

  Dean ran up to where you were sobbing against the wall.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, his voice dripping with worry. You thought about it, truth or lie? You decided truth.

   "Sam kissed me." You mumbled, looking up at Dean. His face contorted with anger and he started making his way to Sam's room.

  "Dean, no!" You yelled, jumping up and grabbing his arm. He shrugged it off and slammed open Sam's door. Sam had been sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. He shot up when he saw Dean, swallowing loudly.

  "Dean, I'm really sorry. I don't-" Dean's fist connected with Sam's jaw, causing Sam to stop talking. When Sam had gotten control of himself, he nodded at Dean.

   "Okay, I deserved that." The younger Winchester said in a tired voice. Dean looked like he was going to hit Sam again when you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Dean, it's not worth it." You whispered and he slumped.

  "I don't want to see you for at least a day. Go." Dean said, and Sam immediately started scrambling to get his things.

  "I'm sorry Sam." You said before Dean pulled you out the door.


    Dean walked halfway down the hall, not saying a word. You were starting to get worried when he suddenly stopped and turned around. You looked up at him before he pulled you into his arms, his chin resting on your head.

   "I'm so sorry y/n, I don't know why Sam would do that." He said, his chest vibrating with every word.

   "It's okay, I'm just glad you didn't hurt him more than a punch." You replied.

"Ew, get a room."

You pulled away from Dean to see Gabriel making a face, and a strange man behind him.

  "Cas! What are you doing here, man?" Dean asked. Cas furrowed his brow.

"I am not a man, I am an Angel. You know this Dean." Cas said in a gravelly voice.

"By the way, Gabe, this is Dean's house. If you don't want to see us hug, go away." You teased. 

  "This must be y/n. I hope you know you make Dean very, very happy." Cas said to you, and you swear you saw Dean's cheeks go red.

  "Well he makes me happy, too." You replied. Suddenly, Sam rushed by with his duffelbag slung over his shoulder. He said goodbye to the two Angels, not even looking at you or his brother.

"What was that all about?" Gabe asked, and you just shook your head.

  "Dean we should check for a hunt, I'm really bored." You said, turning to the hunter.

"Are you sure? We just got back from being kidnapped. You got tortured." Dean pointed out. You spun in a circle, showing off your non-injured body.

"Gabe fixed me up, even my back injury is gone." You replied. Gabe smirked.

"Okay, I'll check the web. Meanwhile, you should make food. I'm starving." Dean said.

  "Can I have Gabe help?" You asked excitedly. Dean shrugged, and you and your Angel sped to the kitchen.

  "What should we make, kiddo?" Gabriel asked, leaning against the counter. You put a finger on your chin and spun around the kitchen.

"They have like nothing." You thought aloud.

  "Tell me what you need, I'll get it."

"Okay. I need frozen pizzas, chips, cookie dough, beer, and granola bars. Man, I love granola bars." As you said everything, it appeared on the table.

"Thank you very much, Gabe. Let's start with the cookies, then the pizza." You said, pulling out a cookie sheet.


   You and Gabe stared at all the food you had just made. You grabbed the pizza and started making your way to the library.

  Dean sat there on his laptop, instantly turning towards the smell of food.

  "Wow. Y/n, this is great." He said, staring at the pizza. You smiled.

  "There's more!" You said excitedly, turning to get the rest of the stuff.

  After you, Dean, Gabe, and Cas had stuffed yourselves full you all sat back in silence.

  "So, did you find a case?" You asked Dean, your head lazily resting back.

  "Yeah, actually. Two people in Anaheim, California were found without their hearts." Dean replied, taking a swig of his beer.

"Anaheim? Isn't that where Disneyland is?" You asked, a mischievous glint in your eye.

  "I don't know, I've never been."

You shot up, your jaw hanging.

"You've never been to Disneyland?" You asked. Dean shook his head.

"When we finish that case, we're going to Disneyland. And the beach." You added, daring Dean to tell you no. He just chuckled, and you took that as a yes.

  "Oh, I'm definitely coming." Gabe said. You gave him a look that said, 'of course.' Everyone looked at Cas.

"I guess I could come to this, um, Disneyland." He said, and you smiled in success.

"And Sam can come, too." Dean looked at you, shocked by your words.

  "Disneyland, after the case." You started, "That should be enough time for everyone to cool off."

  Dean shrugged, but his eyes told a different story. You picked up a cookie and nibbled on it, the silence making you uncomfortable.

  "So we should get ready to go on this hunt. I really need a shower." You said. The three men nodded and you left the room.

Sighing, you pulled off your bloodstained shirt. The hot water did wonders to your sore body, and you didn't know how long you had been in there.

  When you got out, you pulled on a tank top, an oversized sweatshirt, and leggings. Pulling your hair up into a bun, you started packing your stuff for the hunt. Although you knew you should focus on the case, your mind kept drifting to how fun Disneyland would be.

  You zipped up your duffel bag and pulled on your boots, ready to hit the road. This was going to be fun.

A/n: I just wanna say thanks for reading and sorry it took so long. Damn writer's block. Anyways, stay tuned!