw threatened to drop, which must have caused a funny expression on my face.

My heart raced. Is this what it feels like to receive so many blessings at once? I tried to calm down.

'This is just like a video game...'

The ability "Goccia d'anima" worked like when monsters drop loot upon defeat. Those valuable items that strengthen the character.

"Anima affamata" devoured the enemy's soul to nourish me. The interesting part was that the consumed soul would split. One part would create items, while the other would transform into "Excelia".

By the way, "Excelia" was an energy that Falna allowed to accumulate for leveling up. The more Excelia an adventurer gained, the stronger they became.

"The Blessing of Gaia..." I murmured as I read the last ability. I could sense the great hidden power in it.

In a dungeon, recovery is key. With this, I won't need to rely on a healer in the team anymore. I'll be able to heal my own wounds.

The adventurers would be envious if they knew I possessed a healing ability like this. In those dungeons, exhaustion is a constant companion for adventurers.

Moreover, potions are usually slow. But with "The Blessing of Gaia," recovery through a potion is 200% more effective!

However, something seemed strange to me. The "states" shown in the system are different from the "state" that Kami-sama granted me.

Well, that doesn't matter now. What really matters is putting my new abilities to the test.

I tried to sit up, but a heavenly weight prevented me from doing so.

Under the sheets, I could feel a soft form pressed against my chest. When I uncovered the blanket, a cascade of black hair spilled over me.

Kami-sama was sound asleep, curled up like a little girl. Her rosy cheeks and reddish lips resembled the bud of a flower.

Her beauty eclipsed any girl I had ever known. Her complexion was so smooth and creamy, it seemed sculpted by the gods themselves.

She was Kami-sama, the same goddess Hestia. Her aura was different from mortals, even if her "Arcanum" was sealed.

My gaze slid down her pale neck and further. The two flesh globes pressed against me. Suddenly, I desired to touch and shape her to my liking.

But I shook my head to dismiss the lustful thoughts towards my kami-sama. Even though we had only known each other for a short time, she truly trusted me.

While many gods cast me aside, she genuinely showed concern for me and took me in.

I sighed in bliss and wrapped my arms around Kami-sama's delicate body before gently kissing her head. She was so soft that sleep threatened to overtake me once again.

But today was my debut in the Dungeon, and I couldn't afford to sleep in. Carefully, I settled my goddess on the old bed and tucked her in with the blanket. She continued to sleep peacefully.

"See you later, Kami-sama~" I whispered before heading towards the door. However, something made me pause.

"Why do I feel lighter?" I wondered, puzzled. As I lifted my shirt, my eyes widened.

Where there used to be skin and bones, now firm muscles were defined. Even the horrible scar on my stomach had completely healed.

How was this possible? Only one explanation crossed my mind. "The Blessing of Gaia."

Leaving the old and neglected church where Kami-sama and I temporarily stayed, I couldn't help but feel concerned. After all, a goddess of her beauty and power deserved to live in a place befitting her status.

"I will gather enough Valis to provide Kami-sama with the comfortable life she deserves." I promised to myself. And so, I set out to explore the streets of Orario.

The main street bustled with morning activity. Small shops displayed their wares, from bread to swords. Among the crowd, adventurers of different races stood out, equipped with heavy armor and weapons.

Such a mysterious world.

A world full of adventures and, therefore, also full of dangers. Especially what lay beneath that tower.

As I walked, I looked towards the city center. My view was obstructed by a tall tower that seemed to pierce the blue sky.

That tower was known as "Babel."

A tower that served as a cover for the Dungeon, the home of monsters. The tower also housed the homes of some gods, and at the top was the "Freya Familia."

I couldn't help but be distracted for a moment by the imposing Babel Tower that stood in the center of the city. Seeing it in an anime was one thing, but seeing it in real life...

I shook my head to focus on my objective. I ran through the bustling Northwest Main Street, where most adventurers passed through.

After a short while, I arrived at the large building that housed the Guild. Out of breath from the run, I entered, looking for someone who could help me. Quickly explaining my situation, a receptionist assisted me.

I showed the signatures and seals that Kami-sama had authorized me as a member of her familia. After sealing some documents, I was officially registered as an adventurer and captain of the Hestia Familia.