
Danganronpa V3 Supreme Theory

How did Team Danganronpa appear and what is their purpose in making A killing game? Two new characters appeared in v3, Why and How did they appear? will they Change the story ? how will the cast deal with them? All these question will be answered through the story And they will change but Who will die and who will Live?! That is the Mystery for you to see . Hope you will like my Murderers Cases! this is my first time writing a story! if you saw another version it's just my older version with poor writing See you guys in the story~ and I don't own any characters or the anime and it belongs to its creators i only own my ocs

Saad_Mussad · ゲーム
22 Chs

Ch 1.02 the plan

Led said in a loud voice

""Monokuma where is the band aid""

Monokuma appeared

And said

"" hey don't order me around!""

Led had an emotionless face and gave a half-ass smile

""Help me Headmaster ""

""So you will use the headmaster trick to get what you want?""

They both looked at each other with emotionless looks

""It's in the dining hall""

Monokuma left

Led said to Rantaro

""Do you know where is the dining hall""

Rantaro said

""Yes follow me and let's talk about something while going there""

""Yeah I felt you wanna talk about something Rantaro""

Both of them left the gym

Rantaro said in a serious tone and dark face

""You are an amazing person.

Amazing enough that will make you a target,

I warn you if you keep what you do.

there is a chance you will get killed""

Led said in a calm expression and tone

""Thanks for the warning

But it's one of my principles,

Also to waste 18 talented people in a useless killing game makes me angry

If they want despair

Instead of wasting it like that

Force us to create despair for the world is much better""

Rantaro felt weird and said


Are you a good person?

And we are close to the dining hall""

""Judge me Keke, I don't care much how people will view me.

after all, everyone has different morals.""

They arrived at the dining hall

They found on the table the band-aid with the letter that said

""my dear student Led, this band-aid is for you especially, I licked it so you could feel the love between me and you""

He looked to the band-aid emotionless

And then turned his face to Rantaro with a smile


Love my ass

I don't think he licked it

Cause if he licked it

It will damage the band

Right he didn't?

He didn't?""

Rantaro said with a smile

""Haha indeed that's a problem, let me help you""

""Thanks ""

""You're welcome""

Someone entered the dining hall's room

And said

""Excuse me""

Led said

"Oh hello Kirumi-san

Let's go Rantaro ""

Led, Rantaro and Kirumi went to the manhole

Led said with a smile

""Where is everyone ""

Kirumi said

""They opened the manhole and went down""

They used the ladder and went down.

Tenko said with an angry face

""You made us wait degenerate males!

And even made Kirumi-chan bring you !""

Led said to the others

""So what's the news""

Kaede said with a cheerful face

""I convinced the others to wait for you with the help of Shuichi and Kaito ""

""Thanks Kaede, Shuichi, and Kaito for that""

Kaede with a happy face

""Of course I will, because we are friends ""

Kaito said with an energetic and happy face and tone

""No problem buddy""

Shuichi with a hesitant tone

""You're welcome

I didn't do anything special""

Led said with a calm tone

""That sign says that's the exit huh

That's probably some sort of "trap"""

Tenko said

""Hey don't ignore me you Degenerate male

And I already said that but Kaede-san said we should try""

Led said

""I said it's a "Trap" but I didn't say we shouldn't go

Probably it will not kill us

After all, what is the point after setting all of this? to die in a trap?

So I'm pretty sure it will not kill us""

Ryoma said

""What you said is logical

Then all we have to do is to see what is this place but it's pretty dark""

Led went to the sign and then broke it

Tenko said with a proud face

""See girls

All guys are chaos we need to not trust them""

Then led started the fire with the wood

And said with a smile

""Oh well

What do you think Kirumi?

Was that useful?"'

Kirumi said with a calm face and tone

""Yeah that was useful.

You helped us to see more clearly""

Led said with a sarcastic smile and tone

""I think girls' opinions is valid to you

So if I'm that chaotic,

Then Kirumi is as much chaotic as me,

That calm and organized Kirumi.

See girls. Tenko is a chaos girl""

Tenko's face became red and was about to fight led

But Kaede interrupted her and said

""Guys we must not fight among us

So let's search for the exit""

Tenko calmed down and said

""For you Kaede-san""

Led said with an apologetic tone

""Sorry Kaede to make you defend me""

Then said in a serious tone

""shall we go?

I will go first""

Before they enter

He put another gum in his mouth


'Everyone entered and we found there were a lot of traps here

It was impossible to pass it in the normal way

Everyone had a sad face on them

I hate that but This will be just a waste of time..'

Kirumi said

""Well… that did not go well, did it"

Kaede said

""No… no it didn't.

.Everyone… stay put, alright? Let's recuperate, and then-""

Monokuma and Monodam

Monokuma said

""Look at all of you!

It's almost like you all just witnessed an announcement for a very crappy game!""

Kaede said with a very frightened face and tone


Kaito with an angry face

""Well, nice to know you noticed…!""

Monokuma said


I already knew you guys would fail at escaping!""

Led in thoughts

'There was a camera before we enter here so of course, he would know '

Kaede said


Maki said

""So, you knew from the beginning we would find this, and attempt to escape...""

Tenko said with an annoyed face

"" So there wasn't an exit?! You tricked Tenko?!""

Monodam suddenly talked and said


Led said with a face that looked like he want to confirm something

""So if we worked together

We could reach the exit and escape?

Do you promise if we reach it?

You will not interfere with us?""

Monokuma said


Yes, I promise!

Try your best! ""

Monokuma and Monodam left

Maki said

""You seemed like you have a plan or are you like a certain idiot "let's work together and try hard"""

Kaito said

""I felt like you meant me""

Led said with a confident and serious face

With a smile that like he will win

""I already had a plan maki

What are we?

We are talented people,

All we could do is use our talents in a smart way""

Maki said

""So tell us genius

What's your plan?""

Led said in a polite tone

""Hey Miu-chan""

Miu seems excited

""To call me Miu-chan

It's the first time a man calls me that""

Ouma smiled and said

""Hey I call you that""

Miu said with a serious face

""You look more like a fucking child than a man "

Ouma said

""Shut up""

Miu seemed excited

Ouma said with a face like he confirmed something


Or are you into shota Miu-chan?""

Maki said in a deadly serious tone and dark face

""Shut up""

Led said


You are the Ultimate inventor Miu

So you would help make some anti-Traps for those things.

You are a genius right?""

"Of course haha!""

"Keebo is a robot so he has a perfect memory.

He would tell Miu what are the traps while I hold him and will likely get hurt, but I have confidence in my strength

Of course, I will not do all the travel

Gonta will stay

When I watched everyone

I noticed that you are strong gonta"

Gonta with a smile

""Gonta will try his best"

Keebo with a somewhat angry face

""I could record without making you hold me""

Led said

""I want you to focus on looking for the traps,

Not to avoid the traps.

I know it seems humiliating but please,

I beg you to accept it""

Keebo with a sad face

""If you say it like that.."

Then he changed his face to a determined expression

""Okay I will look from every angle"


""Please Maki stay with us,

You are an ultimate caregiver,

So you have medical knowledge cause you help the children when they got hurt""

Maki said

""Okay fine""

Kirumi said with a questioning face

"" I think I will be useful too in medical knowledge so I think I Should stay too""

Led said with a smile and an arrogant face

""Here comes part 2 in my plan

We will make a party"

Kaede said with a surprised face

""A party?

But we are in a dangerous situation""

Led said

""They will not do anything to us directly

All they want is a killing game

All they could do is give some motive to kill or cause us to become afraid of each other, or they put a spy with us so he would make the move""

Miu said


I became afraid of this shit""

Kaito said

""If we worked together and play together then he would develop a strong bond with us

And We will be friends more and eventually, the spy will betray them for us.

No one is pure evil

And the second reason, I want to annoy them ""

Korekiyo said


But what led said is logical

The thought of a "spy" being here not impossible

If you have thought of a spy being with us,

I suppose you would have a plan for the spy right? ""

Tenko said

""You could be the spy Led""

Everyone became afraid of the spy being among them

Led said


Don't worry

I have my plans for everything

Let me continue please to the end and discuss any flaw in my plans


We will be happy in our first year of high school

We will use everything here to make us happy Keke

Kaede is the ultimate pianist

I don't think it will be hard for Miu to make a piano for you Kaede

So Kaede will prepare a song to make us feel better

Can you?""

Kaede with a smile and a confident face

""No need to make me a piano there is one on the first floor""

Led said in a polite tone

""Hey Himiko can I ask you a favor""

Himiko replayed with a lazy tone

""Nyeh....if it's not hard to do.

so what is it?""

Led in a sad tone said

""You see I've never seen any magic shows in my life.

So could you prepare for us a magic show to make us feel better ""

Himiko smiled

""Nyeh..okay I will do my best

After all, I will make you the biggest fan of magic nyeh""

Led with a smile


Kirumi could you prepare the place and the food for us, I know it's too much so even if you say you could do it yourself

At least make Rantaro and Kaito help you.

After finishing with Kirumi

Go together and help the others""

Kirumi, Rantaro and Kaito said


Led said

""Tsumugi see if the others need some clothes for the party

And make sure that it will be good for the show ""

Tsumugi said in a worried tone

""I don't know how to make a dress or normal clothes

All I could do are clothes from anime""

Led said

""You said it yourself " clothes from anime"

Make clothes fit them and from animes

Easy enough Keke""

Tsumugi with a worried tone and hesitant face

""I will try my best""

Led said to Korekiyo

"" Korekiyo you could give us

Some wholesome or not sooo creepy story

You can right?"

Korekiyo said


Yes, I can

I will tell some good past stories""

Led in order tone

""Make it not sooo creepy please""

""Okay Kuku don't worry""

Led said to Angie

""Angie you would paint the place that we will gather in and make it as beautiful as you can ""

""Nyahahah my time has come

I will make it the most beautiful place""

Led to Tenko and Ryoma

""I need you to protect the girls.

They will be in different places so gather them and make them tell you where they would be first then part,

You go sometimes to Angie then Himiko, etc, and see if they want help.

The same goes for you Ryoma protect the guys and see if you could help too""

Tenko said

""Well if it's about the safety and the help of the girls I will accept it""

Ryoma said

""Well that's cool with me I'm pretty confident about my speed and strength ""

Led to Ouma

with an obviously fake serious face and tone, It was sarcastic

""Annoying the hell out of Astra and make her come to the party

And if you can annoy her more to tell you her talent ""

Ouma with an obviously fake serious face and tone

""Consider it done

I'm curious about her talent so I thought about that already nishishi""

Led to Shuichi

""Your mission will be to see anything suspicious in the others

What you will do is search for the spy I will tell you what you will do exactly for that alone

But first

I know Tenko you would say "oh girls will not be spies or what if Shuichi is the spy?"

Please girls let him in and make him investigate don't kick him

And If you are worried about him, You could be aware of him that's it

I don't think there is a problem with that ""

Tenko said with an angry tone

""I hate you""

""So shall we put the plan into action?""

Almost everyone said


Led takes Shuichi with him

And they become alone

Shuichi said with a worried tone

""I don't know if I could do that.

Is it really okay to trust me with investigating the spy?""

Led said with a serious tone and face

""Yes and I will even give you an extra mission

You will be in a dangerous position

If you refused it that's fine

Both the spy thing and the extra mission""

""No if I want to get everyone out of here

I think I need to stick to your plan and do everything I could

So what is the extra mission""

""See if anyone will kill ""

Shuichi was a little surprised but he said in a calm tone

""You are afraid if someone will kill huh.

You're amazing,

You trust everyone

But at the same time, you don't.

You balance between trust and being logical

You try to lessen the possibility of the danger as much as you can

You are an amazing person

You truly deserve the ultimate leader ""

Led said with a smile

""And I believe you deserve your talent""

""Well I will do my best Led-san""

Led smiled and said

""Okay see you at the party""

Maki ,Keebo ,Gonta, Miu and Led

Led said

""I will go with Keebo first.

Maki will see if Miu needs anything and bring it.

Gonta will protect Miu

After I come back, I will switch the role between me and Gonta

We will do this until we get tired ""

Miu said

""Don't fucking worry about making anti-traps that's fucking easy for me haha""


""I hope she will not give me a headache""


""Gonta Will protect Miu

Don't worry Led""


""Like I said I will record every angle""

Led smiled

"" Let's go team""

Led put his jacket on the ground and

Entered with Keebo the Despair death road

Next chapter

CH 1.03

Small despair