
Daisy Blue World

She was keep hidden, locked up and lived in the background. Her existence became a secret that always be remained behind close door. With her books as her friend, herself to comfort at night and a mind too innocent of the fucked up world with not just rainbows, flowers and fantasies. She always dreamed to explore the other side of it and her wished shall come true but, not the one she'll expect it to be. Daisy Swales was forced to leave her home to a place she could be finally live as a common, normal human. With bad memories behind, demons that keep on haunting her down and an identity she chose to concealed. The only solace is to keep her inner thoughts to herself, never been spoken a single word not until he met a guy who's persistent in unraveling and unveiling her secrets. Bryson Kingston oath to himself to solve the riddle of Daisy's life, to peel off the screen one by one and find a key to her heart. She was lost. He was there. She was conflicted. He is the answer. She feels sinking. He dives in. She felt defeated. He saved her. She felt unwelcome but she became his world.

26 Chs


'Bry honey, leave the gal alone. Her plate is full already, are you planning of making her pudgy?' Annie said looking at his son with a poker face after Bryson put another handful of salad, steak and pasta on her plate. Daisy thanked Annie internally for stopping her son for bloating her.

'Sorry babe. You're just so small.' Bryson said sheepishly whilst putting the serving down.

'Quit being a caveman dude. You're really sound like dad most of the time, it's scary.' Elijah shuddered just by thinking about his words. She just only noticed that there are only four of them in the house and ever since she came around, no other male specimen caught her eyes.

'He acted so much like his father when we were just started dating.'

'Yeah mom. He's probably following dad's footsteps. Mom why did you gave birth to him anyway, I should be the first born since I'm the more handsome and smart one.'

'I don't know hun. It just happened one steamy night and then boomed, I'm pregnant the next day.'

'Mom I don't want to hear what happened  that night so hmm. . . just leave it your imagination.' Elijah said with a shuddered.

'You never know, maybe it'll get you some amorous ideas. Just be careful okay honey?'

'Mom! I don't want to hear it.' Elijah grumpily shove the spoon in his mouth.

'Seriously guys?' Bryson said exasperatedly but, still flashing his slick smile showing the white and even teeth underneath. Daisy just enjoyed watching them while continously eating her dinner.

Annie gulped down the food in her throat and drink her juice before saying. 'Pardon our behavior dear and I understand if you aren't really going to have an oral conversation with us, just type your reply on your phone. Please feel at home dear and eat lots.'

Daisy's hand suspended in the air that was holding the glass of juice before she put it down again to dig her phone out in her jeans pocket. Just earlier, she was thinking about asking their permission of using the device since it's kind of rude and disrespectful as they were the host of the house and she was only the a guest.

She quickly typed her reply on her phone and passed it over to Bryson since he is sitting at the right side of the head of the table closed to where Annie was seated. But, instead of handing over the device, his boyfriend decided to just read it out loud for others to hear.

'She said it's okay with her and thank you for inviting her for dinner. She also love the pasta. It's very delicious.'

'No problem dear and I'm glad you like my cooking.' Daisy reciprocated Annie's sweet smile at her with her polite one.

Going back to those times that Annie bought flower's seed at their shop, she was always kind of professional-looking, wearing a dress and something business like, today she looked casual with her buttoned-down dress shirt paired with denim jeans.

'I'm sorry if I forgot to ask but, how are you doing anyway dear?'

'I'm good Mrs. Kingston. Thank you for asking. Just got a little bit busy with work sometimes but, still enjoying my activity.'

'Just call me Annie dear. I hope you're taking care of yourself and not stressing out at work.'

She's stressing out to a totally different thing.

'Thank you Annie.'

'So how's your parents doing dear? I bet you're getting lonely sometimes being alone in your place. You can hangout here with Bryson anytime 'kay?'

Daisy stopped herself from typing, she retyped and deleted the texts for like the third time. It was the first time someone asked about her parents cause she doesn't usually discussed their situation to someone else's even to her close friend, Megan.

Bryson put the spoon down and placed his hand on her thigh to gave it a comforting squeezed. She finished typing her response while his boyfriend started rubbing his thumb on her thigh in slow and soothing motion. 

'They're doing good. As usual, they are busy with works related stuff in UK. But, they always video call to check up on me.'

Annie gave her a warm-hearted looked as she deliberately ignore her uneasiness by masking it by a tight-lipped smile.

It's kind of inconvenient and Daisy felt bad for disturbing and bothering Bryson's dinner every time she passed the message to his mom. If she could only use her voice again. Of course, she can. She just chose not to. Daisy chewed her bottom lip so hard it might bruise at a later time. Why did she have to be such a coward and baby? What's the problem if she use her voice? It's not like, those people will come hunting her down again. They're not here anymore.

'Honey are you okay?' She looked up from where her attention was focused on and greeted by 3 pairs of ocean blue eyes. Daisy straightened her posture and let go her abused lip before nodding her head and smiling like nothing happened.

God. I'm such a mess. 

'Are you really okay shorty? Do you want to go now?' Bryson leaned in close to her ears and whispered. His warm breathe fanned her earlobe that sent a shivers on her skin and a sudden pool of heat warmed her entire body up but, she controlled herself by crossing her legs over the other and taking a sipped of her juice.

'I'm okay. Thank you for asking.' Daisy signed after a while of calming herself down. Her boyfriend just smile at her before going back to his dinner.

First she felt panicky and the next she felt tingly, Daisy think she must be becoming a bipolar by how much her mood changed in just a seconds.

'Dude. Did you understand what she just signed? How did you know sign language?' Elijah asked after being silent for quiet some time. It looked like, he was the type of guy that can't be disturbed when it comes to eating for it will lashed out or something.

'Yes. I learnt some of it, Daisy taught me a week ago.' Bryson said smugly and proudly.

'Really hun. Wow that's great. I also want to learn sign language but, paper works are piling up on my desk so I don't really have leisure time. But, maybe you can teach me also dear when both of us have free time.'

She gave Annie a polite nod and reassuring smile. It's feel great to have someone that is willing to step down your level, in a good way, just to connect with you.

'I also want to learn. Maybe, Me and Summer could have some secret code through body movement or something.' Elijah mustered while stroking his chin with his thumb and index fingers— looking like someone with an important decision to make.

'Dude. I bet Summer is already repenting herself for dating you. I feel sorry for the girl, her heart may rest in a happy place with no broken heart.'

'Daisy if I am you, I'll leave Bryson as early as I possible. See that. Is that what you want to spend the rest of your life with? You're going to aged early.'

And the glaring contest begun again. The brothers continued their banters and bickering whilst Daisy just chuckled on her seat and let them do their normal thing.

'Oh god. I'm really glad that you are here dear. I can't deal with this two sons of their father for another night. Ignore them and just enjoy your meal 'kay? Here. Have more of the salad, it's good for your health.' Annie exasperatedly said, rolling her eyes but softly giving her a smile before thrusting the salad bowl toward her direction. Now she know where her boyfriend get his overly-caring personality.

Bryson still busy with his business, get the bowl and served her a spoonful then briefly bend down his upper body to pecked the side of her head.

'Aww. You two are such a lovely and cute couple. Aren't they Ej?' Annie awed at them whilst Daisy suppressed her smile by taking a bite of her food, if not for the flustered looked on her face to go by.

'Mom I'm barely enjoying my food here. Can you two please stop flirting in front of my lonely self. Please? Thank you. Wait 'til you meet my girl mom.' Elijah said in a cunning voice.

'So when do you plan to bring Summer here huh?'

Elijah scratched the back of his neck. 'Soon mom. She's uhm. . . Just still busy with school stuff.' Annie's eyes formed into slit but, didn't comment and just continued eating her foods.

'Are you enjoying the night baby?' Bryson asked in a soft and quiet voice, looking at her lovingly. She just nodded her head before typing something on her phone.

'I really love your family. They're fun to be with. I just noticed that your father is not here. Is he still in Afghanistan?'

Bryson set aside her phone after reading the text and the looked on his face became somber before he masked it with his usual lighthearted expression.

'Yes. He would probably stay there for another year or hopefully he'll come visit us during holidays or breaks but, is still undecided cause the uprising riot and conflict happening there.'

'I hope he could finally join your family for such eventful days.'

'Thanks baby'

The four of them relished their own appetite and occasionally had a casual exchanged of words. Daisy like usual, just listened most of the time and enjoyably watched her company's playful and silly manner. She was really happy for joining them albeit, it makes her a bit sad because, it reminds her back to those old memories wherein, her family ate dinner together and they story-tell how their day went by.

Since her parents were always busy with their works and duties and she was always inside the confinement of her bedroom, they rarely saw each other if not for family events and weekends, but those days just happened once in a blue moon.

Nevertheless, its still a good and pretty memories as it console whenever she was in solitude.


'Thank you so much for having me. I really enjoyed your company and the foods were really palatable.'

Annie gave her back the device after reading her message. She gave her a tight embrace and a warm smile before untangling herself and stroked the back of her head.

The four of them were now standing on the porch, the chilling air of the night was crawling in her body but, the big callous  hand of Bryson on her back gave her a warm and gratifying feeling.

'You're so much welcome dear. You are basically part of our family now, come visit us again anytime okay? We still have that tea bonding.' Daisy hugged her back to showed how much she's been fulfilled just by meeting and spending her time with Kingston family even if it's just a short span of time.

'Take care dear and Bryson hun, drive safely okay?'

'Got it mom. We'll be going now.' She gave them one last smile before Bryson assisted her back to his Toyota Avanza.


'Remember my three simple rules baby?'

Of course how could she forget about it—it's like a mantra that were stuck in her head. Lock and check the doors and windows, call him if there's something unusual and text him goodnight. Daisy gave her boyfriend a briskly nod. Bryson smiled in satisfaction and engulfed her in a loving embrace.

The fluorescent lights were highlighting them like two lovers under the moonlight. Daisy returned the hug with her own dainty one— arms wrapping on Bryson's neck and foot slightly tip-toed to accommodate the broad and muscular body of the guy plus his giant height.

After 5 minutes, she was starting to get cramps in her leg so, she put her hands on his chest to gently pushed him but, he only tightened his hold— afraid of letting her go and calling the night the end of their alone and affectionate moment.

'One more minute please. I just don't want to let you go.' Bryson mumbled on her shoulder— his baritone, and husky voice vibrated against her body. She just giggled because of his child-like act.

After a fleeting moment, the guy finally untangled himself and just content of putting his hands on either sides of her small waist.

'I miss you already.'

'We are still gonna see each other tomorrow.'

'Yeah but. . . It's like 24 hours of not seeing you and just by thinking about it. It's excruciating. You're so insatiable shorty.' Daisy gulped down because of how intense Bryson's eyes that were looking at her. It felt like a predator stalking his prey before he attack.

She bit down her lower lip and gathered all the courage just to keep her eyes locked at him. Bryson eyes stared down on her beauty mark and the ocean were now filled with black hollow. The guy licked his full lips before swallowing hard, hands on her waist suddenly become tensed and rigid.

'I have to go now baby while I can still control myself and before I hoist you up to my waist and crash my lips against your own.'

The cold air of the night that were brushing on Daisy's cheeks was instantly replaced by a burning sensation in just a heart beat. How could he say that with his neutral face whilst she was about to dematerialize anytime now?

'Goodnight baby. I'll see you tomorrow yeah? Sleep well and dream of me.'

Bryson kissed the top of her head for like 5 seconds before he let her go and traipsed down to her porch steps. Once her boyfriend stepped inside his car, she just waved her hand for goodbye then went inside her house— did her precautionary things and ascended upstairs to have a very good night rest with a smile on her face.

Now she has the reason for waking up gratefully everyday and to looked forward for what the future could offer.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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