
Danganronpa: dangerous road.

Rebirth in Yasuke Matsuda. In a world where there are supernatural abilities, and people who are called "Ultimate". And hell, why my classmate is the main villain of this world, who is "Ultimate Despair.", the person who destroyed the whole world. PS: I own nothing except my Mc (And not completely). All images that will be used here are also not mine. PPS: My English is still bad. But this time I check the written text three times in special programs

ImagineBreaker · ゲーム
38 Chs

Part 7

Unfortunately, my great plans for improvement in terms of medicine could not come true the next day because of one simple reason. Daycare. Even though I didn't have to go there, I had to go at this point. After all, if I didn't show up today without at least some explaining reason, the teacher would have called our house, which would have raised unnecessary questions.

After saying goodbye to my mother in a friendly tone, I left our apartment, walked carefully down the stairs and headed in the direction of the place where I would spend the next few hours. The weather outside today was surprisingly too pleasant. The sun that was quietly warm and a light breeze that ran across my skin. I wonder if my body can feel hot and cold. Okay, I'll figure that out later.

Having served my allotted time and somehow managed to ask the teacher for an excuse, thanks to my incomparable charisma and the fact that I was on good terms with the teachers and looked the most responsible among the children. So, I was able to leave relatively easily, and the first place I went was the library. I certainly had no hope of finding anything particularly valuable or useful there, my only goal was to get some basic skills.

It wasn't very far from my house, and within half an hour I could walk with my baby feet. It wasn't the best building, but it was clearly better than anything else around. It was a three-story building that was white and had big panoramic windows on the front of the building.

Walking into it the first thing I did was to look around. And my first impression was that it was a regular library, not that I had ever been to a public library, but I had sometimes seen them in movies or pictures on the internet. It was a pretty big room with lots of shelves with even more books on them. So the place didn't make much of an impression on me.

I approached the only person who was in the room and who was the only employee here, namely the librarian. It was an elderly stately man wearing glasses, his black hair already showed a large amount of gray hair, and his eyes had a triangle pattern in them. His suit sat on him like a fit, and his pressed shirt didn't have a single crumpled spot. And it made me feel a little uncomfortable in my gray shorts and black washed-up T-shirt.

When I approached him to ask him where the medical knowledge department was, he told me in a friendly calm tone where I should go to find the department I needed. Throughout our little conversation I looked into his eyes, trying to see something in them and see if this man could be any different from the others.

I was quite curious as to why some people had these strange drawings and what they meant, but at first glance this man was quite ordinary. Then there were people with colored hair, and sometimes there were people who looked completely normal, not counting their eyes of course. And I don't think I can learn anything about it yet.

Having thanked this man, I went in the right direction, without noticing how the elderly man, who did not introduce himself, or rather I did not ask his name, was watching too attentively with his dark eyes with a triangle pattern how a young and serious man, who is interested in knowledge that should not have bothered him.

As I walked up to the third floor of this library, I began to look around to find the department I was looking for. My gaze wandered over the department names as my feet led me forward without stopping. When I saw the name of the department I was looking for, I hurried to it without stopping to look around for anything interesting. My eyes of course caught a couple of interesting names, but that would be later, right now only medicine.

When I reached the department, I went in and started looking through all the titles that were there. After about thirty minutes, I was finally able to go over all the titles with my eyes. There were both useful books and not-so-useful ones, but if I looked from the other corner, there were several books in every direction I needed and others that I hadn't chosen as the main ones.

After taking a couple of books that interested me the most, I went to a special corner, where there were several chairs and a table, on which I put the whole stack. Taking all the books in my hands one by one, I realized that there was not a single book of skill among them, or perhaps I did not have the ability to absorb books. If you think logically, skill books, or more likely in my case skill books, are books where people pass on their experiences, so most likely these books must be handwritten or written with some experience, and most of the books I have in my hands now are generic so to speak and should not teach me anything. So, in the good old tradition, to learn something you have to read it. Opening the book on neuroscience on the first page, I began to read it carefully.

(Time Skip.)

I was plucked from my engrossing exercise of reading this book by a hand that came down on my shoulder, while slapping it a little. Abruptly turning around in front of my face, the old librarian appeared and unobtrusively tapped his finger on his wristwatch, as if to hint that time was running out.

With a disappointed sigh, I had only to nod briefly to show that I understood his hint and start collecting all the books that were scattered on the table. As I walked with the stack of books to where I had picked them up, all the knowledge I had gained over the past few hours flashed through my mind. As it was written all this knowledge was absorbed in my head incredibly clearly and at the same time stayed there according to my feelings forever and that nothing could happen to me to forget them, but the most important thing was that everything I read was understood by me. It was as if it was basic knowledge like counting numbers or knowing the language.

Knowledge of neuroscience, which I had never heard before, was absorbed by me almost instantly, which was amazing. I also got a few new skills that I was able to pick up a little bit, which confirmed my theory that my experience grows as I pick up skills. Also, as I leveled up the new skills, more knowledge poured into my head that I couldn't have known. Because of this at my 3rd level in Neuroscience I had a base, a weak base, but a base that was astonishing.

When I reached the right department, I put all the books in their rightful places, which is where they had all been before I arrived. As I started walking towards the exit, I said goodbye to the librarian who got in my way, to which he gave the usual nod of goodbye, though I feel more like he was watching me to make sure I didn't stash anything for myself. Only now did I notice that the place had been perfectly quiet all day, and I hadn't seen a single person on the floor I'd settled on. But that's not that important to me, I can get knowledge and that's the only thing I care about.

A cool wind blew in my face when I stepped outside and the sky greeted me with an impenetrable darkness, which reminded me of the darkness I was in before I came here. A rather lifeless street appeared before my eyes, where only the light in some of the windows was burning, and the street lamps illuminated the street, giving a pleasant atmosphere. It was quite late outside, and my watch showed "01:34. ... It couldn't be that the librarian wouldn't close the library just because of me, could it? Next time I should watch the time more carefully, and also apologize to him for taking up a lot of his time.

I headed in the direction of the house, but despite the late hour I kept my direction not in his direction, but to the abandoned playground that was next to the house. It wasn't that abandoned, of course, and you could see kids here quite often, but the overgrown bushes and rust in some places gave that impression.

Before I reached it, I had packed a large number of rocks and bottles and cans into my inventory to put on the fence that enclosed the site. I put the bottles mixed in with the cans along the entire width of the fence. After stepping back about ten meters to conduct the experiment at maximum distance, I called for the first pebble in my hand from the inventory and without slowing down I threw it.

After a while of continuous stone throwing, I was looking at a perfectly clean fence with not a single thing left on it. It was a pretty cool 10/10, not a single miss from almost twenty of my makeshift targets. After that little workout, the expected window popped up in front of my face, which is what I was doing it all for.

[For training their accuracy skills, the user gets +3 to dexterity!]

Because of this inscription, my dexterity started to show a proud "5". I didn't notice much difference in my body, but I don't think such a minimal result at this level would make much difference. But I was happy anyway, because it meant that I could increase my performance through training. Which meant that I wouldn't have to invest "Free Points" to stack myself. Already with these pleasant thoughts in mind, I decided to return home, while remembering to clean up all the trash I had created, causing the nearest trashcan to be filled to the brim.

As I entered the apartment where no one was waiting for me, I realized that I had incredibly quickly adapted to the fact that my mother was sick and was all too quickly able to take advantage of the fact that no one else was watching me. This made me stand in the hallway for a few minutes, thinking about the thought for a bit, but with a sigh I realized there was nothing I could do about it. So, I calmly headed toward my room, where I lay quietly on my bed. I didn't need to take a shower because I didn't sweat or brush my teeth, and I had forgotten about the toilet altogether long ago, so with a clear conscience I set the sleep timer to "sleep for 7 hours" and my consciousness was absorbed by the familiar and so pleasant darkness.

(Time Skip.)

Sitting in my familiar library seat again, I couldn't believe that tomorrow would be my first day of school, or rather my first day again. Which logically meant that I was finally able to finish kindergarten and walk out of there with peace of mind, what was frustrating was that no one congratulated me on the day and was not there for me and I felt pretty lonely among the piles of classmates and parents who were watching each other.

During this year my mother got a lot worse and she started forgetting most of the simple things, and sometimes she forgot me again, which got me in the head a few more times, so I really started looking out for her, it was quite painful to hear "Yaske-kun" instead of "son", from her own person, knowing that she was getting worse and worse and yet I was no closer to any kind of treatment for her illness, even with the system. So, the only thing I can do now is spend as much time with her as possible.

But I think that morally as well as physically I felt much better both because of the system and because I was more or less an adult, and the money my mother had saved before her illness, as well as the money the government allocated because of the illness, was enough to buy food at the nearest store or other basic necessities, the good thing was that at least the hospital allocated medicine to mother in order to relieve her symptoms.

"Thank you, Arata-san," - I thanked the old librarian, who brought me another mug of tea. At first, of course, I tried to refuse such hospitality, but he was adamant in his decision. So, the only thing I had to do was to accept the tea gratefully.

It was quite embarrassing when I went to see him the next day and apologized for making me wait only as I was leaving. To this he just laughed and said that it was his choice and if his wife hadn't called and asked him where he was taking so long, he wouldn't have interrupted such a diligent young man. Well, and so as not to take advantage of his favor too much, I always tried to leave before 1 a.m.

Because of this, after a whole year, we could say we became friends, or what can there be between a six-year-old child and a sixty-year-old man? A grandfather-grandson relationship, maybe? But he didn't try to teach me anything or tell me anything, so you could say he believes me. So, our relationship consists only of hello/bye and little interactions between each other, like when he brings me tea or when he asks me for something to bring, bring or help with small things. And because of that, my relationship with him has risen to a high level, judging by the "Relationship" tab in the system, of course.

[Arata Mizuno] [Alive]

[Status: Calm/Back Pain]

[Attitude: 142%]

[Description: You are a good young man for him, someone the rest of us should take an example from. He wants to see how much hope you bring to this world]

It was nice, but again this hope still confuses me and I don't really like the fact that others know something I don't and already know what's going to happen to me in the future. And I'm starting to think this word has something to do with the plot of the world, but, in simple terms, it's pretty hard to understand so you have to find at least one person who relates to the plot and everything will fall into place. But as it is, I still don't understand how this relationship comes about, but I do understand that the "status" line in the relationship shows his moral state and physical state.

But anyway, this year was pretty fruitful for me, but mostly of course I was reading books, at the same time increasing my skills, and also trying to increase my characteristics, if possible, after all there are a lot of disadvantages in being a kid. I was also able to raise a few levels because of this, but most of all I liked my new skills.

[Quick Reading (14)]

[Description: You were able to improve your reading speed thanks to the large number of books you read.]

[Bonuses: reading speed + 14%]

[Neuroscience (20)]

[Description: You know the basics of the structure and functioning of the nervous system. You can also identify the source of diseases with a small chance]

[Bonuses: 20% chance of curing the disease]

[Neurosurgery (28)

[Description: You are no longer a novice and you are quite good at recognizing, preventing, and treating diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system with surgical methods]

[Bonuses: 28% chance of successful surgery]

[Surgery (25)]

[Description: You know the basics of human internal organs and tissues. In theory, you are somewhat trained to diagnose traumatic, infectious, and non-infectious pathologies by surgical means and treat them with elimination].

[Bonuses: 25% chance of successful surgery];

[This skill is not aimed at any particular specialty, but is aimed at all]

[Vascular Surgery (22)]

[Description: you know a little about diagnosing and treating the vascular system of the human body]

[Bonuses: 22% chance of successful surgery]

[Psychiatry (28)]

[Description: You are a small specialist in the field of mental health. Also know abnormalities in the psyche and their causes]

[Bonuses: 28% chance of getting the person back to normal]

[Psychology (24)]

[Description: You have a chance to realize the mental health of a person's personality]

[Bonuses: chance to cure a sick person 24%];

[Chance to restore a person's mental health 24%].

(From the author: in general, a psychologist is not a doctor (as I understand it), but let's leave that out of it.)

[Psychotherapy (24)]

[Description: You know a little about illnesses of psychogenic origin. You know a bit about identifying them, treating them, and preventing them from occurring]

[Bonuses: 24% chance of curing a sick person];

[Chance of preventing a person's illness 24%].

[Therapist (22)

[Description: You have training in diagnosing, preventing, and treating diseases of internal organs and systems]

[Bonuses: chance of curing a person 22%]

[Traumatology (29)]

[Description: You are proficient in bruises, fractures, sprains, and wounds. Also understand musculoskeletal systems and their complexes]

[Bonuses: 29% chance of curing a person]

Looking at all of this inside me, pride burned for all the hard work I had gone through. Although they all didn't have a particularly high level, it was already too much to learn in a year, much less for a six-year-old, but what pleased me most was that as each skill level increased, knowledge came into my head that filled in the gaps that the books couldn't close.

But still I was very confused and it should not be so easy, and I think that in the future I will have problems with pumping skills, because "Japanese" hangs at "73" level and has not progressed anywhere for months, even though I have read a lot of pretty clever books, so I think that I do not understand this pumping. The only thing I can assume is that in order to fully pump the skill I also need practice, not just theoretical knowledge. So, I need to set aside a few hours to try to write the words.

Also, what was logical that all the skills are divided into special and ordinary, so it would be quite logical that not everything is growing evenly, especially if you look at the "fast reading" and everything else that crossed the threshold for 20, because purely remotely can be attributed to the medical skills, but unfortunately it does not work that way.

I was also very confused by the bonuses under each skill. Does that mean that if any skill reaches "100" level, I have a 100% chance of curing a person of any disease? Even if the person has an incurable disease, but if I reach level 100, they will be cured and so on with everything else? Although if you think about it, I don't think it's not true because it's part of the system and it can give incredible things. In addition, I think that with ordinary people it all doesn't work that way and maybe they don't have it all distributed in percentages, and in general they don't share in anything and it all depends only on their skills.

Also, if you think back, my talent gives me twice the advantage of the bonuses, so most likely without my "Ultimate" you could only get 50%, but with my bonus it goes up to 100%. But I think if you don't even take my Ultimate into account, my percentage still equals 100 because of my second Ultimate, which is linked to luck because of which there should be no failures.

"Yaske-kun," - I heard a calm voice say my name.

"Hmmm? What is Arata-san?" - When I turned around, I saw the elderly librarian.

"I don't want to tell you anything, but it's one o'clock in the morning. But that doesn't bother me much, what bothers me is that it's already April 1st and as I recall, if this old man's memory is correct, you should have your first day of elementary school" he said as if hinting at something.

"And?" - What does he mean.

"I know you're a pretty hard-working guy, but don't you have to sleep there or say eat and get ready?" - he said in a friendly tone.

"I already have everything ready, and I don't need to sleep." - Even though my face was completely calm.

But I had completely forgotten about it. I sort of had a custodian come to me saying that he had enrolled me in school and informed me of my situation, but I had completely forgotten about it and the fact that classes were starting in April also confused me quite a bit when I heard about it. I got some stuff there, the same custodian, so I guess I don't need to get ready.

"Aren't your parents worried about you?" - Once more he cast his fishing line.

"My father's gone, my mother's sick and unable to look after me." - I said calmly and went back to the book I was reading.

"Can't you take a hint or something?" - he said for the first time with annoyance.

"Okay," I sighed and closed the book, not lingering any longer and after saying goodbye to Arata-san I went home.

Seriously. If anyone knows why people in this world have drawings in their eyes, write it down. Hajime had drawings even though he was a perfectly normal person, so it can't apply to the Absolute.

Well, it should have been written before, but the author (I) has nothing to do with medicine and will rely only on the Internet and most likely some points will not be quite right.

I also want to note that I am not Japanese and do not know how things work there, so there may be inconsistencies and erroneous places. But it's a different world and it is possible to allow for some flaws.

Also, the next chapters will already be longer, so I will edit them longer.

Thank you for reading!

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