
Daisy Blue World

She was keep hidden, locked up and lived in the background. Her existence became a secret that always be remained behind close door. With her books as her friend, herself to comfort at night and a mind too innocent of the fucked up world with not just rainbows, flowers and fantasies. She always dreamed to explore the other side of it and her wished shall come true but, not the one she'll expect it to be. Daisy Swales was forced to leave her home to a place she could be finally live as a common, normal human. With bad memories behind, demons that keep on haunting her down and an identity she chose to concealed. The only solace is to keep her inner thoughts to herself, never been spoken a single word not until he met a guy who's persistent in unraveling and unveiling her secrets. Bryson Kingston oath to himself to solve the riddle of Daisy's life, to peel off the screen one by one and find a key to her heart. She was lost. He was there. She was conflicted. He is the answer. She feels sinking. He dives in. She felt defeated. He saved her. She felt unwelcome but she became his world.

26 Chs


       l was leaning against the side of my car that was parked at the driveway in-front of her pastel colored home. Crossing my legs over the other while holding my phone, I wait her reply since I texted her that I'm coming over just a few minutes ago.

It seems like there wasn't any unusual activity in her place, the lights in the living room are still on the was peering on the slight crack between the close window. She's awake.

After a minute or two, the curtain on the window beside the front door opened up and she peeked her head looking around until her eyes locked into my figure. She waved her hands at my direction and all the worries before had vanished into thin air. I waved back with an ear to ear smile on my face, I know she can't see me well because of the distance and darkness but I hope she can feel how much I longed for her presence.

She closed the curtain and later on the front door opened. My phone dinged and I immediately checked it.


     Come over. It's cold outside.

I looked up to her standing on her doorstep. Someday, I'll be going back from work to our home and she will be waiting for me at the same exact position she's in right now. We are like a married couple, I almost feel giddy like a middle school boy that got noticed by his crush. Pussy.

I immediately jogged to her doorstep after locking my car. She's wearing a black and white stripe pj paired with loose shirt that's way too big for her, the strawberry blonde hair on top of her head tied up on a messy bun that accentuated her out of this wold beauty like those girl in a classic renaissance and expensive painting. In short she so breathtaking.

When I'm close enough that just an inch apart and our chest almost touching, I looked down at her because of my massive height compared to her small one. I want to embrace her if that is even acceptable at this moment but, I don't want to scare her off especially now that she's warming up on me. She is smiling brightly while looking up through her thick and curled lashes that fanned her chestnut colored eyes.

Now that I'm so close I could also smell her natural scent of lavender, and vanilla and noticed the beauty mark on the bottom right side of her pouty lip. I know my face screamed awe and adoration like some love sick puppy but, who the fuck cares. Thats what I'm feeling.

'Hi' I said breathlessly— trying to control my urged to reach her body and embrace it. So, that no one can get close to her asides from me.

She motioned her hand to the door for me to come in. It makes me happy knowing that she trusted me enough to let me in her house, and the fact that some fucker tried to intruded and disturbed her peace. Daisy must be feeling wary of anyone, especially if she's not really familiar with. . . Like me. But, right now I have a feeling that she doesn't really mind as long as it was me. I just only wish I was discharged in the military camp before that incident even happened so, that I could make a changes and prevented it.

Her scent lingered around the spacious sorrounding of her home. The wallpaper was pastel colored with flowers sequence. The furniture was furnished, a couple of books in the shelves on the wall, a flat screen T.V, coffee table with a porcelain vase on top with some violet, and blue flowers, and some picture frame. It's aesthetic and the atmosphere is homely but, its too quiet that you can almost feel there was no other presence beside her that resided in the place.

I guess, I just only need to change that by visiting every once in a while. I mean everyday.

Like the usual thing she did to get my attention, I felt her hands fisted the bottom of my hoodie and dragged me across the room to her tiny and clean kitchen. It was equipped with all the kitchen machinery. A marbled counter between the sink and doorway and of course a flower vase on top of her round dining table with only two chair. Perfect just for the two of us.

She gently pushed me to the barstool on the counter and I obliged. Who am I to refused her anyway? Daisy gave me her phone after sitting on the other one beside me.

'Why are you here? It's late and you should be resting by now and thank you again for driving me home earlier.'

I read the text for like three times especially the last sentence. Is she worried about me or is this a subtle message for 'I want you to get the hell out of my house but, I am too kind and shy to do that directly in front of your face'. Maybe I'm disturbing her? Either way I'm glad that I came. 

'I'm sorry for coming over so late, I just. . . really wanted to see you and for the record, tonight will not be the last time that I'm driving you home. I just hope I'm not disturbing or bothering you anyway. . . ' I trailed off in a quiet voice while looking intently onto her beautiful eyes.

If she wanted me to leave. Then I will. I could just lounge inside my car and guard her until I'm hundred percent sure she is safe.

She bit down her bottom lip and looked down on her lap then shook her head. I really want to touch her and let her eyes just focus on my own.

I shallowed nervously then gathered all the courage I had to raised my hand slowly, up to her chin and gently pinched it with my index and thumb fingers before tilting it up. Her chestnut eyes locked into mine and a crimson color painted on her cheeks that made me smile because of the effect I have on her. At least now, I know I'm not the only one feeling like this.

'Your name is Daisy right?'

Yes asshole, you knew that already the first time you saw her but, you clearly forgot to introduce yourself. My inner thought mocked me.

She nodded her head— hair slightly bouncing off while I keep my hand on her face, feeling the fair and smooth skin. Using my thumb, I slowly rubbed it on her jaw up to her reddened cheeks then tucked the loose strand of hairs behind her ear. She bit down her bottom lip again and I tried so hard to control myself for leaning in and kiss her to oblivion. Its so fucking hard, my other hand tightened the grip on her phone.

'I'm sorry if I forgot to introduce myself properly. How about we do the getting-to-know-each-other stuff yeah?'

I received a timid nod which cause my smile to widened even more. Dropping my hand on her cheeks, I intertwined our fingers instead. I know I'm moving too fast but who give a shit, as long as she's not complaining. She curtly looked at our hands and now her face was like a ripe tomato. Cute

It's not really my forte to went through this kind of shit like ANL (Age, Name, Location) since I dived in head first when it comes to hooking up with some girl. . . Like literally dived in between their thighs. I mean no introduction, no greeting just pure flirting and lust but, for Daisy I'm willing to change my bearing as to make everything right and perfect for her, and only her because she deserve anything more than that.

I cleared my throat before introducing myself.

'I'm Bryson Kingston, I'm 19 years old. My birthday is on the 16th of July and I live with my mom, her name is Annie and one younger brother, the one you met in the car before, his name is Elijah but don't get too close to him, he's crazy with few loose screws in his head.—'

I stopped when she giggled. Fucking shit that was the most cute giggled I've ever heard. I can't help myself but to move closer to her, either she's not paying attention because I received no reaction or she doesn't really mind of our closeness.

'And my dad name Andrew but, he's in the military based at Afghanistan. one year ago I was sent out in Missouri at the military training camp and I had done my training up until a few weeks ago and this was the first time I came back home when you met me at the flower shop this morning.'

I finished waiting for her reaction, she just only nibbled on her bottom lip that me made me swallowed very hard. Her eyes followed my Adam's apple as it goes up and down. God forgive me if I do something I most likely regret, the beauty mark on her lower lip that I want to fucking lick and suck is not even helping. Shit! She's really a temptress.

'You can ask me anything you want.'

I thanked all the saint or whoever is it above for giving me the strength not to succumbed to my immoral thoughts.

'Are you a soldier then?' Daisy typed in to her phone.

'Not really. It was just a training camp for beginner that wants to join the military force. I'm still on my last year in high school because, I was deported before I could even finished it.'

All along that I was speaking, she just looked at me with an understanding eyes like she's absorbing every information. It's kind of refreshing actually, cause most of the girl I had 'dated' before end up in the bed before either one of us could even formulate a simple sentence. No casual conversation, no sharing of personal life just screaming and moaning— unlike her. Daisy is really different.

'So hmm. . . That's all. It's your turn now.'

I smiled to her reassuringly whilst she just avoided looking at my face– feeling embarrassed but, I just only find it really adorable.

I gave her phone back and she hesitantly opened it. Her fingers hovering above the keypad. If only she can speak to me or willing for me to hear her voice but, I know better than anyone not to press that matter any further as I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I'll go with her pace even if it takes a lifetime.

Without diverting my attention at her, I waited patiently until she is done typing her introduction. Some people might not have the patience for this kind of set up but, for me I would gladly give her all of my forbearance just to keep a glimpse of her life through some written up words.

She reluctantly handed me over her phone and I slowly scanned every text with my hooded eyes to absorbed everything, storing it in my brain and  not wanting to missed a single word.

'My name is Daisy Swales, I'm 17 years old and my birthday is on September 27. I grew up in United Kingdom and moved here a year ago. I'm an only child and my parents are often busy with works and business trips thats why I'm all alone (if you're wondering). I work at the flower shop as a florist with my close friend Megan.'

I read it a couple of times I might memorized it by now. There's a glimmer of sadness that surfaced on her face before she masked it with her usual gentle and bright smile but, I noticed it right away as I am looking intently at her. I know there is an underlying woeful memories in her life and I intend to find it sooner but not tonight.

She was from UK, why did she moved here, it's like ten hours flight right? Why came here of all the places in the world? It's not like, I'm not happy that she's here but, it's just make me curious even more. I really want to ask her that question but, I guess I'll  just save that up for another time. Maybe it's a sensitive topic and I don't want to upset her.

Changing the subject would be a good idea cause I think its a sour topic that she doesn't really like to discuss with.

'So you must really like flowers huh, considering your name is derived from one of those. How did you know or learned how to arranged flowers by the way?'

I started rubbing my thumb in a circular motion on the back of her hand which I think she didn't mind at all.

Her mood changed drastically and she beamed at me while excitedly typing on her phone using her free hand. She must be an expert on doing that.

'Yes! I really love flower, my favorite is tulips but I also like Daisy mainly because that's where my name referred from. And since I was a kid, I like to picked some flowers on our garden and make some flower crown and sometimes I helped my Mom arranging it in a vase. I'm just really glad that I met and be friend with Megan since they own the flower shop and when she found out about my obsession with all kinds of flowers, she hired me as a florist to keep myself occupied but, I definitely enjoyed doing it.'

I chuckled when I read about the statement of her obsession in all kinds of flowers. My mom will surely love her, they both fixated on flowers, she could help mom on her gardening and that way they could bond or something.

'I din't peg you for being obsessed on something or anything.' Except to me. 'But being a florist really suits you well, I'm sure you are an expert on that field. And my mom will definitely loves you since she like gardening.'

She blushed again and fidgeted on her hand that I'm holding, she's not even aware of it and that makes her more cute.

'I just realized that your mom is the one that usually went to our shop to buy some flower seeds.  She's really kind and beautiful. I like to help her someday on her gardening but, I don't know if she want me to. I don't want to interfere or bother.'

My eyebrows furrowed at the last sentence. Using my free hand I tilted her chin up again from looking down on her lap.

'Hey shorty. You are not going to be a bother okay? Like what I've said, my mom will definitely love you, she even mentioned that you're a sweet, lovely and beautiful girl which is doubtlessly true thats why I'm sure she will be ecstatic if she find out that you want to help her maintaining her precious garden. In fact she mentioned when we are having our dinner just a while ago that she like you. See? And who the hell wouldn't love you anyway. I'll inform my mom about it and invite you once she agree okay?'

Looking intently on my eyes, searching for any deception and lies but, once she saw my seriousness and sincerity she awarded me with that mouth dropping smile and twinkling star-like eyes that made my heart constrict in almost painful way. I must be becoming a masochist too.


She looked up to me with that glimmering eyes and a smile that reached her ears— it makes her chestnut squinted in a slightest.

Can I just bring her home with me? I mean yes of course I can. I mean, Could I just snatch her right at this moment. Fuck! She is so fucking. . . perfect.


I'm still about to say something when she covered her mouth with her free hand and yawned. Guess let's call it a night. Its pretty late anyway and as much as I want to keep her company and talk to her in our own little way, I also want her to have a good night rest.

'I should probably go now. Its pretty late anyway and it's your bed time. I don't want to keep you up any longer when you still need to wake up early morning. Rest well okay?' She just nodded her head in response. We both stood up and made our way to her front door.

'Lock your door and windows properly even your bedroom door kay? Call me right away if you heard or even feel something unusual and I'll be here in an instant. That will be our secret code once you need me as soon as possible okay? And I'll just visit you tomorrow at the flower shop maybe at lunch time, your eating out with me and that's not a question. I'll see you around shorty.'

She pouted probably because of the nickname, but nonetheless she once again nodded her head. I just chuckled and pinched her cheeks that reddened pronto.

I will never get tired seeing her face flushed and the way her beauty mark moved whenever she chewed on her bottom lip, something that I had learned her mannerism whenever she feel embarrassed or flustered.

'You don't have to see me off okay? Once I'm in my car, close your door and lock it. Goodnight. Dream of me.'

I kissed her forehead before letting go of her hand and walking over to my car. She waved goodbye and followed my instruction afterwards. I stayed seated inside for a little while longer looking at her bedroom window upstairs before I texted my mom that I'll be back home in ten minutes and started the engine.

I'm most certainly be the one dreaming of her tonight.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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