

Danielle has to transition from teenage hood to adult hood but the childhood trauma holds her back. The death of her father and abuse from her mother weighs on her soul. But there's love. what happens when the love eats her slowly from the inside? Would Danielle finally be able to discover who she truly is? Read on to find out. REWRITING

qweenamanda · 若者
148 Chs



When do I get to pick? Today is the day that the truth finally hits me square in the face. C or D. Truth is attempting to get through to me and realisation is gnawing at me. They always told me I was alone. It pleaded with me to stop putting my hope in other people. However, when my dad was still in my life, I felt much more secure. It would have been a shame to give up on such a lovely fantasy.

I used a lot of different adhesives, including cement, glue, and a few more. Ignoring and suppressing this intrusive thought. I convinced myself it was much safer inside, but then I noticed something. It was too late; I had already filtered it all out. I forgot to let people out, so the place was bright inside, but I couldn't go. For my own company, this environment was created. And yet, here I am, alone in this stunning fantasy. The sky was clear and the grass was green, but there was no one around to see my embarrassment.