
Butterfly Hunting

(Hi guys!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter.)

Come on Mondo!!! O-oi I'm com'n alright. Gonta grabbed Mondo's arm and dragged him into the forest. He let go once they got deeper into the forest.

"Gonta is so happy Mondo was able to go bug hunting with him!" "Yeah sure." Mondo held his boyfriend's hand. Gonta noticed this and started swinging his arm. Mondo blushed at how cute his boyfriend was being.

"So where are we going anyway." Oh, we're going to the middle of the forest, where butterflies and bees like to gather!" "Oh ok, are we close?" "Yes very close!"

They kept walking, and after a while, the smell of fresh honey and flowers filled the air. Gonta's face lit up. "Were here Mondo!" Gonta led Mondo to a huge field filled with flowers and all kinds of bugs.

Gonta happily ran towards all the butterflies and flowers. Mondo chuckled to himself and layed down in an empty patch of grass and stared up at the sky.

Mondo closed his eyes and relaxed as he heard Gonta's happy giggles in the background. He then something being placed on the top of his head. He opened his eyes and saw his boyfriend had placed a flower crown on his head.

Gonta then layed next to Mondo. Mondo landed a kiss on Gonta's forehead. Gonta giggled but then stopped and looked at Mondo's pompadour. Mondo was confused so he looked at his pompadour.

He saw a skipper butterfly on the tip. Gonta raised his bug case full of pieces of fruit at the butterfly. The butterfly jumped in the case. Gonta closed the cap and hugged Mondo.

"Damn Its gett'n dark, we should head back to the academy." "Oh ok!"

They started walking back to the academy. And Gonta was looking at the butterfly the entire time which made Mondo kind of jealous so he held Gonta's hand and rubbed his thumb over it.

They arrived back at the academy and found Korekiyo running from Kokichi with a plate of spaghetti.

They both sighed and said goodnight to each other.

(Hope you enjoyed!)

Word count: 361

Date: 10/30

Time: 4:24