
Damning The Family

A Short where some divine intervention happens at a funeral.

Soltaire · 都市
2 Chs

Family Function pt.2

I laughed in the Angel's face, they looked pissed at how me being flippant but this could be the best thing that's happened to me in years.

"Every year there are hundreds of thousands of unexplained, not investigated disappearances. These people, and sometimes their families suddenly vanish off the mortal realm."


"You are not getting it are you? You, and everyone close to you, will be purged from this world."

"Get on with it then!" I yelled, staring directly at the biggest eye. The air felt like it quivered and 'my' Angel offered a smile up and yanked my head down next to theirs.

"You do not want to be put where It will send you. You do not simply 'die' nor do you cease to exist. You are trapped in a hellscape until your natural life expires tenfold or you choose to repent with the rest of your normal natural life. Whilst experiencing torture that rends and destroys the concept of hope in a human's mind."

"They all get that too?"

"Of course they– Juno, no!"

"Big eyed fuck, no faced bitch, come fucking do something to me hah?! Ooh nooo I'll go to hell, fuck off! Do it, see if I care. These fuckers deserve it and I'm willing to be the price paid."

As my sentence finished, my down to the bones felt like they shook as a deep, earthy laugh rose from seemingly everywhere.

"Funny. Bravado with no fear. Damnation your wish?" A voice asked, using 'my' Angel like a phone.

"If they all come with me. Sure." I shrugged. A chilling feeling started to slither down my spine. There was a inkling of doubt in my mind but it wasn't too hard to dismiss. The laugh erupted again, lots of other laughs seemed to echo within it, my head felt like it was going to split.

"Interesting J–––," it trying to say my name made my hearing seemingly black out temporarily, "Enjoy oblivion!" It laughed, my head feeling worse and worse the more they laughed, the pain forced me to the ground the Angel giving me a pitied look

"In some decades when you see me again, tell me; was it worth it?"

Just like they arrived out of nowhere, they vanished with no trace.

The rest of the family writhed in pain, much worse than I did. For some reason it made me laugh. Then the ground started to crumble in on itself, we were all falling in. I kept laughing, they screamed at me "What have you done?!" "What did you do?!" and I just laughed.

It felt too real to just be a trick or some illusion, I just damned myself and this awful family and nothing but laughter came from my mouth. Mom grabbed me by the collar as we started falling and screamed in my face about something but it didn't matter, for the first time in my life I felt thankful. A fate beyond death for a family that made my brother's life hell on earth.