
Damn! will it work?

Skye maxwell, failed genius , war hero to Night reaper. This man is known by many and called by names. For some he is an angel to some he a devil. Betrayed and used by his own peoples . And now given a second chances in his life , how will he live? will he be thirsty for revenge? or his thirst for power? Only time will tell.

Nirv_dp98 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 3

' Then, how did i pass the test? i mean, what were the criteria? '

[To not lose consciousness or stop moving and cross the portal. ] said the loli voice.

' But i remember losing consciousness.'

[ Yeah, but your body did not stop moving, it keeped on regenerating , so first criteria was fulfilled and for the second criteria, just before touching the portal the pressure increased and you slept while your body became a goo ball, but your blood tendrils touch the portal, so second criteria meant. ] said the young voice.

' !!! that's why I don't remember anything. Where the portals same?'

[ yeah] muscular voice.

' Who was the being that was creating the pressure? '

[ It was a clone of Heyward, the right hand man of the CREATOR. ] said the loli voice.

' So, this Heyward test is conducted in every Multi-Universal right? '

[ yeah] muscular voice.

' So, how much power does the clone possess compare to the original? ' he said nervously.

[ hmm...we don't know the exact value but it's somewhere around 0.5% to 1%.] said the old man voice.

' WHAT!! that nuts ' he thought.

Then he remembered something and thought,

'wait, you said even Gods have to take this test, so can't they also regeneration there body '

Before he did not think about it, but now that he knew that the pressure that nearly killed him multiple times was only 1% of the man's power then there is bound to be multiple beings stronger than him.

[ argh...i was hoing you did not asked that question. ] said the muscular voice.

[ Well, you actually had quite a number of positive karma points and was sucked into the test room accidentally ( or intentionally 😈), so the room decided to let you use your powers.] said the loli voice.

' WHAT? I had positive KP , how? '

[ After the whole conversation, you are surprise about this and yes, you had positive KP. ] said the charming voice.

' but how? '

[ Ask The CREATOR when you meet him. ] said the muscular voice.

[ So, any other questions? ] asked the old man voice.

' not really.'

[ Then will you open the chest now?] asked the charming voice with a little bit of excitement in her voice.

' Does it depend on luck? the item that comes out? '

[ yeah, somewhat] old man voice.

' Then, no. I will first meet the CREATOR. '

[ Okay then, bye bye] said the loli voice.

[ Safe travels] young man voice.

[ You will blackout in a moment but don't worry, okay] charming voice.

' Yeah.'

[ You ready? ] old man voice.


[ Okay. we will meet again...if you are alive after this.] muscular voice.

' wait, what does tha..'

[ Start.]