
Daisy Blue World

She was keep hidden, locked up and lived in the background. Her existence became a secret that always be remained behind close door. With her books as her friend, herself to comfort at night and a mind too innocent of the fucked up world with not just rainbows, flowers and fantasies. She always dreamed to explore the other side of it and her wished shall come true but, not the one she'll expect it to be. Daisy Swales was forced to leave her home to a place she could be finally live as a common, normal human. With bad memories behind, demons that keep on haunting her down and an identity she chose to concealed. The only solace is to keep her inner thoughts to herself, never been spoken a single word not until he met a guy who's persistent in unraveling and unveiling her secrets. Bryson Kingston oath to himself to solve the riddle of Daisy's life, to peel off the screen one by one and find a key to her heart. She was lost. He was there. She was conflicted. He is the answer. She feels sinking. He dives in. She felt defeated. He saved her. She felt unwelcome but she became his world.

26 Chs


        'So, are we just gonna wait here like an idiot or just bail them out, and eat our late lunch without them cause we're too gorgeous to be just standing here like those faceless and creepy mannequin.' Megan complained about the third time since they walked out of the shop, and decided to wait for the two guy in front.

Daisy shook her head when she spaced out due to her clouded mind. The card in her back pocket are burning on her skin and like it weigh a ton all of a sudden. It's really hard to distract her mind toward anything else but, Daisy doesn't want to let anyone know about her newfound way of stressing herself out, and made the surrounding people, shoulder the burden on her back too so, she decided to just keep the strange card to herself and find out the meaning behind it on her own.

'I'm freaking starving. If they don't come out in that place in a few minutes, I'll terrorize their life until the day they'd die.' Megan grumbled under her breath after checking the time on her phone. Daisy just stayed quiet beside her and kicked the tiled floor with her shoes to somewhat entertain herself.

They're just basically across from them, and could easily walk towards the shop with just a few steps but, after seeing that the inside were crowded and pack to the brim with mostly males specimen, Daisy pleaded to Megan and asked her friend for them to just stayed where they're currently posted.

It isn't like, she doesn't want to search and look for Bryson, and Sam but, Daisy feel conservative, and unsettled being surrounded in an overpopulated confine space. She just focused her attention to her surroundings, overseeing every passerby with their family, friends, even pets.

Daisy only realized then how much time she had wasted being concealed inside her room, how much she've had deprived for everything a person could actually do or make without so much of a fuss or limitations. She was like living under the rock all those times of her life. Well, now she was glad that the way of her lifestyle is slowly changing its course because of the people that she met, and stayed with her. A new member was even added into her small but increasing family.

'Gosh. I can't really believe they let us wait for them for like nine minutes now, going ten in just a few seconds. Bryson even made a scene, protesting like a rioter for not letting you go— as if you're going to a different planet or something, whatever. When in fact, he's enjoying his shopping spree as much as us with that— that fine piece of pure, and high-graded meat. Men and their bean brain.' Megan once again complained, rolling her eyes whenever someone took a quick glanced at their direction. 

Daisy dig her phone out of her jeans pocket to apparently text Bryson and ask their whereabouts before Megan could seriously murder someone— or them.

'Hm. . . Hi. Excuse me.' She was busy typing on her phone even when she heard someone spook, Daisy heed no attention as she just wanted to text her boyfriend and finally end Megan's misery and boiling temper.

'Hi? I'm sorry for disturbing you.' Daisy gasped and removed her eyes from the device when suddenly a hand grasped her wrist and she finally looked up at the person that was so persistent of bothering her. A tall guy with a blonde hair, and a pair of bloodshot green eyes is standing in front just a few inches away. She tried to wiggled her wrist out from his hold, and took a few distance back but, the guy only tightened his hand.

Daisy doesn't want to appear rude or snob so, she just gave the guy a timid smile and tilted her head on the side. 'I've been looking at you just across there.' The guy, probably in his 20's pointed the shop where Bryson, and Sam were currently been. 'I just thought you're—' The guy didn't even finished his sentence because, Megan suddenly appeared between them, making a barricade and squaring the guy up that was slightly taken aback, he released his hold from Daisy's tiny wrist, and looked at Megan unimpressed.

Daisy clasped the stinging skin, and rubbed it to soothe the slight pain. Her skin could easily get bruise that's why if someone inflicts just a bit of force, a purplish color will automatically appear.

'What do you want?' Her friend's asked saucily. Daisy peeked on the right side of Megan to have a view of what was happening in front. 'I just wanted to talk with her since she seems waiting for someone, and just wanted to offer my company.' The guy replied with a friendly voice and a small smile, glancing at Daisy then goes back to Megan. Daisy couldn't really see Megan's face but, she just imagined her usual expression of emotionless, bored to death, and sassy looked.

'Listen here. Maybe you should probably make an appointment to an ophthalmologist cause I don't know if you're a freaking blind or just dumb as shit. Didn't you see me standing just right beside her, her obviously companion? Or is that your pitiful, and pathetic excused just to hit on her?' Daisy's eyes went wide open because of her friend's crude response. She tentatively squeezed Megan's elbow to get her attention.

The guy didn't even do anything wrong to them so, Daisy thought it was not appropriate to act that way towards him even though he touched her earlier without her permission but, it's not really a big deal and just probably wanted the guy to have her attention but, the reaction from the stranger were not the one she'd expected.

He just laughed almost sarcastically and shook his head before eyeing Megan from head to toes. 'Oh. Sorry didn't see you there. You're like those creepy and ugly mannequin, thought you're one of them. Why don't you just back the fuck off! I'm not talking to you so, mind your own fucking business and I'll do the same with my own.' Daisy's attempts of gaining Megan's occupied attention stopped when she heard the insulting words from the guy. The boyish, and polite demeanor of him earlier turned into imperious, and something malicious.

She suddenly felt threatened towards the stranger as his intense, red, and arrogant eyes didn't leave her friend— challenging Megan to fired back, and fight him off.

'You fucking piece of imbecile. Being stupid is free but, I bet you overused it everyday. I will mind my own business, and that includes my friend here so you, a total waste consumer of this shitty planet. Fuck.Off. Before I make you.' Megan's hands formed into a tight fist like she's ready for a boxing competition anytime soon whilst Daisy tried so hard to pull her friend's away from the stranger, and let her backed down to avoid trouble. But, Megan seemed tenacious of not leaving the guy alone, and run away like what Daisy wanted to do. The guy is also not leaving their side, he even gave them a cunning smirk like his being entertained for Megan's display of bravery.

'Oh what? Are you jealous I'm interested to your friend here instead of you? Who would anyway? Listen here too, you bitch!' He seethed, flashing his crook teeth. 'I'm being nice here so, why don't you just fuck yourself off since no one is willing to do that for you, and lemme have some fun with your friend.' The stranger viciously said, stepping forward to hovered Megan intimidatingly as he is more taller than her.

Biting down her lip, Daisy just decided to stepped between them, and separated their body with her small one in a vain attempt because of how determined they are. She was like being sandwich by two massive, and pernicious predators— fighting off after one prey and ready for bloodbath.

'Man. When God showered some blessings, you probably slept like a log cause you seriously didn't get anything good. You're like a speck of dust from a populated air— nothing, useless, laughable, and just plain unwanted from this world. Do you really think someone will take pay attention on you too? No wonder you're here right in front of us like a desperate, and lame excuse of a speck you are.'

The guy's jaw slowly tightened, hand formed into a balled, and the devious looked just awhile ago turned into a shallow pit of rage. He was like ready to strike or punch Megan anytime soon, it makes Daisy's fair skin even more paler and her body started to tremble due to the panic attack that slowly crawling its way back to her derail mind.

What is happening? Why is the guy wouldn't leave them alone? What does he want? Why is Megan provoking the stranger even more, it's obviously more build, and can knock them out in just a single blow, and lastly, where the heck is Bryson, and Sam when they needed them? Daisy's teary and pleading eyes are now wandering alternately to both of them— scared and just praying for the madness to stop as they were not only brewing a conflict but, also attaining some onlookers.

'Don't test my patience Annabelle. I don't mind hitting a—'

'I dare you to do that.' A silent but deadly, and furious voice interrupted— cutting the stranger off as he turned around to face the other two person that suddenly joined them.

'Who do you fucking think you are huh!? Threatening and harassing a girl. Do you want me to send you to the hospital with broken bones and unidentifiable face? I won't fucking hesitate to do that right. Here. Right. Now. Try me.' Bryson's squared up the stranger, looking down on him as he is more taller, and bigger. Clenching the muscles in his jaw and puffing his chest slightly. Eyes livid as his ocean blue orbs were now tainted with nothing but black.

That was really the first time Daisy saw Bryson mad. His gentle, and caring aura totally changed into something. . . hostile. She doesn't felt scared though, just a little bit. . . flabbergasted.

'Man don't test the boiling water before you regret it, and just fuck off.' Sam's quiet but threatening voice intruded.

The guy's eyes roamed from Bryson to Sam whom both wore the same dangerous expression— seeming to finally back down, and afraid to dare the raging bull in a form of a human in front of him, he hurriedly walked out not before giving Megan one last menacing glare.

Daisy heaved a long sigh when finally the clashed of dominance stopped. Even though she didn't do anything for that matter to prevent the fight, Daisy was still glad that Bryson, and Sam appeared to rescued them.

She clasped her hands together to stopped it from shaking due to her anxiety, and the threatening tears earlier finally rolled down on her cheeks as she let the alarmed, and concerned feeling for her friend to settle.

Daisy never ever like any form of violence, may it be verbal, physical or mental. She doesn't want someone to go through, and experience such inhumane, and cruel treatment from anyone. Imagine how frightened she was because, the stranger could've had easily hurt them as he certainly, and clearly shown his true intention be it by force or not. What if Bryson, and Sam didn't come right on time and the stranger hurt them badly, he was like— doesn't even care if they were being watched or not.

'Hey baby. Are you okay? Did he hurt you? It's okay. Shh. I'm here. I'm sorry for leaving you.' Bryson embraced her shuddering body, giving her a comfort, and sense of relief. He pressed her head using his hand against the hard ridge of his chest and caressed it gently. Her tears seemed to stop from going back to its lacrimal glands as it continuously streamed on her rosy pink cheeks. Daisy was not crying hysterically or loudly, it's just a silent burst of emotions with few hiccups and sniffed.

'Are you okay Daze?' Sam asked too, looking down at her with a gentle, and worried face. She just only nodded her head and smiled after hearing the nickname he used to addressed her. Daisy snuggled even more to Bryson's body while hugging her arms over his waist.

'I— I'm sorry Bae. I didn't mean to make you feel upset. God! Why do I have to be like this? It's just— That guy really ticked me off. I know from the very beginning, the moment he touched yo—'

'Did the fucker touched her!?' Bryson cut off Megan's explanation in a harsh, and brusque manner. His hold on her body tightened and chest heaving from a sudden intensive breathing. He's like trying to control the beast inside him but, at the same time, also wanted it to come out.

Daisy unpressed her face from his rigid chest, and looked up on him. His eyes were staring intently and sternly at Megan but, softened considerably when it diverted toward her. Bryson wiped the remnants of her tears and kissed her forehead.

'That piece of shit touched her wrist. But, he didn't do anything other than that cause I didn't freaking let him okay? I might be a girl but, I ain't weak, and anything that will harm or threaten Bae, will have to face me first. I'm really sorry Bae. I just can't control myself when it comes to those shit-faced that think it makes them more superior if they being forceful towards girl, and they couldn't even take a single hint, and just back off.' Megan rambled in her extremely annoyed voice, crossing her arms over her chest, and glaring at anyone that heard her, and decided to gossip of what was happening on their group.

'Hey. C– Calm down okay?' Sam coaxed, stepping a few step backs when Megan's fierce eyes were directed on him.

Daisy veered her attention from the funny scene when Bryson gently touched her wrist that was slightly tingly, and brought it to his lips to plant a kiss. Fortunately, no hand prints or bruised were being left on the fair, and soft skin but its slightly reddish.

'Did he hurt you baby?' Daisy's eyes navigate from Bryson's hands that was still holding hers, up to his face, and then it stopped on his pouty lips that was still planted on her wrist but, Daisy's cheeks promptly heated despite the cold atmosphere due to the air-conditioning when Bryson suddenly swiped his warm tongue idly on her fair skin— eyes were fixed on her that turned into a pure deep color— like a Neptune. Daisy felt like all the air accumulate inside her body as it pump a maximum supply of oxygen, making her system more lively, and vigorous. Her heart was now like performing a raree-show inside her rib cage.

Why did he do that? What if someone saw that? How embarrassing, and— sexual.

'Does it still hurt?' Bryson asked coyly like it didn't just lick her skin. It even flashed his toothy grin as if he enjoyed watching her reaction on him. Daisy nodded her head hastily, and avoided her eyes, instead just only focus it on his chest. Bryson's deep, and hoarse voice chuckle before pinching her cheeks, and stretching it flimsy. 'So fucking cute.' She just only pouted her lower lip, and made a huff sound.

Bryson finally stood up to his full height, and let her go from his affectionate attention, Daisy swirled her body at once to face her friend with a distress, and guilty expression but, still mad as hell. She hugged her friend who steps back due to the sudden action but, hugged her too when she recovered. Daisy hide her burning face on Megan's chest from everyone, and tried to calm her drubbing heart before pulling away— after making sure it was in its normal beats.

'It's not your fault. Thank you for stepping up, and protecting me but, I don't want you to put yourself to any danger because of me okay? Maybe those type of guy will just leave us alone if we ask them politely.' Daisy signed elegantly with her gentle, and understanding smile.

'God Bae! Sometimes I hate how naive, and innocent you are. They're not just gonna leave you the hell alone even if you treat them like a saint. It's— It's just.' Megan sighed exasperatedly. Throwing her hands up in the air, and closing her eyes tightly—  searching the right words to deliver the next line for Daisy to understand.

'Let me just handle when something like this happen again okay? Or if I'm not around with you, don't let them intimidate you, and just be straightforward of refusing them. No one's going to be mad or upset if you just say whatever you really wanted. Sometimes, kindness doesn't always guarantee your safety, so you have to be harsh and direct to the point once in a while too. Understood?' Megan earnestly said, holding both Daisy's shoulders, and petting her hair— she was like giving advice to her child, teaching them not to talk to a stranger or any sort of. Daisy nodded her head even though she's still against the idea of being harsh towards anyone. It's better to just agreed with her friend cause Megan will surely won't let her argue with her.

'I don't know or understand the sign language but, yeah I agree with M— Megan, Daze. You should also learn how to defend yourself sometimes. I'm not saying that because, you're weak or helpless but, it's better to know some self-defense just in case. Well, I hope nothing like this will ever happen again.' Sam commented, smiling gentle at her before inserting his left hand on her jeans pocket while the other one was holding a paper bag Daisy just only noticed. She replied in a shy smile, and timid sign language of  'thank you' which Bryson instantly translated for Sam.

'Man I should probably learn sign language too. It's really look cool and interesting.' Sam mumbled to himself but, still audible for their ears.

'You should man. Come on shorty. I'll not let this incident happen again anyway so no need to worry about that but, for now let's freshen up your mind okay? You too Megs. Thanks for defending my girl. I really appreciate it but, don't expose yourself to any danger like what Shorty had just said.' Daisy smile widely, and cheerfully, the anxious feeling before finally subsided as she took Bryson's awaiting hand, and intertwined their fingers whilst he kissed every knuckles then her temple before pulling her in a side hug.

'No problem Bry. I'll stay out of trouble as mush as I can but, no promises though.' 

'It's better if you really stay out of trouble, and just b–be careful all the t–time.'

Megan stared at Sam after voicing out his opinion, she started padding in front of the guy, and raised the paper bag in front of him who only looked at her confused. Megan pressed the paper even closer to the guy's chest, and after a moment, Sam realized what Megan wanted him to do and just took it hesitantly. The gal only smiled sweetly before whisking her hair to the side, and walked out swaying her hips strikingly like she was on a runway. The poor, awkward man followed hot on her tail like a lost puppy.


'After all those dramas earlier, I'm really craving for Mexican foods. I hope they serve lucious delicacies here.'

The four of them decided to eat at the first diner they'd spotted just a while ago— well, basically they don't have a choice. It's a mexican restaurant called 'Coma Aqui', with a few customers inside, the interior are like vintage, and the ambience is homely.

The time was already past the lunch, and Megan exaggeratedly complained about how famish she was, of course who are them to object especially if the complainant was a ferocious girl like a tigress during hunting season.

'What do you want to eat shorty? You should complete the full course meal. If I remember correctly, I've only seen you eat half of your foods every time we ate together, and that's not healthy.' Bryson whispered beside her as they're sitting side by side together on a leather couch of the diner while Megan, and Sam occupied the seat in front of them. A shiny black glass table between them with napkins, a single stem of red rose in a clear vase, and menu on the top.

Daisy scanned the menu she's holding, and pointed the food with her index finger that seems delicious, and presentable— it's mostly because of how well the picture of the meal. She doesn't specifically like Mexican foods, and back then at her home, they only served it occasionally, especially if there were some gatherings with important, and respectable people.

'Enchiladas? That's it? How about you add guacamole with fajitas? It's quiet good, if you don't like the taste we just order something else okay?' Bryson's hand situated on her waist, pulling her close to his side while his breathe dabbed the exposed skin of her neck. She recoiled from her seat because of the shivers that run down her spine but, nonetheless, nodded her head to agree with Bryson.

'What a lovely view. Really. Especially because, this time I'm actually not a third-wheel. Congratulations to me.' Megan said, looking at them with a sly smirk— like she's proud of something meaningless. 'So tell me Sam.' She made a sideway glance to Sam who's busy on his phone, and scooted a bit father from Megan, making a countable distance. 'Do you have a girlfriend?' Megan asked without even batting an eyelids, directly, and with her sweet like honey voice.

Luckily for Sam who are more than awkward than ever after that question, a waiter came right on time to save him from his incoming dilemma.

'Hola. Buenas tardes. ¿ Desea pedir?' The waiter with huge body packed with pure muscles, height of a titan, and a sharp jaw with a mesmerizing gray colored eyes asked them. A dog tag is hanging on his neck that seem similar with Bryson. Daisy immediately avoided her eyes when the waiter glanced at her.

'Kingston? El compañero!' The waiter spook again with his thick Spanish accent. Bryson who are busy looking on the menu instantly perked up his head when he heard the man mentioned his surname.

'Perez? Man. What's up? What are you doing here?' Bryson replied surprisingly, lips pulled up into a smile while the waiter respond with the same expression.

'I'm good man. Good. Es bueno verte de nuevo y yo trabajo aqui es asunto de mi familia.'

Daisy just let her eyes focus on the table in front, fiddling her fingers on her lap, and just listened to the casual exchange of words between her boyfriend, and his friend. Bryson seems to know a lot of people, mostly model-like person because all his acquaintance she met are all good-looking, and huge in all aspects.

'Same here man. Thought you're still in the camp.'

'Me dieron de alta unos días después de ti'

'¿ Quien es ella?' The rich, and baritone voice of the waiter spook more closer, and clearer at Daisy's side. Bryson's hold on her waist tightened as he pulled her more closer to his side, no distance was between them anymore. 'My girl man, Daisy. Baby he's Nolan. My buddy in the military camp and that is my friend Sam and Megan.' Bryson replied, introducing her to his friend. The waiter smiled at her, raising his hand in front, and Daisy shook it timidly while giving him a small smile before letting go, and looking at other direction.

The waiter just nodded his head to their other party's direction whom just did the same greeting.

'Ella es un tímida una.' Nolan commented with his thick Spanish accent. The language is one of the many that Daisy learned and have been forged in her brain ever since she was a kid that's why it's easy for her to understand every words that came out from the man's mouth. She wants to protest, and tell the waiter that she's not shy, just being quiet but, of course, she can't use her voice so, Daisy just keep her head tilted downward to avoid Nolan's piercing gray eyes.

Even though Daisy is not looking at him, she can almost feel the man's keen stares like he's trying to dig a hole on the side of her head. She now regretted styling her hair in a french braids as she doesn't have something to hide or curtain her face.

'Yes. So, I appreciate it if you stop ogling my girl Perez.' Bryson spook with a serious, and an edge of a warning voice. The waiter cleared his throat. 'Perdón. I thought she's your sister and ella es realmente una belleza.' He replied teasingly. Bryson promptly put his other hand on Daisy's thigh, and squeezed it gentle before rubbing it in a painstakingly slow manner. Her cheeks could almost compete with the flower on the table because of how red it became.

'Mi novia es realmente hermosa. Así que no me gusta cuando alguien la mira.' Daisy's shunned eyes instantly focus at Bryson after he spook Spanish with ease, and fluidly, he even had an accent like he've been using the foreign language all his life.

The waiter just chuckle, and raised his hands with a notepad, and a pen in surrender, shaking his head slightly like he's amused for what Bryson had just said. 'Lo entiendo. Simplemente la encuentro atractiva, pero no es mi tipo. No te preocupes.'

'Perdóneme. I don't mean to intrude which exactly what I wanted but, are you here to catch up, and chitchat with your longtime friend until closing time or gonna take our orders cause I've been food-deprive ever since we came here, and I really appreciate it if you fix us our super late lunch.' Megan interrupted after keeping her mouth shut the entire time with her usual saucy voice, eyeing the waiter with her impassive looked, and tapping her fingers repeatedly on the menu.

The waiter looked in amusement, flaunting his white with pangs teeth. 'Lo siento señorita. ¿Cuál es su orden?'

'No it's okay. I want Chilaquiles y tacos al pastor, and glass of cucumber juice. Thanks.'

Nolan took all of their orders professionally, taking notes if there were some especial request like how Megan wants her drink with more ice, and Daisy's guacamole without chili peppers because apparently she don't like spicy foods, after they gave their orders, Nolan excused himself afterwards and headed towards the kitchen to hand the note over to their cook.

'Tell me Bryson, are all your friend really a hunk?' Megan asked, putting both elbows on the table, and interlacing her hands together like an interrogator.

'What? I don't know what is your definition of a hunk but, all my friends are just like the same.'

'Hmm. . . I don't believe you. You must have at least one scrawny, and like a nerdy type of friend but, I highly doubt that is even possible.' Megan started to play between her index, and thumb finger the petals of the red rose whilst Bryson scoffed. 'I don't know what that supposed to mean but, yeah sure. I have few friends at schools like how you describe them.' Megan looked at him uninterestedly for a brief moment, and diverted her attention to the flower afterwards.

'Anyway, you think I forgot my question that you still haven't answer huh. Sam.' The guy who's been sitting on his seat without paying much attention on them immediately shook his head towards Megan like he's begging his life to be spare.

Daisy find it funny, and cute when a huge, dangerous looking, and manly guy turned into a puddled of shy, embarassed, and awkward specimen when face with an assertive, and outspoken person like Megan. They'd make a perfect couple as their character balance each others out. Like an apple to a pie, a peanut butter to a jelly, and a captain with his cheerleader. She wonder if those two would actually become a lover someday, Daisy wish for her friend to find someone that will take care of her too, and love her unconditionally because, she deserve all the good things in this world, and Sam. . . Sam is an absolute match for her.

'Good. If you don't have a girlfriend then I think we can get along really well.' Megan commented, smiling at Sam whilst the guy's cheeks inked with a slightly pink color before it disappeared. He cleared his throat and looked anywhere but Megan. Yeah. Definitely a perfect couple.

When their foods arrives and served pleasantly, they ate it with gusto with occasional conversation— enjoying each other's company and the feelings to have someone nor your friend to join you with lunch. Daisy had never been happy and content before just because, she has a company on a simple and regular course in her life.

She love when Bryson took care of her even when they were eating, he cuts the food into bite-sized pieces, share his own too for Daisy to taste, refill her glass with juice whenever it was empty. He noticed everything about her like how she hates beans and the guy instantly separated and took the veggies to transfer on his plate.

Daisy enjoyed watching Megan teased and prodded Sam regarding his life and how Sam answered and replied Megan's every questions with hesitation, and in an almost skittish manner. Everything about what Daisy's eyes saw, what her ears heard, her hands touched, what her nose smell, how her senses works and coordinated very well— it brings a comfortable and unforgettable feeling in her heart. Something that she will always

treasure and remember for the rest of her life.

How long? How long will it take? How much time she has? When? When will all these things will taken from her?

Daisy doesn't want to think about those lonesome thoughts and nagging questions but, it's hard not to think about something that is inevitable and soon will come and disrupt her peaceful temporary life.

How she hope for the time to stop ticking, and running.

How she pray to let the hovering problems to just pass her life, and go away to a different and far place.

How she dream about to have the life she has right now to become a lifetime, something she'll always wake up unto.

How she love to have a time machine because when everything starts to fall apart, just one push of the rewind button, and the device will automatically send her back to this very moment.

How she. . . How she wants her name to be bestowed to her without underlying significant bequest that bind her presage fate.

How she wish.



[Hola. Buenas tardes. ¿Desea pedir? - 'Hello. Good Afternoon. Are you ready to order?' ]

[El compañero!- Buddy!]

[Es bueno verte de nuevo y yo trabajo aqui es asunto de mi familia. - Its good to see you again and I work here, it's my family business.]

[Me dieron de alta unos días después de ti' - I just got discharged a few days after you.]

['¿ Quien es ella?' -Who is she?]

[Ella es un tímida una-She's a little shy.]

[Perdón; ella es realmente una belleza-Sorry; She's really a beauty. ]

[Mi novia es realmente hermosa; Así que no me gusta cuando alguien la mira- My girlfriend is really beautiful; so i don't really like it when someone looked at her. ]

[Lo entiendo. Simplemente la encuentro atractiva, pero no es mi tipo. No te preocupes-I get it. I just find her attractive but, not my type. Do not worry.]

[Perdóneme-Excuse me.]

[Lo siento señorita. ¿Cuál es su orden?-I'm sorry miss. What is your order?]


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't hesitate to comment your thought and drop your suggestions. Love lots and stay safe x.

RGNPBTLVcreators' thoughts