
Chapter 1 of Dangerous Life In Social Media

Hi I'm Remi Elizah and I'm addicted to social media which cost my life to be in danger, let me tell you what happened last 3 years ago that made this memory unforgetable for me.

'Click!Click!' my best best friend,Mandy Grey, she was taking pictures of me with her camera.

Mandy is always my partner for my pictures that I post in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as she is very skilled and gives me advices but I always turned a deaf ear to the advices.She was my best friend because she saved my life during the primary's years by making people not to misunderstood me.

So my life was like fun but it became more unsual.These days slot of people went missing or dead. I didn't care as there is a lot of people care and will protect me as I'm their favorite star. But Mandy keeps advicing me to not post in social media my personal as the killer might now where I live, when l sleep, when I eat and everything else. Of course I engnored her advice and continued my habit of posting pictures of my personal life but for some reasons I felt safer doing it.

Everything was normal until one day when I was walking home alone and I suddenly get goosebumps and I don't usually as it only happens when someone is following me. I was not frighten because I thought it was a fan which wants my autograph but it's not as he or she would just appear and ask me but instead it continued following me.I was getting more anxious when suddenly I noticed that person was in front of me.

Written by: Farisyah

Credit to:Writer of Killstagram in Webtoon