
Danganronpa: The Gates of Mars (my version)

16 Ultimate Students wake up far from the comforts of home, and even Earth itself. Stuck on the red surface of the Planet named after the Roman God of War, soon a mysterious monochrome lady and her “kids”, a gang of multi-colored delinquents, appear and drag them into a war between one another in a brutal Killing Game, where trust and admiration are tested in the cruelest ways possible. (Based off on the Gates of Mars.)

Lilly_Rycroft · ゲーム
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Dreams of A Long Forgotten War (Deadly Life)

(Last time on The Gates of Mars… Mono-Peko showed our 16 unlucky students where the killing game would take place. Days later, Mono-Peko revealed that whoever killed would choose somebody and spare them! Ibuki threw a party to ward off any killing… but the party ended with her death! Who killed Ibuki? What punishment awaits whoever did in her? Find out here on… The…Gates…Of…Mars!)

* Chapter 1: Dreams of A Long Forgotten War (Deadly Life) *

Ibuki Mioda was very bubbly and positive, not spoiled like a rich girl like her should be… And now she was a bloody headed corpse. Blood was everywhere, and she was lying face down.

Shuichi: NO! IBUKI!

Everyone else was either screaming in terror or frozen in shock. They hadn't seen a real life corpse before. It was all too much.

* Ding Dong *

After a few minutes, the intercom came on:

Mono-Peko: A body was found! After your investigation, a Station Trial shall begin!

Tanaka: This is our first investigation.

Suddenly, Mono-Peko appeared.

Mono-Peko: Looks like you have found a body! Anyway... I have something to give you to help you in your search for the blackened!

From behind her back, Mono-Peko produced fifteen identical black folders, decorated with a little red and a number 1.

Mono-Peko: This little file has all the information I've gathered about the death in question. I like to call it... the Monopeko File! ...I mean, naturally you guys aren't experts at this kind of thing, so you can only do so much with a corpse. So instead, I've gathered up everything I know about the circumstances and cause of death. Cuz the surveillance cameras picked up the whole thing! I got to see it all go down!

Tanaka: You saw Ibuki's murderer?

Mono-Peko: Of course I did! If I didn't, I couldn't possibly pass a fair and accurate judgment during the trial, now could I?

Mono-Peko gave out the files.

Mono-Peko: Now then, please put your full effort behind your investigation! After all, you don't have any choice but to give it your best shot! ...Seriously. You don't have a choice. ...Okay, so we'll meet up for the station trial... in a little while!

She then vanished.

*Investigation Start*

[Music: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-jhL--WAgkc]

Mikan didn't know how trustworthy it was, but it'd be a mistake to not look at the file Monokuma had given each of them. She flipped it open, discovering a picture of Ibuki's head shot inside, with a hot-pink X over her face and the word "deceased" beneath her.

* The victim was Ibuki Mioda. The back of the victim's head was bloody. The victim died of bludgeoning. Time of death estimated to be 8 pm. *

[Monopeko File 1 added to the truth bullets!]

Soda: I'm gonna autopsy the corpse.

Soda got down on his knees and began to prod the corpse.

After a few minutes, he nodded.

Soda: Ibuki died of a heavy blow to a head. The blood is still fresh.

* State of Ibuki's Body added to the truth bullets! *

Mikan: Hoshi, what were you doing during the blackout?

Hoshi: I was struggling for anyone…

[Hoshi's account added to the truth bullets!]

Meanwhile, Tanaka found a bloodied baseball bat.

Tanaka: Maybe this was used to kill Ibuki.

[Bat added to the truth bullets!]

* Ding dong! *

Mono-Peko: It's time for the long-awaited... Station Trial! Now, then... allow me to appoint a proper location for the proceedings. Please go through the red door here!

A red door had appeared.

Everyone went through it.

There was an elevator.

* Ding dong *

Mono-Peko: Okay, then... Please board the elevator in front of you, which will transport you to the courtroom... where all your fates will be decided. I'll meet you all down there!

The elevator began its descent into darkness…

(Next will be the Trial!)