
New Beginning

Some moments come and go while others at times last forever. Daniel had just walked onto his wife cheating on him with his best friend. Shocked and betrayed, he left and went to a bar to drown his sorrows and angry. He had treated his friend like a brother and he had truly loved his wife.

In his darkest moments he stumbly left the bar and managed to make his way to an abandon bridge.

Intoxicated by alcohol and stung by betrayal, Daniel stumbly walked towards the edge of the bridge. For a long time, he simply sat at the edge. He began to contemplate and cry his worries out. Daniel had left his home at an early age and pursued a musical career. Many of his family members and friends had ridiculed him about this decision but one friend had stayed with him and supported him throughout his journey. They had been together through many trials and tribulations. At end of it all, Daniel had become one of the biggest artist world-wide with his best friend as his manager and together, they left a mark in the music industry. However, Daniel's life had turned upside down in one day .

He looked down to see a 100 ft drop and Daniel knew that no one would survive a fall like that. He wanted the pain in his heart to go away and saw the bottom of the bridge as a peaceful void to cure the hole in his heart. Perhaps it was the darkness and emptiness that called Daniel but no matter how drunk he was, he could not take that extra step. He yearned to end it all but fear always took over. Silence ensued and after many moments, Daniel had began to sober up. He could not make that step and with a big sigh, he began to retreat back to the bridge. However he had stumbled and made a misstep unable to balance himself.

He tripped and in one motion, fell off the bridge. At first, he felt anxiety and panicked but he realized that his last moments shouldn't be in fear. Daniel thought of his most memorable moments be it sad or joyful.

"I remember the day my best friend and I pulled an all-nighter composing a song, the day I wed my wife," but all these happy moments came crashing down when he remembered their affair.

He had also realized that he had many regrets during his life.

"I should have spent more time with her. Took her to every party she wanted to go because I knew she wanted to dance. But now she's dancing with another man."

Daniel had also begun to contemplate his musical career.

"When I became famous, I was too fearful of what the public would think. I became

afraid of what could or would happen. I became restricted, bound, and shackled. The happiest moments of my life were before all that publicity.

Before the fears and worries stopped me from being myself".

Closing into the ground and moments before his death, with his eyes closed and he regretted to not live true to himself.


On a murky day, rained poured and thunder roared. A hooded figure could be seen carrying a wooden basket. If one looked close enough, the figure bent in a way to try and shield the basket from any rain or harm. The person hurriedly carried the basket and stopped in front of an old building. On top of a worn out door was a plate engraved with the words "United Orphanage". A lightning bolt struck the earth and revealed the face of a women in tears. She had bent down and placed the basket in front of the orphanage revealing a baby inside. She tried to hold back her tears and softly whispered "My baby, I love you more than anything in this world. Please forgive your mother and live a wonderful life". The woman hugged the baby one last time and left a necklace with one wooden bead connected through it with the baby. She knocked on the door and hurriedly left fading away in the darkness.

A woman dressed in sleepwear opened a door and was greeted upon the sound of rain and a basket. Upon closer inspection, she saw a sleeping baby wrapped in all types of torn fabric. She instantly held the baby in her arms and looked around to find no one insight. With a big sigh she tightly held the baby and closed the door.


Expecting the fall, I braced for impact. However, nothing happened.

"Am I in heaven?"

Everything was black until I felt a very warm and soothing feeling. It was difficult to describe but I could just snuggle in this warm embrace forever. After several moments, I realized several things. For one thing, I was not dead. I couldn't move my arms or legs but I could move a finger or two but that was about it. Secondly, I could open my eyes for a second or two but everything would be a blur. I saw an obscured figure but my consciousness began to fade.

I awoke to see a woman in her 30's strangely staring at me. I could not help but stare at her too and noticed her dark brown eyes and thin eyebrows and lips. She had wrinkles on her face but something told me a little make up would make her look nothing less above 20. I tried to speak but the only words that could come out were "gaah".

"Awww, you're so cute" I heard.

Weird, what is this woman saying. If I were alive, I should be wrapped in casts and stitched all over. "Wait...a second." I try to raise my arm and after many attempts see a small white hand. I screamed but I could only say "aaaah".

The woman looked concerned and softly said "Don't worry love, you are safe now. Don't cry now, My name is Amara. There there" she says as she raises me from a bed and puts me on her should to pat my back. I look around the room and spot a mirror finding a slim woman patting a baby on her shoulder. "No.. way! Is this me? How is this possible?" There was no way to say why or how this happened but one thing I could say for certain is that I was given a second chance!

"I will not waste this life!" I swore.

Other Title Names (OTN) - Basket full of no sunshine, A Mother's love, Beautiful girls by Sean Kingston, Locked out of Heaven, Another Cliche Reincarnation Story

Newbie author hear so just letting you know there will be some crude grammar here and there. Also, some of you may notice hidden references here and there in some of my chapters. Can you spot them all?

ggiocreators' thoughts